Essential Traits of the Entrepreneur with Gino Wickman

Entrepreneurs face many external and internal hurdles along the road to success. Whether it’s finding customers, building a successful team, cash flow, criticism or self-doubt—it’s hard to get through without coping tools and a roadmap of how to get from where you are to where you hope to go. My guest today, Gino Wickman, is someone who knows all about those struggles firsthand, as he has been an entrepreneur since age 21. He is the creator of the Entrepreneurial Operating System, more commonly known as EOS, author of the wildly popular book, Traction, his newest book, Entrepreneurial Leap, and several other best-selling titles. 

Gino Wickman
“A true entrepreneur in the making has six essential traits. They are: visionary, passionate, a problem solver, driven, a risk-taker, and responsible.”
Gino Wickman

In this episode, we talk about unexpected hurdles that come up for entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs, as we are now dealing with an unprecedented worldwide pandemic that is impacting small businesses particularly hard. Gino talks about getting back to basics, meaning when you pare down the core tenets of EOS you can see your company through this COVID-19 crisis. The reverse accountability chart, changing hats, having a level-10 meeting with your team are all an essential part of getting through this challenging time. It really is an invaluable discussion to dive into at this particular moment in time, so without any further ado, on with the show!

The Equation for High Performance with Brian Kight

Can you believe it? 2020 is nearly upon us. It’s crazy how time flies! If you take this season to reflect on the past 12 months and plan for what’s coming, today’s episode might just help you achieve those lofty New Year’s resolutions.

Who doesn’t want to live a better life? Whether it’s a job promotion you’re eyeing, a startup you’re building, or a diet you’re following, the feeling of overcoming challenges and becoming a better version of yourself is something determined individuals constantly strive for. But let’s be real, life isn’t a bowl of cherries. You’ll have to exert serious effort to achieve meaningful results. For you to actually get to where you want to go or become who you want to be, you’ll need to understand and internalize the formula E+R=O. 

Brian Kight
“The reality is, for all of us, we don’t control events. The harder reality is that we don’t control outcomes. Everyone can only control how they respond.”
Brian Kight

I can’t wait for Brian Kight, my guest for today’s episode, to explain the significance of E+R=O and how it can change your life. Brian is an entrepreneur, global keynote speaker, and an advisor to the Fortune 500, to high growth businesses, and to pro and college sports teams. His ability to help people understand and execute simple skills with elite discipline, both personally and professionally, is what makes his message so practical and powerful. Brian simplifies the complex so you can focus on doing what works for you.

This episode is filled with practical advice that will have you equipped to become your best self for 2020! The quality of your response creates the outcome you want regardless of the circumstances that you are in, and you are about to learn how to make that universal law work powerfully in your favor!

Let’s get on with it!

Unlocking Your Highest Potential with Steve Glaveski

Are you born an entrepreneur? Or is it something that can be learned? If you take Steve Glaveski’s success as an indicator then it’s definitely the latter. Steve is the founder of several companies including Collective Campus and Lemonade Stand. They’re all underpinned by the philosophy of making the world a better place by teaching more people to embrace an entrepreneurial mindset. It’s a powerful idea and one that I personally find inspirational. One of Steve’s arguments is that we not only need more entrepreneurs, but more entrepreneurial employees and organizations like businesses, nonprofits, and governments. It’s an idea that I wholeheartedly agree with.

Steve Glaveski
“It’s such a thrill to empower others to own their freedom, get out there, and do something they love.”
Steve Glaveski

Steve is also the author of Employee to Entrepreneur, a great book published by Wiley that explains the methods and tools that freed him from the nine to five grind. And he’s the host of Future Squared Podcast, where he explores the future of business and emerging technologies like AI and Bitcoin. Steve, like me, is also a contributor to Harvard Business Review. As you’ve probably guessed, Steve likes to think big. So strap yourself in, for this episode number 216, as you’re in store for a fascinating discussion on how to really refine that entrepreneurial mindset and build a thriving, adaptable business.

The Web of the Future Is Already Here with Gabriel Rene

We’re entering a new phase of the World Wide Web and most of us aren’t even aware of it, or at least not aware of the full extent of it. It’s referred to by many as Web 3.0 and it will shepherd in a new era of AR, VR, mixed reality, AI, IoT, and blockchain. This new iteration of the web will be a spatial web, where there are no boundaries between digital space and physical space. I’m excited for you to learn in this episode how much of your daily life will be impacted by the spatial web. We will be immersed in a layer of rich dynamic data, which will revolutionize how we work, live and interact with others in profound new ways. For all these technologies to work seamlessly together though, there must be standards and protocols that everyone adopts. 

Gabriel Rene
“We’re at a transition point in humanity’s relationship to our technology.”
Gabriel Rene

That’s where my guest for this episode number 213, Gabriel Rene, comes in. Gabriel is the Executive Director of VERSES Foundation, a nonprofit that’s leading the charge and developing open standards for the web 3.0 era, making sure everything is interoperable, and encouraging global adoption and the ethical use of all these emerging technologies. Before his work with VERSES, Gabriel was a thought leader in the tech and entertainment industries for over 25 years, running several companies and consulting for such brands as Verizon, Sony, Coca-Cola, Apple, Samsung, and Microsoft

Join us for a mind-expanding conversation about this new era of the web that we are entering. In this episode, we’re covering everything from the future of nation-states, and indeed of the Earth itself to the Digital Gaia Theory. If you’re looking to keep your finger on the pulse of this rapidly changing world, this episode is going to deliver some powerful insights. Let’s get this show started.

How to Have a High-Performing Assistant with Tim Francis

If you run a business, you know it’s tough to get out of the weeds and find time to work on the stuff that really matters, especially if you’re a solo entrepreneur who can’t delegate to staff. These days, you can easily hire a virtual assistant off the internet. However, it can be difficult to find someone reliable and trustworthy enough to take care of personal tasks, like managing your inbox or booking travel on a credit card. My guest for this episode number 207 is Tim Francis.  

Tim Francis
“Your assistant is one of the greatest accelerators that you will ever install into your business.”
Tim Francis

Tim is someone who has thought a lot about assistance, delegating, and the most efficient way to run a business. After achieving success at a young age, Tim was hit with a rare illness which left him crippled for three months. The illness forced him to start again from scratch and rethink his entire approach to business. The result was two innovative new businesses, Great Assistant and Profit Factory. Tim is a master when it comes to hiring, managing, and delegating tasks to assistance. 

So if you employ one or you’re thinking of employing one, the knowledge he shares today will have a real impact on your business’s bottom line. We’ll also be discussing plenty of handy tools you can use to streamline the management of your team and your business. And Tim will reveal some powerful insights like why you should only hire assistance in your own time zone. There’s plenty to dive into. So let’s get started. Shall we?

The Future of Work and Money with Don Tapscott

Over the past few decades, technology has radically reshaped the way we do business. Compare life today to that of someone living in the early 90s. It’s like comparing a VHS tape to Netflix. Organizations are becoming more collaborative and less hierarchical. We’re crowdsourcing powerful data and insights at the touch of a button. The blockchain is decentralizing and disrupting across all sectors- government, business, nonprofit. One man who’s studied the impact of some of the biggest technological innovations of recent times is Don Tapscott.

Don Tapscott
“It is a healthy era for entrepreneurship. Small businesses now have the capability of big companies without the main liabilities, deadly bureaucracy, legacy, culture, and so on.”
Don Tapscott

Don is the bestselling author of 16 books including Wikinomics, and Blockchain Revolution. He’s executive chairman of the Blockchain Research Institute, and a member of the Order of Canada. Don regularly consults for prime ministers and presidents who want to understand what our current era of rapid technological change means for their citizens. And now, Don will help you prepare for the decades ahead too.

Read People Like a Book with Vanessa Van Edwards

What makes someone captivating? Is it an innate quality they’re born with or is charisma something you can learn? That was the question that fascinated Vanessa Van Edwards, behavioral investigator and author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People, when she began her research into the science of charisma and persuasion. As it turns out, there are plenty of science-based hacks you can learn to help you master social situations, read other people’s emotions, and develop stronger relationships. Many successful people have already mastered these skills and use them every day in their business dealings.

Vanessa Van Edwards
“The really charismatic people are the sweet spot of being warm and open but also credible and powerful.”
Vanessa Van Edwards

In this episode 204, Vanessa will be revealing some amazing insights, including the primary ingredients of charisma, how to read the tone of voice, facial expressions, hand gestures and understanding micro-expressions. Vanessa has shared her research with trillion-dollar companies, and she’s been featured in CNN, BBC, CBS, Fast Company, INC, Entrepreneur magazine, USA Today, and The Today Show to name a few.

By the end of this episode, you will have a laundry list of techniques that you can use to win at networking and inspire respect in social situations and even leverage to achieve massive success in your life and business. For anyone seeking to improve their relationship or communication skills, this episode is packed with useful and practical advice. Without further ado, let’s get started.

The 200th Episode! Life Hacks, Reflections, and Highlights with Orion Talmay

I’ve been podcasting for four years and it feels like just yesterday that the first episode was published. As we wrap up Get Yourself Optimized’s 200th episode, I can’t help but look back and reflect on the last 100 guests who have graciously agreed to be on the show. It was such an honor interviewing some of the best experts, influencers, and trailblazers in the world of biohacking, business, and self-development. So many lessons learned and tips and tricks gained to live a highly optimized life. This special episode is hosted by my lovely wife, Orion Talmay, who happens to have her own wonderful podcast called The Stellar Life Podcast. Tune in as she and I discuss some of the best advice my guests have shared. And to my listeners, thank you for tuning in all these years. Cheers to 200 more amazing episodes!

Stephan Spencer
“It’s all about growth and contribution. Learn, apply, and become the best person that you can be.”
Stephan Spencer

Thinking and Growing Rich with John Shin

One of the more powerful books I’ve ever read is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It was first published over 80 years ago. Since then, it’s sold over 70 million copies worldwide. It truly is timeless and has changed many people’s lives, mine included. Many millionaires and billionaires have credited the book as a primary reason for their success. Among them is our guest for this episode, John Shin. John is not only a wildly successful entrepreneur but also a motivational speaker, philanthropist, movie producer and author of the brand-new book How Rich Asians Think. Just so you can appreciate the scale of what John has built, I’ll share with you that John commands a sales force of nearly 6,800 agents. Whether you’ve read or haven’t read Think and Grow Rich, keep reading because you are in for a treat to learn how an amazing book has changed an amazing person’s life and can change yours too.

John Shin
“You can think and dream all you want, but you have to act on your dreams.”
John Shin

Every Millionaire’s Essential Habits with Jaime Masters

The best way to become a millionaire is to think like a millionaire, but you won’t learn that thing at school. Where do you learn it? Interviewing millionaires is a great place to start and that’s exactly what my guest did. Jamie Masters is the host of the Eventual Millionaire Podcast where she’s interviewed over 400 self-made millionaires, myself included. She does this to find out what makes them different, the work habits they swear by and the real secrets to their success. Jamie has applied many of these lessons to her own work as a top-rated business coach who has been featured in Yahoo!, Inc., Entrepreneur and Business Insider. She’s also a self-professed tech geek and even has a sword collection in her home. Who wants to be a millionaire? If you do, then I advise you to stay tuned as Jamie and I reveal some truly powerful wealth-building strategies that will help you join the Seven Figure Club.

Jamie Masters
“Life happens for us, not to us. It’s for our benefit, our spiritual evolution, and elevation.”
Jamie Masters


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