We are all imperfect humans, so we can't expect to have had perfect parents or caregivers. Most parents do the best they can. It's just an unfortunate reality that we as their children experienced trauma at their hands. Anything less than nurturing is trauma so the bar is pretty low. We have all experienced trauma in our childhoods. These traumas can still affect us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. They can show up in our work, our relationships, our parenting and even our sense of self-worth.   "Most of our belief systems…

Sleep is essential if you want to maintain stamina, achieve peak performance during your workday, and not get sick like I am right now. Unfortunately, our natural sleep patterns get disrupted by TVs, laptops, and cellphones that we look at for hours each day. Blue light emitted from the screens of these devices have been shown to delay the release of melatonin to make you more alert and to reset your body's internal clock. When you're exposed to blue light before bed, it takes you longer to fall asleep. You…

Way back in the 90s, in the early days of my first startup, Netconcepts, I read a book that changed how I viewed the information technology revolution. It was called Data Smog: Surviving the Information Glut. I never forgot that book. In fact, I recently looked up the author to see what he's up to these days. And what came out of that was well, this episode number 219. It's my pleasure to welcome to the show my guest today, David Shenk. He's author not only of the book Data…

Put down that phone! How many times a day do you find yourself scrolling Instagram or Facebook? If you are hopelessly addicted, don't feel too bad. These apps are designed to get you hooked and keep you coming back for more. You're just one of the millions who spend their days staring at a screen. But to believe that these apps have figured out some magic formula that we will never be able to escape is simply not true. It turns out that, instead, they've just learned to manipulate our…

There's an Indian proverb that goes something like, "A healthy person has many wishes, but the sick person has only one." Statistically speaking, we in the Western world are most likely to die from cancer. Yes, cancer recently surpassed heart disease as the biggest killer. It really is no longer viable to stand idly by without taking some proactive actions to prevent cancer and to innovatively treated if you have it. We all have cancer cells in our bodies circulating in our bloodstream. It's just that our immune system is…

Are you born an entrepreneur? Or is it something that can be learned? If you take Steve Glaveski's success as an indicator then it's definitely the latter. Steve is the founder of several companies including Collective Campus and Lemonade Stand. They're all underpinned by the philosophy of making the world a better place by teaching more people to embrace an entrepreneurial mindset. It's a powerful idea and one that I personally find inspirational. One of Steve's arguments is that we not only need more entrepreneurs, but more entrepreneurial employees and…

We all love that satisfying feeling of getting things done. Unfortunately, clearing off your to-do list often seems like an epic task without any end. If you've struggled with this problem yourself, you probably realize that if you want to maximize your productivity, you need a system.  My guest for this episode number 215 also came to this realization and the system he developed became a global phenomenon. I'm talking about David Allen, author of Getting Things Done, creator of the GTD or Getting Things Done Methodology, and one of…

If you want to succeed, you need to work hard right? Hustle. It's all about cramming in as much as you can in each day, working long hours, and even pulling that occasional all-nighter, at least when you have to. Wrong! At least according to my guest for this episode number 214. Well, and me too, for that matter.  In his new book Rest, Alex Pang argues that you actually get more done when you work less. It sounds counterintuitive, but when you think about it, it makes total sense.…

We're entering a new phase of the World Wide Web and most of us aren't even aware of it, or at least not aware of the full extent of it. It's referred to by many as Web 3.0 and it will shepherd in a new era of AR, VR, mixed reality, AI, IoT, and blockchain. This new iteration of the web will be a spatial web, where there are no boundaries between digital space and physical space. I'm excited for you to learn in this episode how much of your…

What exists beyond our physical reality? Is it possible to connect with other realms of existence and the beings that inhabit them, including loved ones who have moved on from our world? These are esoteric questions, but some have made it their life's work searching for answers to them. One of these people is Paul Selig, psychic, medium teacher, and award-winning author. Paul was educated at Yale and served on the faculty of NYU for over 25 years. In 1987, a spiritual experience left him with clairvoyant abilities, and he…

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