In this Episode
- [00:30]Stephan introduces his next guest, Katie Beecher, a Licensed Professional Counselor and Medical and Emotional Intuitive with over thirty years of experience.
- [02:19]Stephan wants to start by knowing the origin story of Katie in becoming a medical intuitive and having to heal herself.
- [06:24]Katie differentiates communication with deceased loved ones from medical intuition.
- [09:47]Katie emphasizes that allowing your feelings helps open up channels and get intuitive signals from the spirit and inside of our bodies and shares a technique to talk to your intuition and body.
- [15:42]Stephan is interested to know the details about Katie’s experience having Lyme disease and being able to heal herself.
- [18:33]Katie shares the percentage of her time spent working one-on-one with clients in comparison to her working on books, courses, or creating content for wider distribution.
- [21:20]Stephan and Katie discuss lower back pain and the physical and emotional cause of the symptoms.
- [29:50]Katie states her interest in working with people in a mentorship, clearing energy, with helping them to heal their bodies. Further, she shares her ideas about dark energies.
- [34:40]Stephan wants to know Katie’s thoughts about the non-existence of evil, and it is just an illusion.
- [38:56]Katie and Stephan talk about the ways of discerning and confirming if the other side is trying to get attention or that they are of the light.
- [43:14]Stephan asks how to identify flickering lights as someone on the other side is trying to get attention or just an electrical misfire.
- [44:50]To take the next step with Katie Beecher, visit her website, make appointments, and learn more about her classes. Also, grab a copy of her book, Heal From Within, to have a guide for intuitive wellness.
Katie, it’s so great to have you on the show.
It is so nice to be here. You guys are some of my favorite people.
You’re part of my Navy SEAL team of amazing psychics, so we love working with you and also sending as many folks to you as possible. Hopefully, you’ll get some more business from this podcast episode. I’d love to start with your origin story, how you ended up as a medical intuitive, and how you ended up having to heal yourself.
When I was young, I always picked up on people’s energy. I always sort of knew what people were thinking. I remember looking at my parents at the age of three and going, you two are not equipped to raise me, I think I have to do this myself. I knew a lot of different things about the adults around me too who were not especially safe in a lot of ways.
When I was young, I always picked up on people’s energy. I always sort of knew what people were thinking.
Around the age of 10, I started to pick up a lot of negative energy, which was pretty terrifying, especially when you’re young—negative spirits and feeling like I was sort of being attacked and things, which looking back sounds really dramatic now, but I was 10 years old so it’s kind of terrifying. I basically decided I wanted nothing to do with my abilities.
Around the age of 12, I started developing an eating disorder and I had depression. Divine intervention took over and I called our pediatrician without telling my parents because I didn’t think they’d be supportive. He referred me to a therapist, I started going, I paid for it myself, and I got myself there.
Fortunately, she was a Jungian therapist, Carl Jung, and taught me a lot about how to connect to my intuition, how to accept my intuitive and psychic gifts, how not to be afraid of them, self-love, and all of that kind of thing. I knew at that point that I’d be doing some sort of healing work using my intuition helping people with what I had learned. I feel like that was one of the best things that happened to me because it helped me to change, become authentic, and figure out who I was instead of always worrying about what other people wanted.
I became a therapist, worked really intuitively, and then a series of crazy events happened. I realized that the work that I was doing just wasn’t fulfilling enough, wasn’t deep enough, and I needed more. I took a three-day course with Mona Lisa Schulz, who’s a pretty well-known medical intuitive, and she basically just said, give me a name and age.
I thought, yeah, this is amusing. Nothing’s going to happen, but I ended up being able to see people, know things about them, know things about their childhood—and it was people or animals or whatever—and I found my calling (if you will). That was 10 years ago and I’ve been doing it ever since, just kind of developing my own way of doing things.
You took a course from Mona Lisa Schulz and you got some mentoring from her as well?
It’s a three-day thing and she didn’t teach us how to be medical intuitive because I think we all have intuitive abilities, but I think that’s a hard thing to teach. She taught us about the mind-body connection, chakras, how to tap into your intuition more, and trusting yourself. When you get information from your guides, kind of not judging it, not questioning it, just letting it in, and figuring out what to do with it at that point.

Then I took a once-a-month online thing with her for about a year and we just practiced. That was really helpful. Then basically anybody I knew, I was like, hey, can I practice on you or do you have a deceased relative that I can practice on? It just went from there.
When you’re communicating with deceased loved ones of different clients, how is that different from medical intuition? I have a good sense of it, but I’d love for our listeners to better understand the differences between mediumship, channeling, and medical intuition.
That’s really important. Part of my reading is often I will pick up messages from loved ones who have passed away. That is more things like I will pick up how they passed away, characteristics about them, or things like that, and that is mostly to either relay a message to my client or let them know that these people are still with them.
The medical and emotional intuition process is very deep. I can see into their whole life, bodies, childhood, trauma, relationships, and career, you name it—both challenges and strengths. I take all that information, create a report, create a symbolic painting, and send it to the client. Then we discuss all of it and try to look at all of the root causes for the things that they’re unhappy with and problem solve the things that we can do.
I am not ethically or legally able to diagnose. There are people who do this that do and that’s not okay, but I can identify symptoms and I can say, this feels like Lyme disease and we have a discussion. Then there are doctors and things that I refer to you to help both confirm what I’ve said, do testing, and do the additional treatment. It’s often a team approach.
The most important thing is that I teach clients how to connect to their intuition, how to trust it, and how to help figure out what they need to heal. I don’t want people dependent on me because that takes away their strength.
Because everybody is psychic, right?
I don’t want people dependent on me because that takes away their strength.
They are. I believe everybody’s intuitive. It’s funny, I’ll do classes and I’ll do an exercise where I just say, this is a name and age, just write down everything you can, and people are terrified. I’ve had people tell me what they found, people are super accurate. They know all these things that surprise them. It’s kind of the more you practice, the more you tune your intuition in a lot of different ways.
Even medical intuition, if you have pain, sore throat, or something, you have to decide, do I need to lay down? Do I need to take something? Do I need to see a doctor? With your kids too. You’re doing medical intuition without even realizing it.
Right. Intuition isn’t just like a gut feel. It really is a knowing from the other side of the veil.
Absolutely. I really believe that it’s this all-knowing force that’s part of everyone, that knows everything about us. Unconditional love, unconditional acceptance is always there keeping us safe. It’s kind of like your dog, it doesn’t really care what you weigh, what you look like, or if you have makeup on. It’s just always there for you and protecting you and all that sort of thing.
How does our listener tune in to what’s going on inside of their body in a way that gives them insight beyond just a regular kind of, oh, I should go to the doctor or I should go lay down?
I have found that before you even connect to intuition, you need to be able to allow your feelings. That means positive as well as difficult, I’m not really going to say negative because I don’t like to put judgment on feelings. A lot of things are really hard to feel, and if you block out the difficult things, you’re going to block out the things that feel good as well.
Unconditional love, unconditional acceptance is always there keeping us safe.
Allowing your feelings helps to open up those channels, makes you grounded, and puts you into your body because we get intuitive signals from spirit as well as inside of our bodies. That’s a really good first step. First of all, remembering that we are getting information all the time and that the signals that we get from our body, meaning symptoms, often are ways that our body gets our attention and they’re important.
Instead of feeling pain and just thinking, I just have to get rid of that, try to listen to it and say, okay, why are you here? What do I need to do? Have I not been taking care of myself? How have I not been authentic? Do I need to spend time outside or with spirit? Do I need to change relationships? Every symptom really is a signal. To just be open to that.
Then I have a technique that I teach to talk to your intuition and your body and it’s basically new Jungian psychology, I can’t take credit for it, but it saved my life. It’s to write down any questions, your thoughts, or feelings, and direct it to your intuition, your body, or your symptoms. Then whatever you hear, see, and feel, write that down and then write back to it. Whatever you get, write that down, write back to it. You’re having a written conversation with your body, with all that.
In doing so, number one, it becomes a mindfulness meditation because you have to stop what you’re doing to write, and then it helps you to focus on what you’re hearing and feeling and shuts down some of that, what am I going to have for dinner stuff, that busy talk. Because you’re writing, your body is brought into the equation and it’s grounding. It’s a very, very powerful technique that you can do in five minutes. Sometimes I do it for longer, but you can do it for five minutes. It’s really a game-changer.
You said that it saved your life, could you elaborate on that?
Yeah, sure. There was the eating disorder, a mess, had no self-esteem, had no self-love, nothing. One of the things that my therapist taught me was, number one, how to live, recognize, and write to my intuition, which Carl Jung calls God Within. Seeing it as this part of me that loves me no matter what was very different, I hadn’t received that, and I haven’t given it to myself.
Write down any questions, your thoughts, or feelings, and direct it to your intuition, your body, or your symptoms.
I kind of thought, okay, if God loves me, I’m acceptable to God, and I’m perfect in God’s eyes, maybe I can start receiving some of that love from that force. That helped me to then be able to give some of it to myself as well. When you have an eating disorder, depression, or whatever, you’re very disconnected from your body, you hate it, you want nothing to do with it. It’s just like your body’s here, and you’re over there.
It helped me to be in my body, be able to feel, and be able to listen to what I needed, what I wanted, and to accept my feelings. I already said that, but to listen for what I needed and see the eating disorder as a gift instead of as something that hated me and wanted to kill me.
If I had not sought help, I would not be authentic, I would still be people-pleasing, I would still be super worried about what my family thought because all of that stuff that creates the eating disorder is there before it starts. I had been bullied, I didn’t like myself, I was very fearful, I lived in a fear state all the time. By being forced to address this life-threatening condition, I had to take a look at what I was doing that wasn’t authentic to myself that wasn’t helping me. I had to look at all the areas I needed to change and would not have had the motivation to do so had I not been ready to die.
Causes, it’s like a symptom, an issue, or an illness, leaves intuitive breadcrumbs to some past life issue, some trauma from your birth, or something that needs to be addressed. How would you know otherwise if it didn’t manifest as a symptom?
Yeah, and it’s often multiple root causes. There are physical, emotional, spiritual, and all kinds of things. The longer you ignore or allow the symptoms to be there, the more causes multiply and build upon each other, so there are a lot more layers to get through. That’s why the work I do with people is really comprehensive. We look at as much stuff as we can.
You had gotten Lyme disease at some point and you were able to heal yourself. Could you give us more details around that?
I had help. I grew up in Clinton, Connecticut, which is two towns over from Lyme, Connecticut. I spent a lot of time outside in the woods and that. I had symptoms all along the way, but no one ever said, oh, maybe it’s Lyme or even brought it up as a possibility. I think I was 45 and I knew something just wasn’t right. I made a lot of improvements in my health, but I still felt like there was just some underlying thing.
To help as many people as possible connect to their intuition, find unconditional love and self-acceptance. I have learned that health, happiness, and even miracles are possible with these things. Share on XFortunately, in Connecticut, there are a lot of Lyme disease people and I went to my naturopath that I’ve been working with forever anyway. He was able to detect every coinfection under the sun—chronic fatigue virus, mold toxicity, all of it. He helped me without antibiotics because I cannot tolerate them. They’re very difficult.
We did a lot of natural things. Then spiritually and emotionally, I talked to the Lyme disease, and I said okay, what do I need to do? Why has this come along? What do I need to change? It told me a lot of things about diet, self-love, and self-care. It also said, you have been putting off writing the proposal on your book that we told you you needed to write when you’re 60. I got my back going on that proposal, got someone to help me, and it all went away. It took nine months to get rid of which I’m really fortunate because I listened.
Basically, the disease told you that you got Lyme disease because you were procrastinating for a very long time getting your book out? Is that right?
I don’t know that I got Lyme disease because I already had it, but I want to feel like it was brought to my attention. It was finally diagnosed after a million years because it was saying, we told you when you were recovering from the eating disorder that you would be using this whole experience and you would be helping people, and I had been.
They’re like, you really need to take it to the next level. I’m not a writer, even though I wrote this book, and I was kind of terrified about the whole process, but I knew I needed to do it. I knew I could and they’re just like, you’re not going to recover. We’re going to keep bugging you until you do this thing that we’ve been telling you to do forever. It’s kind of coming into my gifts and my mission if you will.

What percentage of your time is spent working one-on-one with clients and how much is working on books, courses, or creating content for wider distribution?
All that great stuff when you have your own business. I tend to see six to seven clients a week. The prep for those does take longer. Writing the report and doing the painting takes about 45 minutes to an hour, sometimes more with each person. Then there are answering emails from people because if people have a reading, they can write to me and I can help them further with things.
That’s actually a smaller percentage of my time than doing Instagram, writing articles, and doing great stuff like this. I feel like I’m always doing something. I do take a couple of days, try not to do anything, go to the beach, and hang because that’s really important because it can be overwhelming to be on all the time. I think a lot of it, especially when you’re doing promotion for your books and all that, it tends to be less client time and more working on everything else, but that’s okay.
You have to get your gift out there in ways that allow you to scale.
Right. That’s why I really like doing the workshops. I just did one at Omega and I’m doing one coming up at online. I think that’s where my work is pushing me so I can help more people with the book and stuff like that. I don’t think I’ll ever totally stop doing readings, but I feel like the message can get out to a lot more people with these other things that I’m doing.
Right, and your book is all about how people can do this for themselves.
My husband calls it “Katie Beecher, the home game.” He’s my rock, thank you, God. It does tell my backstory and all that, but it helps people go through a reading like I would take them through a reading. Learning about chakras. Learning about how to identify what you want to work on and what your strengths are. Learning to look at each part of the body through the chakras so that you see the whole picture.
The most important thing that I teach clients is how to connect to their intuition, how to trust it, and how to help figure out what they need to heal. I don't want people dependent on me because that takes away their strength. Share on XThinking about emotional, spiritual, physical. Looking at all possible root causes that you may not have considered and where to go from there. How to problem-solve, who to contact, what supplements, and what other treatments. It’s kind of a neat thing. I’m really proud of it actually.
Awesome. You did a reading for me, I have my four-page report right here, and it was eerily accurate. I really was quite impressed. One thing that is now just front and center for me, top of mind for me right now, is my lower back pain because it has really been acting up. This is something that my friend, Mark Nelson, who was a guest on this podcast a while back in 2020. He’s a very gifted medium.
He told me that he saw me having lower back pain, and at the time, I didn’t have any lower back pain that’s been really acting up. Now, a year and a half later, it’s really uncomfortable. I know everything’s for our highest and best good, but sometimes it’s painful to go through it. If we were to go to the report where you’ve broken it down into each of the chakras, the first chakra has to do with the base of the spine, joints, bones, immune system, and lymph system.
Here’s what you wrote from a physical level. Hearing back again spine, also joints and lower extremities like knees, but seeing shoulder area too. Near front-like collarbone. You may push yourself too much at times. Physically contest with yourself but can also be competitive. That’s the physical side.
Then on the emotional side, for the first chakra, picking up some emotional pain, attachment to a woman that feels like your mom but also other family members who are doted on giving special attention to traditional gender expectations, loss, grief, feeling addiction, substance abuse, and family. Other struggles like economic, hard workers, some trust safety, security issues, and learning to be independent. How does that—the emotional stuff— tie into lower back pain?
The back in general is often symbolically about feeling supported and supporting yourself. Also, if you think about sitting or standing up straight, it’s about being seen. Sometimes, it can be about fear of success and fear isn’t the best word, but people often think that to succeed in their business or their passion, they’re going to have to put so much time and energy into it that they won’t have time for their family. There’s some of that kind of stuff.

It’s often also about being flexible. I can have lower back pain myself, and it was acting up so I talked to it. It said that I was trying to control too many things and I had my hand in too many places. I wasn’t allowing the flexibility of life, allowing life to happen enough, and had attached some fear to that instead of just being cool, things aren’t always going to be amazing. You’re going to have times when you’re not as busy as other times, and remembering that it’s all okay, so I don’t always have to push.
Physically, it can also be about things like SI joints. The way to stretch your SI joint and pop it kind of back into shape is by doing some exercises where you’re sort of curled up because you’re stretching that area tightly. What I’m hearing about that is there may be times when you need to just curl up, take that time for yourself, and just protect yourself instead of always being out there and on, and if you allow yourself that as well.
When I work with somebody, I ask if that resonates because I don’t want you substituting my intuition for yours. My guides are very accurate, but this is about you, and then we go from there in terms of exploring what to do with that and looking into it further.
That does resonate with what you’re describing. When you’re in the middle of a podcast interview, a workshop, or whatever, you’re getting information from your guides in real-time then?
I can. I’ve learned to shut it off to an extent because as a child, I was so sensitive and got things all the time, and it was unbelievably overwhelming. I’ve learned as an adult that I can turn it on and off really, really quickly. When you said that, I instantly got images, information, and things like that. There’s time to just have to be like, okay, dude, I’m at Trader Joe’s and I can’t just stop or I won’t be able to function, so yes.
I would not be who I am now or be doing this work had it not been for all the crap I went through and the people I was exposed to. So that makes perfect sense, and that is a very empowering concept to me to think that we're not… Share on XRight. I’m curious about the information and images that were flooding in. What kind of information came to you?
They showed me your left side, but they also said it kind of radiates, or a little while, but changing position and all that kind of stuff really wasn’t helping that much. It’s just there and annoying the crap out of you. It’s very distracting, so it’s taking you away from other things that you need to do.
Then I keep seeing this image of you in a ball. A ball is not the best word. But the exercises that you do for SI joints, they told me the SI joint again and said that a piece of this and hip flexors, but they were like, the exercises for SI joints is to—I don’t know if you can see me and I’m going to push my thing over, but you’d kind of go like this, but you’re on the ground.
You need to get into a bit of a little ball to pop those out. They kept showing me that and they were like, he puts his whole self out there all the time really committed, not just the podcast, but your whole spiritual thing like this is your life. This is freaking huge. There are times when it’s okay to rest, let the spirit take care of you, and you don’t have to do anything.
It’s very difficult to not be caught up in the draw of those amazing feelings.
Yeah, I definitely resonate with that. It’s been exhausting because I didn’t let myself rest. I’m just so excited to have this new experience of what the other side of the veil is like and what this life is for that I just wanted to learn everything, take all the courses, study with mentors, learn everything from medical intuition, the mediumship, to remote viewing—all of it—to help people and do healings. I got exhausted.
Yup. When we are exhausted like that and when we’re always going toward a target if you will, our own agenda takes over. Then we can’t rest and allow our minds to open so that we hear what spirit wants us to do as well.
All right. So I was maybe being a bit driven by ego to take the…
I guess. I don’t like to pass judgment on it because it’s such an amazing, fascinating thing. The way I see it is that you felt so connected to the spirit that you felt more comfortable on that other side than on Earth being grounded, but we also need to be here, so it’s kind of about balance.
Yeah, that was a big message I got for 2021 is not to float in the clouds and go into the fifth dimension, but to bring the fifth dimension down to the third dimension and embody it in everyday life.
Yeah, it really is because cool stuff happens when you’re over there. You learn awesome things and you learn about yourself, and you’re like, I didn’t even think that I could do that or how to help people. It’s very difficult to not be caught up in the draw of those amazing feelings.
Yeah. When you’re doing work on somebody, let’s say that you’ve found some issues that you’ve identified for somebody and asked you to assist with the healing, do you do that or do you just refer them on? Because I learned from Tina Zion, who’s also a medical intuitive, an amazing person, and very gifted. She doesn’t work one-on-one with clients doing readings anymore, but she does do mentoring. She’s been mentoring me.
I do like working with people in a mentorship role too because it’s super fun helping people understand their gifts
She taught me how to bring in the big guns like the big divine and sacred beings to do all the heavy lifting in the case of a healing. Oftentimes, there are negative entities involved that are the root cause or part of the root cause of it. Then you’re facing off with some really dark energies, then they interfere with me, and then I get sick or I just get depleted for weeks. A lot of people were just saying, you don’t look so good, Stephan. It was because I was being interfered with. I’m curious, what are your thoughts on all that?
So much cool stuff you just said there. I do like working with people in a mentorship role too because it’s super fun helping people understand their gifts, helping them grow, and all that. I do help people with clearing energy, with helping them to heal their bodies in terms of being one with that illness, with your body, or whatever. Helping them to be a team to help heal things and clear things. Definitely, I do some of that. I help clear houses from a distance and all that super cool stuff.
What you said about the dark energy thing. When I was picking up that energy when I was 10 years old, it felt terrifying, but there was a part of me that said, this energy is trying to get to you to create fear—that’s the tool it uses is fear—to keep you from being authentic, i.e. to keep you from helping people. It didn’t want me to be who I am now.
That energy I learned was coming from inside of my family. Not only was there a spiritual thing working, they also actively have tried to make me not be who I am, so that’s multilevel cool stuff. What I learned was, love is always more powerful than evil. What I suspected that I thought was kind of crazy at the time, I fully believe now. I think that people doing good work, helping people being loving in any way, I do think that evil, negativity, or whatever you want to say does try and get in and mess with us—make us afraid to move forward, tell us we can’t do things, tell us we’re not lovable, all of these things.
Love is always more powerful than evil.
I really believe that we have the ability to reject that and to say, you know what, you’re not coming in. I’ve been in the presence of people that I felt were truly evil. This feels really awful, but you know what, God is more powerful. Love is more powerful. I’m not letting this in. I help people to recognize their love and their power, and to help them build strength, confidence, and love so that they can not only clear that, but also keep themselves from being susceptible to it.
They’ve been interfering with me a lot lately. I’m getting tired of it.
You are in control of your energy.
You are in control of that. Nothing can get to you unless you allow it with the exception of, I believe, if you’re in a chemically-induced state like if you’re an addict and you’re always high, that kind of thing, so you’re not really yourself anymore. You don’t have those defenses. Or in the case of severe mental illness, sometimes you’re really not yourself. It’s hard to put up those defenses, but I really believe and I’ve learned that we do have control over the energy that’s around us and the forces that are around us. A lot of the time, it’s just that fear. That’s what they use. That’s your tool.
I read recently in a book by Rabbi Shalom Arush that there is no evil. I’m curious to hear your thoughts on that. My interpretation of that when he says evil doesn’t exist, my understanding is that everything is an illusion except for love. That’s the only thing that’s real—unconditional love—and everything else is an illusion. That would make sense then that evil is also an illusion, but I’m curious to hear what you think about this.
God is more powerful. Love is more powerful.
I love that idea. In my personal experience, I have felt extreme evil. I’ve been around people who felt like there was no love in them that I just immediately wanted to get away from. They felt that toxic. I’ve lived with those people, but not just them. I think, for me, that without love, that love in and of itself, there are opposites in the world, and that the opposite of love is evil, is negativity, or is lack of love—whatever you want to call it. For me, it makes sense that they both exist, that both of those energies are present.
Actually, I’ve heard that the opposite of love is not hate or evil. It’s actually fear.
Yeah, to me, it’s all one of the same. When you are afraid, you can’t be your authentic self. You can’t listen to your intuition. You can’t listen to spirit. You can’t be a truly loving being because you’re being blocked. To me, it’s kind of all the same thing, but I really love what you just said.
Got you, okay. What do you think about the concept that you actually chose your family before you incarnated? Those really challenging people that you had to deal with who had a lot of dark energy, you chose them?
That makes sense to me. Nobody knows all this for sure. That makes sense to me because I would not be who I am now or to be doing this work had it not been for all the crap that I went through and the people that I was exposed to. To me, that makes perfect sense and that is a very empowering concept to me to think that we’re not victims. Things just don’t happen. We have a role in things. Even with intuition, you can choose not to listen to it, so we do have free will. I believe that intuition leads us to being our authentic self. That is the essential thing why we’re here, basically.
It’s going to annoy us, come get us, and that kind of thing, but we do have free will. We can choose not to and then maybe we are choosing the difficult experiences because maybe for some people, that’s the only way we can get there.
We do have control over the energy that’s around us and the forces that are around us.
Yeah, it could be. I had something happen. It happens a lot, but it happened last night and I’m curious to hear what your take is on this. Here in this office room, the lights flicker. It doesn’t happen all the time, but when it does happen, I know that they’re trying to get my attention, whoever it is.
It was my grandfather last night, initially. I was able to hear him in a clear cognizance, just the words being a knowing getting translated into words from the feelings or from the knowingness. I don’t know how to describe it. I didn’t hear his voice.
Right, but you know he’s there.
By the way, it’s pretty fun to see some of these sorts of things showing up on Netflix so that you know that you’re not crazy. There’s this really popular show on Netflix called Manifest. They hear their “callings” in their own voice. They hired a real psychic advisor on that show because that is how it works most of the time.
Anyway, the flickering light. Then it happened again a little bit later after I finished my conversation with them and made sure that he knew that I had forgiven him because I uncovered with a really amazing healer, Jaye Lasko, that he was my father in a past life in the 1300s. Yeah, that was no bueno. That was not fun.
He showed up to apologize and he felt really bad. I told him, you don’t have to apologize. I love you and I forgive you. He felt better about that. The next flickering light that came, I thought it was somebody else, but it wasn’t them. Then I was wondering, I called my grandmother and asked her, who is this? Because I couldn’t hear who it was. Who I thought it was, it was not.

My intuition maybe wasn’t picking up on the right thing, they’re trying to confuse me, or something, but she told me it wasn’t of the light. By the way, if this is the first episode that you listened to, you’re probably thinking I’m pretty nuts, whoever you are listening to on the other end of the podcast.
Anyway, I know it’s important that I need to be more discerning because the other side is trying to get my intention and they’re not of the light. Tell me more about how you discern and how you confirm that they are of the light.
Okay, cool stuff. We all can pick up things from people on the other side. One way that I like to teach people to do it is that written technique where you maybe write to your grandfather or you write to whatever, have them write back, and you have a written conversation because doing in your head can sometimes be overwhelming with all the other zillions of thoughts that come in.
I believe that intuition leads us to be our authentic self. That is the essential thing why we're here. Share on XOne thing I might suggest is to turn that into a written conversation to help you focus more. I’m hearing, it’s not as important that you know who it is necessarily all the time. With your grandfather, it was significant, but that you hear the message because we have an army of guides, loved ones, protectors, and all those things. Sometimes it’s just the message that’s the most important thing.
I would go with how do you feel? What is your first impression? Does this feel safe or does this feel kind of icky? This doesn’t feel good, this doesn’t feel comfortable. I’m really not interested in having you in my space, thank you very much. You can leave, but just go with how it makes you feel.
I did send them off. Now that you mentioned that, it didn’t feel amazing and welcoming when that light started flickering the second time. It was very subtle though. It’s very subtle. I’m just curious about, who was this? I was not paying attention to how does it feel?
Sometimes it’s just the message that’s the most important thing.
But you were because you told it to leave.
I did, but I had to get help. I had to call in the loved ones to help me clarify what was happening.
But I still think that you did that because your intuition was saying, I don’t know about this. This doesn’t really feel that great. I’m going to call in somebody that I love, trust, and who loves me to assist me with this.
Yeah, good point. How does one tell if the flickering lights or whatever it is that’s trying to get their attention is actually from the other side of the veil versus just an electrical misfire or something?
I tend to believe in what Jung called synchronicity and to pay attention to things like that. You’ve learned that that is one of your signals for the other side communicating with you, right?
A lot of it is by experience. Just being like, all right. I’m going to listen to that. Sometimes, I’d be in therapy or I remember this being in therapy, we’d talk about something, and then there’d be some weird noise or the old house would creek and both of us would be like, okay, yeah, we’re on to something here.
A lot of it, I think, is about trusting yourself, being open to things, and asking yourself, does this feel like it’s an experience that is coming from the outside? For example, if I’m doing something on a computer and I’m in a bad mood or I’m agitated, it always malfunctions, like always. It’s like, is there something about me, my energy at this point, that I’m creating this thing, this effect, or whatever? I’m just being open.
Yeah, it’s so important to manage our own energy.
This all-knowing force is part of everyone that knows everything about us. Unconditional love and unconditional acceptance are always there to keep us safe. Share on XIt’s like, you better calm down or you’re just not going to get this done. I’m like, fine.
Fun times. I know we’re at the end of our time here. How do our listeners or viewers work with you? Where do they get your book and take your courses? How do they take the next step with you?
The easiest thing is to go to my website, which is From there, you can make appointments, you can learn more about my classes. There’s a link to my book. As far as my book, put in my name. The book is called Heal From Within. It’s kind of sold everywhere at this point. It’s sold everywhere at this point, so that’s kind of a cool thing. My website is probably the easiest. This will be up there, articles that I’ve done, other podcasts, links to things, and all that kind of stuff. It’s like a central depository for me.
You actually offer our listeners a special deal. You have a discount code.
I do, $20 off for reading. It’s “20$OFF.”
Awesome. Thank you. That’s very generous of you. My wife, Orion, was the first one to get the reading from you, the four-page report, and the painting. She was blown away and so I had to, of course, get mine. I was also similarly blown away. If our listeners are so inclined, I’m sure they’re going to be amazed and astounded with your gift.
I appreciate that. I don’t know how I do it, but I’m just like, okay. Just learning all the time. Never stop learning. Never stop developing and learning from other people. I learned from my clients constantly, which is just a huge, amazing thing. It’s all really good.
Yeah, and we all stand on the shoulders of giants. It just might be that sometimes, those giants are on the other side of the veil in the unseen world.
For sure.
Awesome. Thank you so much, Katie. This was a lot of fun, very illuminating, and inspiring. Thank you for all the wonderful work you do out there in the world.
Thank you so much for having me. This has been really fun.
Awesome. All right, listeners, take some powerful positive next action with us. We’ll catch you in the next episode. I’m your host, Stephan Spencer, signing off.