"The art of investing is being able to get out of the emotion and look at the actual business soundly and rationally."David Leiter Navigating the investment landscape requires more than just following trends; it demands deep understanding and strategic thinking. This episode features David Leiter, a seasoned financial and real estate investor with over two decades of experience. From his early days at

"In crypto, the difference between those who make it and those who don’t is determined by how well they weather its highs and lows. "Brenda Gentry Anyone who's been involved in the Web3 space (or glanced at a news platform in the last few years) knows that it’s been nothing if not a wild ride! Just this past week we’ve been dealing with the aftermath of three bank failures. But it’s not all doom and gloom. Those who dove into the deep end with crypto have either diversified, sold, gone…

"Investment is risky no matter what form it is. It’s vital to be smart about every decision not only mentally, but also emotionally and spiritually."Wendy O Every overnight success, whether in investing or entrepreneurship, is years in the making. Sometimes even decades. As an outsider, we can mistakenly think everything was achieved easily. We don’t recognize the person’s sacrifices, rejections, and hard work. Today’s guest is cryptocurrency investor Wendy O, known online by her social media handle CryptoWendyO. Wendy’s accomplishments as a person and an entrepreneur are a testimony to…

"My goal is not to make the biggest return. My goal is not to make the most money. My goal is to make a good return and not lose money in a worst-case or bad scenario."Justin Donald Everyone wants more money, more freedom, less work, and a higher quality of life. My guest, Justin Donald, leads this kind of life and teaches others how to have this kind of life too. Through what he calls “lifestyle investing”, he was able to achieve the freedom he desired. Justin is the author…

"When we evaluate how we think, learn, and know things, we tend to make better, smarter decisions and continue to raise the bar and improve performance."Howard Getson According to Peter Diamandis, there are going to be two types of businesses at the end of this decade–businesses that use AI at their core and businesses that are out of business. What type of business will you be in? Our guest today shares how you can use AI to expand your potential in a variety of ways. Howard Getson is the founder…

In order to succeed in business, you need to be financially literate. Or at least somebody in the company needs to be. Too often, business owners try not to involve themselves too much in the nuts and bolts of the finances, me included. It’s way more fun to grow the business than to dig into the numbers to confirm the business is actually healthy. In my case, I love servicing my SEO clients, podcasting, writing, speaking, and not pulling up Quickbooks or even logging into my online banking.  My guest…

Entrepreneurs tend to showcase their successes and hide their screwups. Yet the mistakes, and what the entrepreneur learned from them, are arguably what brought on the success. It’s those failures that really hone one’s skills and intuition. One man who’s been honest about his missteps on the road to success in the hopes of helping others is Mike Michalowicz. In some ways, Mike and I have lived parallel lives, starting out with technology businesses in the 90s that we built up and eventually sold, moving on to a life of…

Are you born an entrepreneur? Or is it something that can be learned? If you take Steve Glaveski's success as an indicator then it's definitely the latter. Steve is the founder of several companies including Collective Campus and Lemonade Stand. They're all underpinned by the philosophy of making the world a better place by teaching more people to embrace an entrepreneurial mindset. It's a powerful idea and one that I personally find inspirational. One of Steve's arguments is that we not only need more entrepreneurs, but more entrepreneurial employees and…

Over the past few decades, technology has radically reshaped the way we do business. Compare life today to that of someone living in the early 90s. It's like comparing a VHS tape to Netflix. Organizations are becoming more collaborative and less hierarchical. We're crowdsourcing powerful data and insights at the touch of a button. The blockchain is decentralizing and disrupting across all sectors- government, business, nonprofit. One man who's studied the impact of some of the biggest technological innovations of recent times is Don Tapscott. "It is a healthy era…

I’ve been podcasting for four years and it feels like just yesterday that the first episode was published. As we wrap up Get Yourself Optimized’s 200th episode, I can’t help but look back and reflect on the last 100 guests who have graciously agreed to be on the show. It was such an honor interviewing some of the best experts, influencers, and trailblazers in the world of biohacking, business, and self-development. So many lessons learned and tips and tricks gained to live a highly optimized life. This special episode is…

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