Looking at the different ways technology is prolonging life is really just one aspect to transhumanism. Today’s guests, Andy and Kay Walker, authors of Super You: How Technology is Revolutionizing What It Means to Be Human, dive into the multi-dimensional world of scientific advancements in biology and how those advancements are redefining all aspects of life. From supplements like Resveratrol, to pharmaceuticals like Metformin, we have access to and an understanding of the things our body lacks in order to help it keep doing what it does naturally. We’re learning…

You don’t have to live with health or psychological problems forever. Our fears and health issues can be deeply rooted into our belief system, and to become emotionally free, we have to disrupt that pattern. Fred Gallo practices “tapping” and EFT, or emotional freedom techniques, and this practice allows people to overcome their deepest fears, and rid themselves of pain. We discuss the benefits of tapping, where to tap your body for the best results, and introducing muscle testing and positive affirmations into tapping. "We neutralize the negative and then…

Medicine and healthcare is transforming, and is becoming more proactive. Instead of waiting to fall ill, we can take preventative steps to halt diseases before they start, and lessen our chances of needing aggressive treatments. Dr. Daniel Kraft discusses how to plan for a long and healthy life, and the new and exciting types of therapies that are becoming available. We discuss how the healthcare field is changing, the new and exciting treatments that are becoming available, and the best apps and tools to use for health. "We wait for…

Many people desperately search for therapies that can relieve chronic pain, improve the function of their body, or improve their athletic performance. The answer may not always be with expensive doctors, surgeries, or long-term prescriptions, but with safer, more natural therapy. Tony Molina works to help people redefine their health, and take back their life. We discuss the benefit of Intermittent Hypoxic Training, how Muscle Activation Therapy can heal pain and muscle tightness, and the benefits of adding exercise to your daily routine. "The body is like a car, that’s…

To achieve optimal health, you have to find the right physical, mental, and emotional balance-even your mindset on success affects your well-being. Elissa Fisher Harris shares her insight on how we can make use of lesser known therapeutic approaches to become our best selves. We discuss how to overcome Imposter Syndrome, how environmental toxins affect your health, achieving the ideal work-life balance and more. "Most people are conditioned to thinking, “When I have the job.. When I have the wife.. When I have all of these things, then I’ll be…

With all of the diets available to us, it’s difficult to know what we should be eating-but the results of The Bulletproof Diet speak for themselves. Dave Asprey is a biohacker who created the diet that not only helped him lose and keep off hundreds of pounds, but also optimize brain performance and clarity, energy, and rid your body of environmental toxins. We discuss the science behind yo-yo dieting, the best foods for optimal health, the importance of testing your hormones and more. "I can tell you that if you’re…

Going through a personal transformation is never easy, but Michael Morelli makes it simple by taking the guesswork out of becoming healthier. After going through his own success story, he turned the negative experience of divorce and bankruptcy into earning six figures in one month while helping others to combat obesity. We discuss how to burn fat fast, eat foods in their natural state, and become more aware so that you can change bad habits. "We see trainers, fitness entrepreneurs, Victoria’s Secret models, and GQ guys who work out 60-90…

What would you do in a disaster situation, or if you realized that your streets were lined with zombies? Most of us wouldn’t be prepared, but with Aaron Hagedorn’s tips, we have a chance of survival. Aaron is the host of the humor-filled survivalist podcast In The Rabbit Hole. We discuss how to prepare for the impossible, the best practices for self-defense, resources that can help in a disaster and more. "Skills and knowledge will always be better than the gear itself and that’s something I really like to drive…

"The truth is, if you want to maintain a healthy weight or get to a healthy weight, it must involve lifestyle changes. Because in the end, you have to balance your calorie intake with the calories you expend."Dr. Wayne Hayes Significant calorie burn may be as easy as wearing a cold vest. Dr. Wayne Hayes is here to explain what thermogenesis is, and how it has been scientifically proven to aid in weight loss. Wayne is a professor and a scientist at University of California-Irvine who used crowdfunding for his…

"They’re giving me a drug that destroys my body’s ability to heal so that I could be more comfortable, while my body decays!"Dr. John Bergman When John Bergman got into a serious car wreck, he got the feeling that the medicine he was being prescribed may have been making him worse instead of better. He decided to research further and go to chiropractic school and has become a champion of alternative medicine. He wants people to truly start thinking about what modern medicine is doing to their bodies, and why…

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