The idea of hiring a remote workforce is highly appealing, especially if you're a solo entrepreneur or a small business owner. What's not to like? You get access to a flexible team without the pesky overheads of a traditional business, like office space and payroll tax. In reality, managing a remote team is trickier than it sounds. First off, it can be hard to find and retain top tier talents. Secondly, you might have other obstacles like work delays due to time zones or cultural differences that might affect internal…

The best way to become a millionaire is to think like a millionaire, but you won't learn that thing at school. Where do you learn it? Interviewing millionaires is a great place to start and that's exactly what my guest did. Jamie Masters is the host of the Eventual Millionaire Podcast where she's interviewed over 400 self-made millionaires, myself included. She does this to find out what makes them different, the work habits they swear by and the real secrets to their success. Jamie has applied many of these lessons…

Many of us start a business to escape the 9 to 5 grind and take control of our lives, but too often the business ends up controlling us. We find ourselves trapped in a role we didn't envision for ourselves. We spent hours of each day on email and various mundane tasks with no time left over to work on longer-term goals. We work in the business when we should be working on the business. If your business seems like a never-ending slog, then you'll definitely want to hear from…

Imagine you're on the phone with a kidnapper. Your goal is to get them to release their hostage as soon as possible. It's a life or death situation. If you say one wrong thing, it could quickly escalate and you'll have a disaster on your hands. My guest for this episode is Chris Voss. As an FBI Hostage Negotiator for over 24 years, he's been in that exact situation dozens of times. You don't operate in that kind of high-pressure environment without coming away with powerful insights on human nature…

If you run a business, you've probably considered switching to a remote workforce. Why not? There are plenty of proven benefits for both you and your employees. That's not to say there aren't some challenges. For one, it can be difficult to keep track of what your team is working on, how many hours they've worked and if they're staying focused. My guest for this episode is Rob Rawson, a serial entrepreneur with employees in over nine different countries. That's not the only reason he's an expert in outsourcing. Rob…

If you own a business or thinking of starting one, then you're going to want to hear what my guest in this episode has to say. John Warrillow is the author of Built To Sell and of The Automatic Customer. He's also the Founder of the Value Builder System, which has helped thousands of business owners drastically increased the value of their companies. John is also the host of Built To Sell Radio, which I've had the pleasure of appearing on as a guest. He's a general expert in all…

Do you want to be a better leader? Then it's time you join the theater. My guest for this episode number 170 is Scott Eck, Founder and CEO of Leadership Masters. A company that creates leadership theater experiences for Fortune 100 clients such as Coca-Cola, 3M, Boeing, State Farm and Lockheed Martin. You may be wondering what theater has to do with leadership. It's all based on an idea called sociodrama, developed by a student of Freud's years ago. By roleplaying key figures in high stakes situations such as the…

Imagine the euphoria of learning that an investor is willing to bet $20 million on your company. Then imagine the stress that sets in after you realized what you’ve just signed up for. After all, that investor is expecting you to quadruple their money. My guest on this episode has been there. He not only lived to tell the tale, but he also wrote a book about it. Rand Fishkin is the author of Lost and Founder, which charts to rise on his multimillion-dollar company Moz and his rocky dealings with…

It was back in the mid ‘90s where I had first heard of the marketing legend, Jay Abraham. I never would have imagined for my life that I would eventually count Jay as a friend and yet here we are. I’m so grateful that he has joined me on this episode of Get Yourself Optimized. He’s been on Marketing Speak twice. Once where I interviewed him and once where he interviewed me about SEO. Those are definitely great episodes you should definitely check out. Jay is known as the $21.7…

Anytime I can sit down and learn from someone who has built up a business from nothing and then sold it for a number well into the eight figures, I snap up that opportunity. Our guest in this episode number 156 isn’t just successful in business. She’s also a world-changer. I’m so excited to invite on to the show Elisa Camahort Page, known as the Co-Founder and COO of scrappy-startup-turned-global women’s media company, BlogHer Inc. Elisa’s debut book on everyday activism, Road Map for Revolutionaries, is coming out. She also consults…

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