"A resilient nervous system is the best tool we have to create an immune resistance to anything. And it's not just Coronavirus." Sachin Patel We all have stressors that we deal with in life, but it’s pretty rare to have a situation where the whole world simultaneously is in a state of stress. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we all have concerns about our health and the health of our loved ones, but also about our economic well-being and the state of the world as a whole.  My guest today,…

"All mediums are psychics, but not all psychics are mediums. This unique ability is I'm able to see people who have crossed over or passed." Mark Christopher Nelson If you, like me, believe that our consciousness exists beyond our physical bodies, then this is an episode you’re going to want to listen to. This is no exaggeration, but today’s guest, Mark, saved a family member’s life in the middle of our interview. For privacy reasons, we’ve cut that part out of the interview, but rest assured this person who I…

"Relationships are difficult. They are the source of our greatest comfort, yet they can be the source of distance, intensity, anger, and pain." Dr. Harriet Lerner Relationships are like a dance – it’s always fascinating to take a look at the posturing that we all do, the dancing around subjects, and the way we engage in patterns that can be both enriching and destructive.  My guest in this episode, Dr. Harriet Lerner is one of our most respected voices in communication, particularly the “how-tos” of navigating the swamps and quicksands…

"When the audience is nodding in agreement, they are on the journey with you." Pat Quinn Before you step onto a stage to speak, you need to have clarity on two big questions: who your target audience is and what specific problem you solve for them. Once you answer these questions, it’s surprisingly easy to put together a great talk (or webinar, podcast, and so on). It’s when you’re vague and loose with these answers that your talk might meander and not reach anyone. Pat Quinn didn’t get his start…

"Habits determine everything in your life whether you're rich or poor, happy or unhappy, or at peace or in shape. It all boils down to the habits you cultivate." David Henzel Some people talk about changing their lives, but they lack the tools to get them unstuck. Then there are people who manage to change their sleep habits, diet, and move to a different country for an optimized lifestyle.  My guest for this episode, David Henzel, is that guy. He is an inspiring serial entrepreneur. He has started, as well…

"A tough conversation is any conversation that we’re avoiding and we don’t want to have. In fact, the brain doesn’t tell us we’re not having it. The brain doesn’t even consider that we can have it." David Wood There’s a funny scene in Jerry Maguire where Jerry is having a confrontation with his very high-strung, intense fiancée Avery. She says, What was our deal when we first got together? Brutal truth, remember? To which Jerry responds… I think you added the ‘brutal’. In everybody’s life there are the tough conversations…

"What businesses should do is work on the products and the services, not the hype that goes around them." Seth Godin This interview, which was originally featured on my Marketing Speak podcast is so incraedibly relevant in these turbulent times of 2020. My wise and wonderful guest, Seth Godin, has been such an influential force in my business, and in so many others.  Seth knows a thing or two about weathering the ups and downs of making a business succeed—he is an expert in prioritizing long-term survival over short-term profitability.…

"We can demystify business and make it approachable, where we actually make a difference and change lives." Steve Baker You’re probably familiar with the saying, a rising tide lifts all boats, which was part of a very moving speech by President Kennedy.  My guest today, Steve Baker, is someone who has made a career out of ingraining this concept to people in business. Steve is vice president of The Great Game of Business, Inc., and co-author, with Rich Armstrong, of Get In The Game: How To Create Rapid Financial Results…

"Normal is continually changing. Things will not go back to how they were before this pandemic. The world is changing, and so should our human ways." Mike Vardy Today, as I’m recording this, it’s World Productivity Day. And no, I didn’t make that up. As a productivity enthusiast, I took massive action yesterday and convinced Mike “The Productivityist” Vardy to join me for a livestream which we just finished broadcasting on Facebook. We covered topics as diverse as fear versus will, feeding the soil versus feeding the plants, modeling instead…

"The saying, 'if you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself' unfortunately constrains the business. It's absolutely not the best business lesson to learn." David Finkel If you have the idea in your mind that success in business automatically comes at great personal sacrifice, you haven’t gotten into the Maui mindset yet!  My guest today, David Finkel is the founder and CEO of Maui Mastermind, one of the world's premier business coaching companies helping businesses in the $1-50 million range build their companies and get their lives…

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