"It's not prayer that's religious, but more the devotion and the reverence about your life force."Agapi Stassinopoulos Regardless of whether or not we practice organized religion, connecting with our higher self opens the doorway to receiving divine guidance that can transform our lives. With my guest on today’s episode, we explore how prayer and conversation with God, Spirit, and Source lead to a greater understanding of our true nature. I’m delighted to have Agapi Stassinopoulos here on the show with me. She’s an international speaker and author of Wake Up…

"The art of investing is being able to get out of the emotion and look at the actual business soundly and rationally."David Leiter Navigating the investment landscape requires more than just following trends; it demands deep understanding and strategic thinking. This episode features David Leiter, a seasoned financial and real estate investor with over two decades of experience. From his early days at

"To get to where you want to be, you need to let go a little bit. When you're in full alignment—body, mind, spirit—things will come without effort."Shara Ogin Sometimes, in life, you can have a lot of titles and accomplishments and– on paper– seem quite together, when on the inside, you’re struggling and feeling anything but together. My guest on today’s show shares her experience of seeming to have it all, yet grappling with a pervasive insecurity and growing depression, which led her to explore spirituality and energy work. Shara…

"When you biohack baldness, your goal shouldn’t just be thick hair. You should strive to achieve hair restoration in a way that aligns with your overall health and well-being."Dr. Alan Bauman Fifteen years ago, the Universe provided me a powerful kick in the pants, prompting me to undergo both a physical and mindset transformation. An extreme makeover, if you will – inside and out. Part of that included a hair transplant. It made a big difference in my confidence and how I held myself. A few years later would come…

"When we realize our specific purpose, a morphogenic field emerges to unite our energies and transcend the dimensions of reality."Dr. Cathleen King “Mind over matter” may sound trite or even offensive to someone suffering from chronic illness or trauma, but my guest today has unlocked the potential for self-healing for herself and thousands of others in her program by transcending limiting beliefs. Joining us on today’s show is Dr. Cathleen King, known to her patients simply as Dr. Cat. She’s a physical therapist and neuroscience-based mind-body practitioner focused on chronic…

"The PARA method is a game-changing solution to not only organize and declutter your digital content, but to expand your creative output."Tiago Forte What if everyone in the world was freed from brain fog? It would make my guest on today's show a very happy man. Tiago Forte is an internationally renowned expert in unlocking creativity and achieving peak performance who has taught over 20,000 students worldwide. He was also a previous guest here (episode #184). Tiago has worked with major organizations, including Toyota and Genentech, to implement productivity systems.…

"When we awaken to our individual divinity, we discover our connections to the divine, all-encompassing power of God."Dr. Joe Vitale What if life could be filled with miracles and magic? According to today's guest, this is our natural state of being. It's really incredible to have Dr. Joe Vitale here. Dr. Vitale, also known as "Mr. Fire," is no stranger to miracles. After overcoming homelessness and becoming a self-made multimillionaire, he discovered Ho'oponopono - an ancient Hawaiian system for achieving peace through taking 100% responsibility. His book, The Attractor Factor…

"Feeding your microbiome is crucial to your overall health."Dr. Steven Gundry What if the very foods we think are healthy are actually harming us? Dr. Steven Gundry, a renowned surgeon and nutrition expert, joins us to upend our assumptions about diet and longevity. Early in his distinguished medical career, Dr. Gundry pioneered life-saving surgical techniques. However, he soon realized he could prevent many procedures from even happening by teaching patients how to eat. His extensive research revealed surprising truths about foods, like lectins, and the vital role of our microbiome.…

"Voice biohacking is not about art. It fulfills a physiological need to express deep emotions."Juliana Andreeva The voice is our instrument for self-expression, yet many struggle to access their full vocal potential. What if singing could be effortless and freeing instead of frustrating? My guest on today’s show, Juliana Andreeva, innovative voice coach and founder of Voice Biohacking, joins us to share her journey of unlocking the secrets of the voice. With early music studies unable to help her sing, Juliana dove deep into the intersection of neuroscience, psychology, and…

"Music is a beautiful form of self-expression. It also leads to a powerful journey to neurologically develop your creative capability while actively preparing for the future."Neil Moore Music is a universal language that taps into our shared humanity. Unfortunately, a lot of us figure out—or are told—early on that we are not musical, so we shut ourselves off to exploring our musical creativity. My guest on today’s show wondered—what if this creative capability could be revealed in all people, even those who believe themselves to be "unmusical"? Neil Moore is…

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