We all know that as we get older, our risk for certain diseases increases, our bodies wear out, and our mental faculties often fade. Aging is something that most of us just accept as a fact of life, but does it have to be? Scientific research is starting to reveal the underlying causes of aging and how diet, genetics, and environment can all contribute to the deterioration of our bodies. In fact, scientists can now recommend specific foods, therapies, and supplements that can reduce the risk of disease and combat…

I’ve been podcasting for four years and it feels like just yesterday that the first episode was published. As we wrap up Get Yourself Optimized’s 200th episode, I can’t help but look back and reflect on the last 100 guests who have graciously agreed to be on the show. It was such an honor interviewing some of the best experts, influencers, and trailblazers in the world of biohacking, business, and self-development. So many lessons learned and tips and tricks gained to live a highly optimized life. This special episode is…

Stem cells are quietly bringing about a revolution in health and longevity, and doctors are now looking at stem cells as a viable treatment for a number of ailments including spinal cord injuries and neurological conditions. Stem cells also appear to have a lot of potential when it comes to aging. On this episode number 199, I'm joined by Dr. Amy Killen, an expert in anti-aging, regenerative, and aesthetic medicine. Amy works out at the Docere Clinics at Utah where she practices cutting edge treatments that reduce the effects of…

The human brain is an endless source of mystery and wonder. It’s the most powerful computer we know of, at least for now, and it’s a tool that has allowed the human race to achieve incredible things. The brain is also much more flexible and adaptable than many people realize. Someone who understands this more than most is Anat Baniel. She’s a psychologist, best-selling author of two books, Move Into Life and Kids Beyond Limits, and the creator of NeuroMovement, a powerful methodology that uses physical movement to rewire the…

Do you run your business or does your business run you? As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to get buried in the details and lose sight of longer-term goals while you fritter away your time picking up the slack or fixing minor day-to-day issues. I admit that I get caught up in the minutia way too often. “Majoring in the minors and minoring in the majors,” as they say. Ideally, you should be working smart rather than hard by applying your genius on the highest value activities. The best and probably the…

It's a common misconception that the genetics we inherit from our parents determine our fate with regards to diseases and our overall health. The truth is your genes are not your destiny. While genetics certainly play a role, scientists now know there are many other factors that can exacerbate or trigger underlying genetic issues, including diet, exercise, your external environment and even your internal environment of your body, which includes things like your metabolism, microbiome, hormone levels and inflammation in your organs. "Our genes don't dictate our destinies." Dr. Ben…

If you're a regular audience to the show, you know that I'm a major productivity nerd. My guest for this episode is someone who intrigues me because he has developed his own simple process for getting things done and achieving his goals, and it works. His name is Tommy Baker and he calls his system, The 1% Rule. It's all about embracing the daily grind and developing a routine that gets resolved. Tommy has applied this method to his own life, but he also helps others realize their dreams via…

Sometimes here in the West, we can get so caught up in new ideas, we overlook traditional practices that have been around for centuries. My guest for this episode is Dennis Notten, a yoga meditation teacher, healer and a student of indigenous medicine from the Amazon and other parts of South America. Dennis has spent an extensive amount of time in the Amazon learning healing techniques from tribes like the Yawanawá in Brazil. He's on a mission to bring some of these powerful methods to a broader audience in the…

One of the more powerful books I've ever read is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It was first published over 80 years ago. Since then, it's sold over 70 million copies worldwide. It truly is timeless and has changed many people's lives, mine included. Many millionaires and billionaires have credited the book as a primary reason for their success. Among them is our guest for this episode, John Shin. John is not only a wildly successful entrepreneur but also a motivational speaker, philanthropist, movie producer and author of…

On an average workday, how long do you spend sitting in front of a computer? Does your office have artificial lights? Do you microwave a meal for dinner and then sit down in front of the TV? Although we spend most of our time in environments filled with electromagnetic fields or EMFs, we rarely think about this kind of radiation exposure, but what effect are all these devices having on our bodies? There's growing evidence that our lifestyles could be causing adverse effects like headaches, ringing in the ears, lack…

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