"When we pay more attention to what keeps our energy up, what fascinates us, and what motivates us to wake up every day, we begin to connect the dots."Dr. Toni Galardi Dr. Toni Galardi, my guest on today’s episode, once called herself “the poster child for the change impaired” because she was a bit  “slow” when it came to preparing for change. This kind of warm and very human confession is what makes Dr. Galardi so relatable, and so compelling. She has parlayed two advanced degrees and a license into…

"We don't take advantage of all our five senses. If I asked you what you ate or listened to yesterday, you would be able to answer them pretty quickly. But how about asking what you smelled yesterday? You might look at me like I have three heads."Tamar Weinberg The sense of smell is too often taken for granted, at least until this year, as one of the common symptoms of COVID-19 is a loss of smell. Did you know that scent, emotion, and memory are all intertwined in the chemistry…

"Isn't life all about the sandwiches? That's the best way to deal with life. Have a good sandwich and think about the best and worst moments you've witnessed. But no matter how much you've endured, you still get to have a good sandwich."Garry Meier The gift of gab is something today’s guest has been famous for since his days on the radio station The LOUP in Chicago starting in 1973. I’m especially excited to have one of my radio and podcast heroes, Garry Meier, with us here because, as a…

"Akasha is essentially a field of energy that surrounds every living being. It’s like this fabric that creates and connects all forms of life on this plane, as well as other planes."Anne Marie Pizarro There's a great Mark Twain quote, history doesn't repeat itself but sometimes it rhymes. Indeed, my guest today Anne Marie Pizarro, is someone who does some powerful work with what are known as the Akashic Records. Anne is an Akashic Records Reader, and I've gotten to experience her amazing work firsthand. What the Akasha is in…

"It doesn’t matter what country we live in, what language we speak, or what color our skin is, all human and animal souls have equal opportunities. For every action we commit, there is a similar reaction in this lifetime or another."Sheila Gillette My guest for today’s episode offers a rare window into a psychic phenomenon that is best explained by my guest herself. Sheila Gillette is one of those people who has dialed into a higher spiritual frequency and taps into it every day to assist as many people as…

"The only time you fail is not when you lose everything. It’s when you realize you didn’t like who you were and you didn’t have a good time doing it."Suzy Batiz When you’ve had the luxury of losing everything, you can start with a clean slate, assessing where you’ve been and where you want to go, because the only way to go is up. This inspiring and transformative perspective comes from today’s guest on the show, serial entrepreneur Suzy Batiz. Transformation is the common thread that runs throughout Suzy’s life…

"The nervous system is affecting your body from a software perspective. If it's not getting the correct information, it's not going to respond correctly."Dr. Uran Berisha My guest on today’s show has a mission, and that is to help one million people to reduce pain by 75% by December 31st, 2022. Dr. Uran Berisha is a dynamic personality and a medical pioneer who has devoted his life to understanding pain and changing people’s lives with the cutting-edge technology he has developed. Uran got started in pain therapy because he realized…

"It's usually the wisest, simplest, and least expensive strategies that turn out to be the most effective in taking good care of your health." Dr. Joseph Mercola This episode could save your life or the life of a loved one and I'm not being hyperbolic about this. For instance, after conducting this interview, I ordered and now have on hand food grade hydrogen peroxide and a nebulizer along with the tube and mask. It's ready to go in case I or anyone I care about starts showing respiratory symptoms of…

"The market is changing. We need to pivot and innovate, get creative, and still sell our services but on a different platform." Don Hutson Customer service miracles, adaptability skills, The One-Minute Negotiator—these are some of the most-requested presentation topics for talks given by my renowned guest in today’s podcast, Don Hutson. Don is the past President of the National Speakers Association, he is a coach and an author of 16 books, including The One Minute Entrepreneur, which sold over one million copies. His formula in coaching clients is (Vision +…

"I often hear the phrase, 'we are a slave to other people's opinions.' To set yourself free from that is not to disregard theirs. But, in a deep sense of respect, you take on your own first. Then you let other people's opinions model, mold, and help it." Guru Singh My discussion with Guru Singh today reminded me that we're all living in this sort of inverted pyramid, where we deal with the concrete realities around us at the tip of the pyramid, but above us, there's the rest of…

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