"When we evaluate how we think, learn, and know things, we tend to make better, smarter decisions and continue to raise the bar and improve performance."Howard Getson According to Peter Diamandis, there are going to be two types of businesses at the end of this decade–businesses that use AI at their core and businesses that are out of business. What type of business will you be in? Our guest today shares how you can use AI to expand your potential in a variety of ways. Howard Getson is the founder…

"Intuition is the best guide we have. I'd rather trust my intuition than hear what others have to say about my life."Ambika Wauters If you’ve been a listener for a while, you already know I don’t rely solely on the medical industrial complex for my healing. Our guest today reveals the power of homeopathic medicine, divine energy, and other nontraditional healing modalities. Aside from being a renowned homeopath, Ambika Wauters is the author of 26 books that cover such topics as homeopathy, chakras, spiritual healing, and angels. She has also…

"One of the great tragedies is that many people reduce God to a set of intellectual propositions. In reality, we’re only dimly approximating a biblical thought. We’re not defining it."Perry Marshall Have you ever wondered whether God wants to be involved in all the asundry details of your life? Today’s guest has compiled a book of powerful stories that show how God gives people business strategies and ideas for their day-to-day lives. Perry Marshall is one of the most expensive business strategists in the world. His reinvention of the Pareto…

"Everything in your heart, body, and soul will go through you and down into the Earth, and then the Earth transmutes it into energy."Jean Malanaphy Have you ever felt like you needed a spirit guide who can help you along the journey of life? Here’s the good news: you already have one, well, actually multiple ones. Our guest today will show you how you can meet your spirit guides. Jean Malanaphy is a psychic medium whose goal is to help and heal others by connecting them with spirit. In doing…

"We all have different definitions of healing. So I look at it not just the physical body, but I'm looking at four pieces of a pie: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual."Barry Goldstein Did you know that you can use music to alter your energy? Whether you want to increase your productivity, bring yourself into relaxation, or check in with your emotional well-being, choosing specific songs can take you there. Today’s guest shows us how to navigate our energy and healing through music. Barry Goldstein has been a producer and composer…

"Medical intuition is using that ability to be a practitioner for others. But, it’s also receiving information about what is causing their physical illness or struggles in life; negative patterns that keep repeating."Tina Zion The causes of illness are not purely physical. There is often a spiritual or at least emotional root to it that can be discerned by medical intuition. This could be something from a past life, unbalanced energy, or bad spiritual forces at work. Our guest today explains how and why she channels the power of medical…

"The power of the Enneagram is that it is an exact map of unconscious motivations—the why you do what you do that you are unaware of."Ben Saltzman What are the coping mechanisms you have in place that prevent you from bringing your authentic self to the world? The Enneagram is a personality assessment and framework that uses nine different archetypes to reveal how people act from their unconscious motivations. Our guest today is an Enneagram expert who demonstrates how each type can transform into their true self. In addition to…

"The science of genetics is all focused on understanding genes. It's not about understanding biochemistry, people, humans, and illness. It's about the genes or what the genes are doing."Kashif Khan Your DNA is the key to unlocking your risk of chronic disease and a host of other issues that affect sleep, nutrition, immunity, and more. Today’s guest goes beyond focusing on genetic tendencies to explain what you can actually do about your genetic profile. Kashif Khan is the CEO of the world’s leading functional genomics researcher, The DNA Company. They…

"Failure is just a learning point. Rather than it being evidence of why you should stop, it’s evidence of why you should keep going."Peter Antoniou How would you live if you knew your mind could be read by others? You might clean up your thoughts and be more mindful with your intentions. Or at least that’s the way it is with me. Though it may sound hard to believe, today’s guest proves that mind-reading is very real indeed. Peter Antoniou is a highly sought-after variety artist, whose theater shows are…

"If we try to please everyone and do everything we don't want to do, we're just going to drive ourselves nuts, and we're going to miss out on many moments in our life."Aaron Scotti Why is it so important to stop judging others? Being judgmental impinges upon their freewill, and that's not fair to them or to your future self. And when you judge others, you’re inviting others to judge you. That’s karma. Today’s guest shares how he overcomes his tendency to judge and envy others. Aaron Scotti is a…

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