"The tone of voice is evident and distinct when it's guidance speaking. It's like a matriarch that's gentle yet firm."Divya Darling Befriending your brain is the business of my guest on today’s show, and she has actually created a thriving business around it. A great storyteller with a profound message, Divya Darling is devoted to illuminating the wisdom within. Having researched the mysteries of the mind for decades, obtaining degrees in neuroscience, psychology, and cognitive sciences and being an avid yogi and philosopher, Divya serves as a Transformational Brain Trainer.…

"When you treat each day as a gift, you develop a new set of eyes that look at the universe differently. You become more grateful and insightful."Stephan Spencer & Orion Talmay I feel so grateful and proud because today we are celebrating the 300th episode of Get Yourself Optimized! That is nearly 6 years, and I’ve never missed a week. I’m grateful for you my listener for taking this journey with me and growing with me over these years and I feel fulfilled gathering and sharing with the world amazing…

"Every marriage has an emotional bank account. Pile up the positivity so that there's still enough in the bank to keep things going when conflict comes."Drs. John and Julie Gottman A relationship is like a bank account—you are either making deposits or withdrawals every day depending on your behavior toward one another. My guests today are Dr. John Gottman and his partner in work and life, Dr. Julie Gottman. They are co-founders of the Gottman Institute, where they have been committed to an ongoing program of research and interventions to…

"The language of the Universe is symbol, metaphor, and myth."Dr. Frances Yahia From conception to death, we are all held to universal laws, so it makes sense that we should work to understand what those laws are. I was so impressed with my guest on today’s show, Dr. Frances Yahia after she did an interview on my wife Orion’s podcast, I knew I needed to have her on the show.  Dr. Yahia is a mental health counselor, akashic records reader, archetypal astrologer, podcast host and college professor. She uses universal…

"The greatest journey you'll ever be on is the one within."Edward Haschke The intelligence of the heart is not something you hear a lot about, but it is a powerful force in the career and life of my guest on today’s episode, Edward Haschke. Photographer, filmmaker, and entrepreneur - Edward is a relentless truth seeker and storyteller. His love for all things related to the nature of consciousness has brought him to discover hidden truths that he now shares with those with similar interests regarding forgotten history, suppressed technologies, and…

"Our life is the story we tell ourselves."Carl Taylor The truth of the world we live in, and the power of how we perceive life is within our control. My guest on today’s show is Carl Taylor, who wrote an excellent book called Becoming Bulletproof. Inspired by Superman as a kid, Carl wanted to write about letting those metaphorical bullets bounce off you. The idea is not that you won’t be shot at, but rather you keep moving forward, rolling with the punches, learning and adapting. In today’s episode, we…

"When things feel uncertain, instead of seeking answers, start asking the right questions."Anthony Capobianco Einstein taught us that everything is energy, or at least interchangeable to energy. So, because everything is made up of energy, every person, place, and thing vibrates at a different frequency. My guest today, Anthony Capobianco has learned that rather than focus on things he wants, he focuses on raising his vibration. He does not believe in luck, but he does believe that when you are in alignment you feel lucky, because things start to show…

"We have the power to do our healing, and it can be done when we learn how to access our innate wisdom."David Khan Some people feel like they’ve never fit in, and in the case of today’s guest, it turned out to be his gift. David Khan is a lifelong spiritual practitioner, musician, engineer and healer. His main passion is in research and developing therapies associated with sound, music, and frequencies that have powerful effects on allowing people to shift into deeper states of consciousness to activate their own innate…

"If you don't want to be the busy, overworked entrepreneur, work 'on' the business, not 'in' it."Michael Zipursky Does your business determine your lifestyle, or is it the other way around? My guest on today’s episode, Michael Zipursky, has learned from his decades in business that if you put your business goals at the top of the pyramid, everything will be in service to that, which he asserts (and I wholeheartedly agree) is the wrong way to live. Michael is the CEO of Consulting Success. He has helped over 450…

"Entrepreneurship is years of tweaking, adjusting, pivoting, improving, failing, learning to get the business to where it is now."John Lee Dumas You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with, according to my guest on today’s show, John Lee Dumas. Inspired by the idea of spending time with high achievers who he admired, John, an army veteran who had struggled with depression and PTSD, decided to embark on an entrepreneurial path to change his life and the lives of all his listeners. On his podcast, Entrepreneurs…

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