Our guest today, Tom Butler, is the VP and partner at LiveO2, an oxygen training system. As you’ll learn during this conversation, super oxygenation is important not only for workouts, but also for our overall health. Tom is the founder of the Whole Health Network. He began his career as a biochemist in pharmaceutical development, and he achieved the status of senior scientist at the impressively early age of 25. This combination of resources gives him brilliant insight into health, as you’ll hear in our conversation. "Good health is a…

This week's guest is Dr. Helen Irlen, who is an expert in -- and the discoverer of -- Irlen Syndrome. This syndrome is a visual processing problem that can cause symptoms including headaches, difficulty reading, sleepiness while reading, a shortened attention span, and more. She, Irlen Syndrome, and the Irlen Method have been featured on 60 Minutes, The Doctors, Good Morning America, BBC, 60 Minutes Australia, and more. "There's always a reason that you don't like to read, and people who don't like to read blame themselves, and they don't…

In this episode, we talk with Gordon Hay, who is the co-founder, inventor, and creative visionary for ALINE. ALINE is a foot services provider that has evaluated the lower body mechanics of over 100,000 diverse athletes including Olympic medalists, NFL players and PGA players. Gordon offers some guidelines on when to worry about what you’re wearing on your feet, how footwear choices can change the appearance of your body, and how to get your feet and legs working in harmony. "People are throwing their lower bodies through so much exessive…

"When you become in tune with your body, you get to know how you're feeling, and you become very aware and conscious."Gregory Kunin Gregory Kunin, the guest in this week’s episode, is the CEO and founder of Ola Loa Products. He’s Vice President of the National Health Federation and a serial entrepreneur. As a child, Greg suffered lead poisoning. And as a consequence, he’s on this life long quest to really help people with their health through, in particular, the use of vitamins. He’s here to share his insights on…

Did you know that quality sleep improves your hormones and your recovery? Here to discuss the importance of a good night’s sleep is health expert Nick Delgado. Nick is known for his research in anti-aging and fitness and is very knowledgeable about NLP. In addition to discussing sleep, Nick shares his tips on eating right, finding the right health tests and more. "I like putting a kink in people's belief system about health, and there's going to be a lot of controversy over what I have to say, but there…

This week we talk to Rob Dionne who is a certified personal trainer and nutrition expert, and — with his wife — half of the team behind Open Sky Fitness. He’s also the creator and co-host of the Open Sky Fitness podcast. We discuss how he helps men and women over the age of 35 lose weight and live healthier. During our chat, we dive in to topics like keeping a food log, identifying health goals and practicing self-empathy. "We're not here to just sit and not impact anybody, we're…

How can you keep safe in a dangerous world? David Nance, who is a nationally recognized personal safety expert and the CEO of SABRE Security Equipment Corporation, is here to teach us how to protect ourselves in the event of an attack. Throughout this episode, you’ll learn dozens of safety tips that seem small and simple individually, but may combine to help save your life someday. "There isn't such a thing as a golden rule to escape an attacker. Every situation and every scene is going to be different, but…

We all know that a cleaner diet and balanced fitness routine are key to a long and healthy life. But it can hard to find the right diet and exercise plan for you. Here to help is former world-class endurance athlete Mark Sisson. Mark is the founder of Primal Nutrition, a company devoted to providing health education and state-of-the-art supplements. We discuss the dangers of sugar, the best way to schedule meals, the ideal strategy to build muscle mass and more. "‏‏The immune system is the only thing keeping those…

In this conversation, you will hear Dr. Breus talk about the idea of chronotypes. Through his assessment tool, The Power of When Quiz, you are able to learn which category you fall into:lions, bears, wolves or dolphins. Most self-help books tell you what to do or how to do it. They don’t tell you when to do it, like The Power of When does. After determining your chronotype, you will have a better idea of what your body’s schedule is and how your hormones function throughout the day. Dr. Breus…

Our brains are more connected to our nutritional intake than we think. Our brains are also delicate organs that we take for granted – but we can damage them physically and emotionally over time. PTSD is a form of emotional damage to our brain, and TBI is a form of physical damage, often seen in athletes who play contact sports. The good news is, a lot of this damage is preventable, and even reversible. Founder of Amen Clinics Dr. Daniel Amen is here to discuss how nutrition and brain health…

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