‏‏Hello, and welcome to Get Yourself Optimized! I’m your host, Stephan Spencer, and it’s my pleasure to invite on to this episode Carmen Simon. Carmen is a PhD, an expert in brain science, and author of the brand new book, Impossible to Ignore. It just came out a week ago, basically, from when we were recording and this is her third book. As a cognitive scientist, Carmen has helped some of the world’s most visible brands craft memorable messages by focusing on how the brain works. I’m super excited about this…

We often dwell upon achieving our dream life-bettering our career, earning more income, and having an amazing relationship with our soulmate. What if you could achieve all of that by using a tool as simple as a vision board that would inspire you to take action? You could find true love through picturing your dream life, or relight the spark in your current relationship and remember why you fell in love. Today, dating pioneer Renee Piane shares her secrets on keeping partners happy, finding love, and opening yourself up to…

While most entrepreneurs and busy professionals are glued to their email and phone, Tim Feriss mastered the art of delegating. He’s the author of the bestselling book The 4-Hour Workweek and he’s here to share tips on his favorite productivity hack: delegation. The majority of your to-do list can be outsourced, and with a little direction, a virtual assistant can free up your time, allowing you to work less while earning more. We discuss where to find virtual assistants, how to determine what to delegate, hiring the right candidates and…

With all of the diets available to us, it’s difficult to know what we should be eating-but the results of The Bulletproof Diet speak for themselves. Dave Asprey is a biohacker who created the diet that not only helped him lose and keep off hundreds of pounds, but also optimize brain performance and clarity, energy, and rid your body of environmental toxins. We discuss the science behind yo-yo dieting, the best foods for optimal health, the importance of testing your hormones and more. "I can tell you that if you’re…

Owning real estate is the ultimate form of passive income, creating a lifestyle of wealth and freedom. Starting your own real estate empire is simple with the right focus, knowledge, and teams in place. Expert real estate investor Mike Wolf is here to walk us through the steps of turning your first house into a huge portfolio of cash-generating investments. We discuss how to choose the best cities to invest in, when to sell a property, how to find investors and more. "If your goal is to have more freedom…

Going through a personal transformation is never easy, but Michael Morelli makes it simple by taking the guesswork out of becoming healthier. After going through his own success story, he turned the negative experience of divorce and bankruptcy into earning six figures in one month while helping others to combat obesity. We discuss how to burn fat fast, eat foods in their natural state, and become more aware so that you can change bad habits. "We see trainers, fitness entrepreneurs, Victoria’s Secret models, and GQ guys who work out 60-90…

What would you do in a disaster situation, or if you realized that your streets were lined with zombies? Most of us wouldn’t be prepared, but with Aaron Hagedorn’s tips, we have a chance of survival. Aaron is the host of the humor-filled survivalist podcast In The Rabbit Hole. We discuss how to prepare for the impossible, the best practices for self-defense, resources that can help in a disaster and more. "Skills and knowledge will always be better than the gear itself and that’s something I really like to drive…

When you truly believe that you can be successful in your career, relationships, and all areas of your life, that belief can manifest itself into reality. Stever Robbins has been an entrepreneur since he was 14 years old, and shares his insight on everything from changing your mindset, setting a career plan, productivity, and using your creativity to do things that have never been done. We discuss the best time management skills, how to earn your worth, changing your beliefs through Neuro-Linguistic Programming and more. "A lot of people believe…

Is it possible that any pain and suffering you feel is just a projection of your mind, and can be ended, for good? Byron Katie’s method, The Work, has helped countless people around the nation to live happier, more peaceful lives, and she believes that everyone can apply her method to create change. We discuss how to end pain and suffering, learning to forgive and find peace, how to become open to change and more. "The more we question our judgments, the kinder we become. I think love is the…

Becoming your own banking system isn’t just for the ultra-wealthy. Ray Poteet, founder of Living Wealth, has been helping people to stop paying high interest rates to traditional banks, and start earning that income back themselves through whole life insurance policies. Not only can you earn back your interest and principle, your money will also grow at a much higher interest rate than a savings account, locked in and guaranteed. We discuss how to create your own personal banking system, doubling your income, and the benefits of the Infinite Banking…

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