Negotiate Like a Boss with Chris Voss

Chris Voss
“Never guarantee perfection; just guarantee the best chance of success.”
Chris Voss

Imagine you’re on the phone with a kidnapper. Your goal is to get them to release their hostage as soon as possible. It’s a life or death situation. If you say one wrong thing, it could quickly escalate and you’ll have a disaster on your hands. My guest for this episode is Chris Voss. As an FBI Hostage Negotiator for over 24 years, he’s been in that exact situation dozens of times. You don’t operate in that kind of high-pressure environment without coming away with powerful insights on human nature and human psychology.

When Chris decided to share his wisdom in a book, Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It, it was bound to be a hit. He is also the CEO of The Black Swan Group, a company that provides negotiation training for businesses, individuals and even law enforcement. The negotiation strategies that Chris has developed don’t just work in hostage situations, they’re applicable to business deals, sales and even internal communications. His methodology focuses on uncovering black swans or small pieces of information that can be used to achieve the desired outcome. In addition to this episode, I encourage you to listen to my wife, Orion’s episode with Chris Voss on the Stellar Life podcast, episode number 137.

Steal These Leadership Strategies with Scott Eck

Do you want to be a better leader? Then it’s time you join the theater. My guest for this episode number 170 is Scott Eck, Founder and CEO of Leadership Masters. A company that creates leadership theater experiences for Fortune 100 clients such as Coca-Cola, 3M, Boeing, State Farm and Lockheed Martin. You may be wondering what theater has to do with leadership. It’s all based on an idea called sociodrama, developed by a student of Freud’s years ago. By roleplaying key figures in high stakes situations such as the British government during World War II or the African National Congress during the trial of Nelson Mandela, Scott is able to completely immerse the students in extraordinary circumstances to help them understand the actions and behaviors of great leaders firsthand. Learning in this way can affect deep personal change and develop leadership and communication skills in a way that’s not possible in more conventional approaches to education.

Scott Eck
“Whenever you raise the status of any individual or group, you raise your own status in the eyes of others.”
Scott Eck

I got to know Scott at one of Doug Allen’s masterminds where we both were speakers. If the name Doug Allen is familiar to you, it may be because he was also a guest on my other podcast, Marketing Speak. I have to say, if you aren’t listening to Marketing Speak, you are missing out on a free university-level education in marketing. It is fantastic and yes, I’m biased. Prepare as Scott reveals some profound insights into behavior change, education and leadership. In the process, I bet you’re going to learn how to facilitate true innovation in your organization.

Elevate Your Market and Your Marketing with the Legendary Jay Abraham

It was back in the mid ‘90s where I had first heard of the marketing legend, Jay Abraham. I never would have imagined for my life that I would eventually count Jay as a friend and yet here we are. I’m so grateful that he has joined me on this episode of Get Yourself Optimized. He’s been on Marketing Speak twice. Once where I interviewed him and once where he interviewed me about SEO. Those are definitely great episodes you should definitely check out. Jay is known as the $21.7 billion man because that’s how much he has generated for his clients. He is the quintessential marketing guru and a prolific author.

Jay Abraham
“You’re either a multiplier or a diminisher.”
Jay Abraham

He has authored a dozen books including Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got, The Sticking Point Solution and Recession Proofing Your Business, which had a $1,000 price tag when it first came out. It sold out the printing in two weeks. It was, at the time, one of the most expensive books available. Jay also counsels business gurus like Tony Robbins and Daymond John, the Shark from Shark Tank. Here’s episode number 163 with Jay Abraham.

Going Global, Cashing Out, and Starting Anew with Elisa Camahort Page

Anytime I can sit down and learn from someone who has built up a business from nothing and then sold it for a number well into the eight figures, I snap up that opportunity. Our guest in this episode number 156 isn’t just successful in business. She’s also a world-changer. I’m so excited to invite on to the show Elisa Camahort Page, known as the Co-Founder and COO of scrappy-startup-turned-global women’s media company, BlogHer Inc. Elisa’s debut book on everyday activism, Road Map for Revolutionaries, is coming out. She also consults with entrepreneurs, thought leaders and organizations to take big ideas to the next level, integrate their values into their brands and complete their narratives.

Elisa Camahort Page
“It’s not just about career and business. It’s also about the value of getting into people’s lives and understanding them.”
Elisa Camahort Page

From Homeless to Philanthropist with Jabez LeBret

It’s hard enough to build a business without funding or training. Imagine how much harder it would be if you truly started from nothing and were homeless. Now, go one step further and imagine stepping away from the business that you created in those unlikely circumstances to follow your true passion: creating an innovative nonprofit in the education field. This may sound like something out of a novel, but for today’s guest, it’s his true life story.

Jabez Lebret
“Nobody wants to invest in a part-time charity, You have to go all in.”
Jabez Lebret

Jabez Lebret was a homeless high school dropout on a path to nowhere. He turned his life around by getting his GED and studying finance. He later became a financial analyst, an international public speaker, an author, and a Forbes contributor. Recently, Jabez sold his award-winning marketing agency to pursue his passion in education as co-founder of Sisu Academy. Tune into this episode to learn more about how he turned his life around, his advice for others who are considering selling their companies, and much more!

Creating Money Instead Of Earning It with Aaron Ross

Do you treat a rented apartment the same way you would treat your own home? Do you treat a rented car as well as you treat your own car? If you’re like most people, the honest answer is probably “no.” Similarly, most people who figuratively rent their jobs don’t treat them with the same passion or the same investment as they would if they felt they owned their jobs. This doesn’t necessarily mean having financial ownership of the job; emotional ownership is just as important.

Tune into this episode with Aaron Ross to learn more about this concept of employee ownership and owning, rather than renting, jobs. Whether you’re a business owner or an employee, this conversation provides valuable information about lifestyle design from a true expert on the subject. Aaron is married with 11 children and three dogs. He’s also the author of From Impossible to Inevitable and Predictable Revenue and the co-founder of Predictable Revenue, the Outbound Success Company, and Predictable University.

Aaron Ross
“When you are an entrepreneur, you trade one boss for another. Payroll can be a really tough boss.”
Aaron Ross

Success Secrets of a True Legend in Real Estate with Robert G. Allen

Robert G. Allen
“Behind the scenes of every great success story, you will see somebody doing something that is out of the ordinary”
Robert G. Allen

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man,” George Bernard Shaw wrote. Success often requires that you do something unreasonable. You have to make a brazen claim that you’re going to do something out of the ordinary, even when the world pushes back.. Either you’ll fail miserably, or you’ll experience a wealth of success.

Take the next step to becoming an unreasonable and successful person by tuning into this extraordinary episode with Robert G. Allen, one of the great real estate investors of our time. He’ll share his knowledge on wealth building through real estate, describe what traits it takes to be successful, and inspire you to create a fantastic life.

Your Ticket to TV Appearances, Speaking, and Making a 7-Figure Income with Clint Arthur

Clint Arthur
“Nothing is as powerful as going on TV news, and talk shows, and celebritizing your personal brand.”
Clint Arthur

Would you like to be on TV? If you’re ready to become a celebrity, the next step is to start booking those all-important TV appearances. This is something I learned a few years ago and that I’ve found to have powerful results. Today’s guest, Clint Arthur, is here to talk about how to get on TV and how to make a sizeable income from speaking. He’s the #1 bestselling author of books including What They Teach You at the Wharton Business School and Speaking Game.

From Stuck to Successful with Kate Beeders

Kate Beeders
“Certain things have more power than others, and that is just part of the journey.”
Kate Beeders

Every single one of us has at least one story that we tell ourselves about money. These stories are often ingrained in us at a young age. We may not even realize what they are or recognize how they impact us today. Money stories can have a significant influence on how we handle money throughout our lives and can even hold us back from achieving financial success.

Kate Beeders knows all about negative money stories and how to fix them with new ones instead. She helps her clients break through their financial glass ceilings using a variety of techniques that she’ll discuss in this conversation.

Hustle Your Way to Multiple Income Streams with Nick Loper

It can be hard to imagine a life in which you’re making money doing something you actually love. Most of us get bogged down by the daily grind of the nine-to-five. You know that you need to follow your passion, but getting started may sound daunting or even impossible. The first step, as you’ll learn today, is to start and develop a side hustle.

Nick Loper is an expert at helping people earn money outside of their day job. He’s here today to explore the possibility of starting a side hustle and to give it the attention it deserves. He’ll share his successful tactics, strategies and tools that have helped many people develop a side hustle without completely sacrificing their work-life balance.

Nick Loper
“You may already be an entrepreneur, your day job is just your largest client.”
Nick Loper


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