Most of us have limiting beliefs and annoying triggers that we want to shed. It’s just part of being human. Today, we learn how to break through these things and more with two powerful processes called the Instant Miracle and the Peace Process. Christian Mickelsen is a best-selling author, speaker, and coach who shares these processes along with techniques like muscle testing and focusing on mindset to let go of negativity. "All of the things we want are available to us, we are the ones holding ourselves back." Christian Mickelsen…

Hello, and welcome to Get Yourself Optimized! I’m your host, Orion Talmay. Wait… that doesn’t sound quite right, does it? Well, that’s because this week, I’m stepping in to interview my husband (and the usual host of this show), Stephan Spencer. In case you haven’t figured out yet what the big occasion is, it’s that this is episode #100 of this amazing podcast! "Knowledge is power. Always be learning, optimizing and up-leveling in every aspect of your life." Stephan Spencer with Orion Talmay In our conversation today, Stephan pulls together…

Happiness is something that we all want to achieve. Finding a way to create a life that is fun and successful is possible through a culmination of study, searching, and personal transformation. Today’s guest, Valerie Sheppard shares a four step process to finding happiness that she has distilled from her own personal journey and search for happiness. Valerie spent many years studying and searching for information about finding and achieving happiness. Her four step process consists of the commonalities she discovered in many different teachings. "Living Happy to Be ME…

These days, when we hear about “the 1%” and “the 99%,” it’s almost always in terms of social commentary on the disparity between the highest financial class and everyone else. In kabbalah wisdom, though, the terms mean something else entirely. The 1% is the aspect of something (or someone) that we can perceive; it’s the external, physical aspect. The 99% represents the internal aspect, encompassing the energy underlying everything. Don’t worry if this Kabbalistic concept isn’t immediately clear! On the show today to help explain this, as well as many…

There’s a single trait in your handwriting that may indicate how likely you are to be a felon. In fact, the correlation is so strong that around 80% of imprisoned felons demonstrate this trait in their writing. But this doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to a life of crime if you happen to form your written words a certain way. Instead, consciously changing your handwriting has been shown to change your personality accordingly. My guest today is Mike Mandel. Mike is intimately familiar with topics such as hypnosis, influence, and…

My guest on today’s podcast is Adam Siddiq who believes in using energetic discipline to optimize your soul, life and emotions to achieve peak performance and leave a positive impact on the world. If you’re listening to this show, you’re probably the type of person who’s enlightened enough to know that the healthy response to being cut off in traffic isn’t to succumb to shallow road rage, but rather to plug into forgiveness, understanding, and calm. But let’s be realistic: that’s far easier said than done. Adam brings incredible value…

Are you confused about what kind of diet to follow? Harvard educated psychologist Melanie Joy helps shed light on this controversial issue and how to choose a path that creates better health and aligns more with our basic human values. She even has tips for meat eaters to support a more sustainable lifestyle in a non-judgemental way. Dr. Joy explains how carnism, an invisible belief system or ideology that conditions us to eat certain animals affects all of our lives. Listen to this episode as we discuss taking back your…

Sam Morris, my guest on the show today, after being paralyzed in 1999, was determined not to be the victim of his circumstances. Would you be angry? Resentful? Bitter? All of those are understandable human reactions, but shifting your perspective can turn that injury (or any other tragic accident) into a gift and a catalyst for change in your life and the lives of countless others. Facing his physical paralysis head-on allowed him to see other kinds of paralysis (such as mental or emotional paralysis) for what they are, and…

Imagine a world in which just about everything about you (from your location to what you do online to everything on your TV) is tracked by various machines and companies and is then sold -- after you willingly give away your rights to this information. A world in which there’s a second version of the internet, full of people selling nefarious services. A world including innumerable people ready to steal your entire online identity and then ransom it back to you. "Nothing is free in this world. If you're asking…

Did you know there’s technology that can detect pancreatic, ovarian, and lung cancer for just three cents in only five minutes?  Or that we’re increasingly able to modify our DNA? There have been incredible advances in diagnostic technologies, nanorobots, and the function of genes, all working towards saving lives. Today our conversation is with Jack Andraka about his love of science, how persistence paid off for him, and about the future of medicine. Prepare to be charmed by the 20-year-old wunderkind, who was only 15 years old when he invented…

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