Hello, and welcome to Get Yourself Optimized! I’m your host, Orion Talmay. Wait… that doesn’t sound quite right, does it? Well, that’s because this week, I’m stepping in to interview my husband (and the usual host of this show), Stephan Spencer. In case you haven’t figured out yet what the big occasion is, it’s that this is episode #100 of this amazing podcast! "Knowledge is power. Always be learning, optimizing and up-leveling in every aspect of your life." Stephan Spencer with Orion Talmay In our conversation today, Stephan pulls together…

I met Dan Sutera through the not-so-secret organization The Society, founded by Neil Strauss. If you haven’t heard of him, Dan is the co-founder and President of Futurism.com, the founder of ShareFile (later acquired by Citrix), and Vice-President of Product at Yext. In fact, he’s a six-time entrepreneur who has taken two tech startups from inception to Inc 500. In this conversation, we focus primarily on his new nonprofit, Impact Network, which runs 10 e-learning based schools in rural Zambia. It’s clear that Dan is deeply passionate about this field,…

Today I’m fortunate enough to have an incredible guest. Let’s start off with some hints to see if you can figure out who it is! He’s the mega-bestselling author of 28 E-Myth books, including The E-Myth, The E-Myth Revisited, and his newest book Beyond the E-Myth. Inc. Magazine has declared him the “World’s #1 Small Business Guru,” and his books and methods are taught at well over a hundred universities worldwide. Have you figured it out yet? The answer, of course, is the renowned Michael E. Gerber. In this conversation,…

Creativity can create happiness, boost your morale, help employee relationships, and even allow your business to grow and succeed. Steve Hill began working in improv and bringing classes into corporations, and noticed that the mentality of the employees would change during their performance. Steve knows how to change your mindset and tap into your imaginative side to redefine your workplace and life. We discuss confidence building, corporate happiness, alternative therapies and more. "We experience the stories, and some of the vulnerability came out. What happens is, there’s a big shift…

Your audience is being distracted by an overwhelming amount of noise. You don’t just need to draw their attention from your direct competition; you want them to listen to you when the whole internet is calling them. Sally Hogshead has created a complete system to help individuals and small brands stand out from the crowd. We discuss the seven types of communication, understanding your primary and secondary advantages, the importance of developing a brand “anthem” and more. "When you have people on your team, if you’ve been judging them by…

Owning real estate is the ultimate form of passive income, creating a lifestyle of wealth and freedom. Starting your own real estate empire is simple with the right focus, knowledge, and teams in place. Expert real estate investor Mike Wolf is here to walk us through the steps of turning your first house into a huge portfolio of cash-generating investments. We discuss how to choose the best cities to invest in, when to sell a property, how to find investors and more. "If your goal is to have more freedom…

"I know that the real estate investors who come to work with us and are trying to fund their deals with their own cash or with their own retirement accounts, and try to be a debt-free investor or not have any funding or financing or loans or liens against their properties. I think that’s a huge missed opportunity in terms of financial leverage."Susan Lassiter Lyons Investing in real estate may not be a get-rich-quick business, but the long-term income is worth is, and anyone can do it. Susan Lassiter Lyons…

"The interesting thing was once you put an idea out there, when you decide that you’re doing something, things start to line themselves up to direct you in that way."Andre and Anita Chaperon Imagine a life where you can live wherever you want-traveling the world, living in Spain, even moving to Gibraltar. That’s the life of today’s guests, Anita and Andre Chaperon. Starting an online business allows one the freedom to live life by your own design, and they are fully taking advantage of that. In this episode they share…

"If you’re hiring a VA, it won’t happen automatically, but finding somebody you can trust is crucial... I think if you can’t almost automatically trust them, it is not worth your extra time."Carolyn Ketchum You might know Carolyn Ketchum for her highly popular food blog, All Day I Dream About Food, which receives over a million views per month. What you probably don’t know her from is her past as my rockstar virtual assistant. That’s right, in this very special episode I’m baring all and breaking down the secret entrepreneur…

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