It has become commonplace to talk about being "triggered." While becoming part of the lexicon, this concept is more than just a buzzword. Acknowledging these emotional triggers provides a greater awareness of how our past can continue to affect us. PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, doesn’t just affect war heroes and first responders. We’ve all suffered trauma in our childhood, especially if you use the definition of trauma being anything less than nurturing, which I learned from previous guest, Brent Charleton. Traumatic experiences can alter our emotional responses and create problematic…

Something I learned in my Kabbalah class is when you focus on darkness, you attract more darkness. When you focus on the light, you get more light. Our brains work similarly, in that they have an incredible amount of neuroplasticity that we can literally mold through our daily habits, whether it's our sleeping, eating or consumption habits. We have the power to optimize them for better health and inner peace in our lives.  But we don't always make the best lifestyle choices for our future, especially in this day and…

A decade ago, I was a train wreck. I was recently divorced. I was socially awkward. I didn’t know how to talk to women. In fact, I was terrified to do so. I looked like a computer nerd who never saw the sun. Yeah, I was downright unattractive. Thankfully, I went through a metamorphosis. And the two men who started me on that path of reinvention were Tony Robbins and Neil Strauss. How I got from there to where I am now was no small feat. Initially it was about…

Elite performers aren’t overnight successes. Achieving and sustaining peak performance is not for the faint of heart. Or put another way, if you want the glory, you gotta have the guts to earn it. Whether you’re a prodigy, entrepreneur, athlete, author, celebrity, or C suite executive, you can’t reach your full potential without great mentors and without a reliable, high-performing team of people surrounding you who have your back. And if you’re gearing up for an influential, significant, and meaningful kind of life, you should be equipped with the right…

Can you believe it? 2020 is nearly upon us. It’s crazy how time flies! If you take this season to reflect on the past 12 months and plan for what’s coming, today’s episode might just help you achieve those lofty New Year’s resolutions. Who doesn’t want to live a better life? Whether it’s a job promotion you’re eyeing, a startup you’re building, or a diet you’re following, the feeling of overcoming challenges and becoming a better version of yourself is something determined individuals constantly strive for. But let’s be real,…

Living in the information age comes with a price. That price is overwhelm. We are drowning in data, and we desperately want to know who and what we can trust online. Especially when it comes to high stakes issues, such as our health and longevity. It’s important to be discerning, to not simply accept conventional wisdom, and to assess the incentives that may influence a health expert’s position on a topic. One of the biggest factors in our health is the food we eat. Honestly, how much of what you…

I'm really excited about this episode of Get Yourself Optimized because I was in full immersion into using the device we are going to talk about and I think it's going to be pretty interesting and potentially transformational for you, listeners. My two guests for this episode are Ratna Singh and Ulrich Dempfle. Ratna is the founder and CEO of CAR.O.L. She is a microbiologist, a McKinsey consultant, and an advertising guru with two kids. She never had the time to exercise until she invented CAR.O.L. Jogging was an option…

Many diseases today are caused by hormonal imbalances and the common denominator, the chemicals found in our food and personal care products. These nasty chemicals can cause diseases like cancer, obesity and Alzheimer's. Some have even been linked to depression. Before you place a product in your shopping cart, you need to know what it's made of and whether the manufacturer can be trusted. Furthermore, your genetics can play a pivotal role in whether that product is good for you or bad for you. So it really pays to have…

Entrepreneurs tend to showcase their successes and hide their screwups. Yet the mistakes, and what the entrepreneur learned from them, are arguably what brought on the success. It’s those failures that really hone one’s skills and intuition. One man who’s been honest about his missteps on the road to success in the hopes of helping others is Mike Michalowicz. In some ways, Mike and I have lived parallel lives, starting out with technology businesses in the 90s that we built up and eventually sold, moving on to a life of…

Of all the organs in the human body, the brain is arguably the most important, yet we still don't understand exactly how it works. When it comes to diseases of the brain, like Alzheimer’s and other types of Dementia, there are no cures and oftentimes, treatments focus on managing symptoms rather than stopping or slowing the disease. Dr. Joe DiDuro has treated many patients with neurodegenerative diseases and has seen firsthand just how devastating they can be to every aspect of a person's life. As a chiropractic neurologist and founder…

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