"The science of genetics is all focused on understanding genes. It's not about understanding biochemistry, people, humans, and illness. It's about the genes or what the genes are doing."Kashif Khan Your DNA is the key to unlocking your risk of chronic disease and a host of other issues that affect sleep, nutrition, immunity, and more. Today’s guest goes beyond focusing on genetic tendencies to explain what you can actually do about your genetic profile. Kashif Khan is the CEO of the world’s leading functional genomics researcher, The DNA Company. They…

"If you want to be whole, you have to get to this place where the body can heal itself because your personal pharmacy is far stronger."Dr. Donese Worden Donese Worden, NMD, is a physician, researcher, and global health educator who bridges science and spirituality. She is renowned for identifying and helping bring unique modalities and therapies from abroad to the United States, putting her on the vanguard of integrated medicine. In today’s episode, Dr. Worden focuses on how she encourages her patients to feel a spiritual connection. This has been…

"If you learn to slow down, observe, and listen, life will change, and things will come to you."Fran Sorin Fran Sorin is the author of the bestseller Digging Deep. Besides being a gardening evangelist, Fran is also an open-hearted coach, futurist, and social entrepreneur. She is passionate about helping individuals experience healthier, more joyful, and creative lives. She believes deeply that we all possess the innate ability to use our imaginations to dream big and live out our dreams. In today’s episode, Fran reminds us that we are all part…

"We have the power to do our healing, and it can be done when we learn how to access our innate wisdom."David Khan Some people feel like they’ve never fit in, and in the case of today’s guest, it turned out to be his gift. David Khan is a lifelong spiritual practitioner, musician, engineer and healer. His main passion is in research and developing therapies associated with sound, music, and frequencies that have powerful effects on allowing people to shift into deeper states of consciousness to activate their own innate…

"I can, I shall, I will."Sean Entin "Stroke hacker" isn't a profession any of us would seek out. Since being choked out in a jiu-jitsu training and consequently suffering a stroke from it, my guest on today's program, Sean Entin, went on a long road to recovery that taught him a lot about how the body and the brain function. On his path to recovery, he was often told "can't," but his mantra was, "I can, I shall, I will." In today's episode, we talk about the emotional and spiritual…

"The nervous system is affecting your body from a software perspective. If it's not getting the correct information, it's not going to respond correctly."Dr. Uran Berisha My guest on today’s show has a mission, and that is to help one million people to reduce pain by 75% by December 31st, 2022. Dr. Uran Berisha is a dynamic personality and a medical pioneer who has devoted his life to understanding pain and changing people’s lives with the cutting-edge technology he has developed. Uran got started in pain therapy because he realized…

"It's usually the wisest, simplest, and least expensive strategies that turn out to be the most effective in taking good care of your health." Dr. Joseph Mercola This episode could save your life or the life of a loved one and I'm not being hyperbolic about this. For instance, after conducting this interview, I ordered and now have on hand food grade hydrogen peroxide and a nebulizer along with the tube and mask. It's ready to go in case I or anyone I care about starts showing respiratory symptoms of…

"We need to slow down to speed up. We’ll never access our ideation state if we’re so busy." Dr. Greg Wells In the 24/7 news cycle era that we’re living in it’s so easy to doomscroll social media late at night, which is a little like wanting to eat that whole, big juicy pizza pie, even though in the back of your mind you know if you do you’re probably going to be sick. My guest today, Dr. Greg Wells is a fascinating guy who has written four best-selling books…

"Be more thorough in researching before you make a decision. Not everything that’s out there is true." Lee Weinstein Remember when the Diamond Princess cruise ship was docked with a literal boatload of people getting infected with coronavirus? That gave MIT scientist Lee Weinstein clues as to how this virus, obviously airborne, was getting to people who were closed off in their cabins. Lee is my guest today, a brilliant guy I first encountered when I researched the connection between sleep and TMJ disorders and discovered the biofeedback headband he…

"Everything is a gift. There's always an opportunity for you to understand something in a more profound way than you have." Aaron Alexander My guest today, Aaron Alexander, is a bodyworker and trainer who has worked with top athletes and celebrities, and everyone in between. After working with clients and spending years traveling around the world, being immersed in various cultures, he has built a practice focusing on working with his clients to utilize each moment as an opportunity to move their body, strengthen their mind, and live holistically.  In…

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