We live in a world where much of science insists that the world is limited to its physical, measurable aspects, and that there is nothing supernatural beyond that. Mystics, on the other hand, largely ignore the role of science and try to explain the world purely through spirituality. It’s all too rare to combine science and spirituality in a compelling way, but that’s exactly what we’re going to explore in this episode. We’ll go down the rabbit hole to a place where quantum physics, consciousness, and mysticism all meet. Our…

Have you ever had a dream in which you realized you were dreaming? Did you control what happened in your dream even though you were aware that your body was asleep in bed? Or did you realize that you were having a nightmare and tried to wake yourself up? If you’ve ever had either of those experiences, you’ve gotten a taste of lucid dreaming. If you’re ready for more than a taste, and want to unlock the power of being conscious that you’re dreaming, tune into this episode! "Lucid dreaming…

This is an extremely exciting episode. I have been working for years to get today’s guest Donny Epstein on the show. In 2012, I experienced his healing modalities first hand, and it was a game changer for me. My amazing wife Orion was also there and I invited her on the show to share what it was like working with Donny. She believes that Donny’s work can transform your life, and everyone who is open to it should really give it a try. We have both experienced entrainments from Donny…

In a world obsessed with five and ten-year plans, it’s easy to get so caught up in the big picture that you forget to take the smaller steps you need to get there. Believe it or not, any goal you make should only be 90 days out. Research around procrastination and avoidant behavior indicate that goals further out than this create high levels of avoidant behavior. While it’s important to keep the big picture in mind, sticking to concrete, 90-day goals helps you stay focused on getting there. "Doing more…

If you think that high status is the key to professional success, a longer life, better health, and better personal and professional relationships, think again. It’s not actually high status that’s the key, but rather likability. Unlike high-status people, likable people aren’t aggressive. Instead, they’re focused on making everyone feel heard, important, included, and valued. One way to do this is to pay attention to the amount of time you spend focused on others rather than yourself. "Likeability, not status, predict longer lives, better health, and better relationships" Mitch Prinstein…

When those of us who don’t suffer from anxiety or panic attacks hear about others having them, it’s easy to minimize the experience. We might think a panic attack just feels like a few minutes of extreme stress, which we’ve all been through! In fact, a true panic attack can be far more intense. Imagine being fine one moment and completely disoriented the next. Picture having difficulty breathing and intense vision distortions. Your heart is pounding, you’re covered in sweat, and you’re terrified that you’re literally dying. "Anxiety can present…

For many of us, it’s hard to let go of control of many aspects of our business. Whether it’s our email inbox or our blog posts, it’s never easy to relinquish control. Imagine how much easier life would be, though, if you knew you could go on sabbatical for six months and your business wouldn’t miss a beat. When you have the right team of virtual assistants, your business can operate with minimal input from you. This means you can focus on the things that you actually need to do…

You’re only as young as your oldest part. This is why it’s vitally important to ensure that all of your body is functioning at  optimum levels instead of focusing on just one organ or system. This extends all the way from the obvious systems, such as the digestive and coronary systems, to the less-obviously important parts of the body, which includes surprising parts like the nose. Thankfully, it’s becoming increasingly possible to reduce and even eliminate the functions of aging. Dr. Eric Braverman joins me today to talk about achieving…

Do you treat a rented apartment the same way you would treat your own home? Do you treat a rented car as well as you treat your own car? If you’re like most people, the honest answer is probably “no.” Similarly, most people who figuratively rent their jobs don’t treat them with the same passion or the same investment as they would if they felt they owned their jobs. This doesn’t necessarily mean having financial ownership of the job; emotional ownership is just as important. Tune into this episode with…

Lots of people focus on one area of life at a time. They might try to create wealth, lose weight, get into shape, or create and maintain relationships . You don’t achieve success by chasing after one or two things with intent. Instead, true success comes from creating balance across different areas of your life. Regardless of your professional role or personal life, it’s likely that you’re suffering from a lack of balance. If you’re ready to achieve that balance, this is the episode for you! My guest, Arman Sadeghi,…

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