Romantic relationships are both infinitely complex and incredibly simple. There are four types of men and four types of women, making it simple for an expert to predict what sort of partner you might look for based on your personality and current life stage. Based on these patterns of attraction,  we can identify our current roles and shift into becoming real men and real ladies. Dr. Pat Allen, a relationship expert and transactional analyst, joins me on today’s show to explore these concepts in depth. She offers no-holds-barred relationship advice…

If you’re an animal lover, you’re going to love this episode! So many people think that dog training needs to be about obedience, commands, and tricks. The truth is that this is an unnecessarily authoritarian approach, and that treating your dog with mindfulness, love, and respect can help forge a deep connection that eliminates behavioral issues. A good friend of mine, Tamar Geller, is here today to walk us through her approach. Tamar is truly a dog whisperer; she’s a dog trainer and coach for Oprah, Jon Stewart, Ben Affleck,…

Imagine if all it took to seduce a beautiful, brilliant woman in a cafe was some creativity with a simple packet of sugar. What if that common “I have a boyfriend refrain” was the beginning of a lasting interaction rather than the ending to a quick one? You’ll be able to turn these scenarios into reality using techniques from today’s conversation. Ross Jeffries, a self-proclaimed “attraction engineer,” has been called the godfather of the pickup artist community. As he’ll explain in this episode, the techniques he teaches are valuable not…

Today’s show features an incredible story of transformation. AJ Mihrzad was just an overweight kid who wasn’t happy with the way his life was going. He studied and learned everything he could in effort to change his life. His hard work paid off and he eventually lost 60 pounds. Along the way, he discovered the joy of sharing his newfound knowledge to inspire others. AJ has repeatedly applied principles of transformation to all aspects of his life. He’s even added psychological and mental aspects to his fitness regimen. He has…

If you’ve ever tried to quit carbs, you know how hard it can be. But did you realize that carbohydrates are eight times more addictive than cocaine? Giving up fats can be incredibly difficult too. Fortunately, we don’t need to quit eating fats to be healthy. Some fats are essential while others can be detrimental to our health. It’s all about finding the right ones and creating balance in our diets. Udo Erasmus, acclaimed author of the bestselling book Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill, is here today to explain the…

What’s the secret to becoming financially wealthy? Many of us relentlessly pursue the almighty dollar but fail to get rich. As you’ll learn in this powerful episode, you have to let go of your attachment to money and focus on solving the world’s problems in order to secure more wealth. Money is a manifestation of energy and it needs to be treated and respected accordingly. Here to explain all this is the remarkable Dame DC Cordova. DC is the CEO of Excellerated Business Schools, which boasts over 100,000 graduates and…

My guest today is Jay Fiset. Jay is the founder of Mastermind to Millions and author of the bestselling book Reframe Your Blame, which he’ll give listeners for free in this episode! Many of us go through life feeling like we’re victims of circumstance and have no control over our world. This feeling of victimization is as natural as breathing, but that doesn’t mean it’s a positive force in our lives. Instead, living a fulfilled life comes from a place of accountability and responsibility. Jay and I go into depth…

Imagine having the ability to cure many chronic health conditions, ranging from IBS to headaches to eczema, all by modifying your diet. No, this isn’t a recommendation for the trendy panacea of cutting out gluten. Instead, the key to improving your health and vitality is in determining exactly which foods cause issues for your individual body. Sure, that might be gluten, but it might also be tomatoes, potatoes, or even broccoli. "The right food for you makes all the difference." Jeffrey Zavik Jeffrey Zavik, the founder of Immuno Laboratories and…

How would your life change if you saw every hardship and obstacle you encountered as a promise of a better future rather than as something that ruins your plans (or just your day)? This kind of perspective is often clear in hindsight, but may be harder to see in the moment. I hope that today’s conversation with Getrude Matshe, who opens up about her recent near-death experience and how past obstacles have led to her happy present, will help give you some of that perspective. "What matters are the people…

Let’s be honest: we’d all like to make more money, and put that money to even better use for us. Whether you’re still working for “the man” and trying to figure out how best to put your paycheck to use, or already a successful entrepreneur who knows about passive income and letting your money work for you, there’s always more to know and powerful ways to make your money work harder. "You become a millionaire by making money, keeping money, and investing money." Loral Langemeier Today’s guest, Loral Langemeier, is…

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