"A resilient nervous system is the best tool we have to create an immune resistance to anything. And it's not just Coronavirus." Sachin Patel We all have stressors that we deal with in life, but it’s pretty rare to have a situation where the whole world simultaneously is in a state of stress. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we all have concerns about our health and the health of our loved ones, but also about our economic well-being and the state of the world as a whole.  My guest today,…

"Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) is a very gentle, natural approach with powerful therapeutic effects. It is based on his theory that the Craniosacral and Fascial systems are not separate but one interconnected system." Dr. Barry Gillespie The things that trigger pain and discomfort in our bodies are sometimes quite clear, and other times vague and terribly frustrating, because traumas can go as far back as childbirth and even in utero. My guest today,Dr. Barry Gillespie is the creator of Craniosacral Fascial Therapy, or CFT. CFT is a merging of both…

"Wheat has been consumed by humans for about 12,000 years. When early humans started eating wheat seeds, there was an explosion in tooth decay, a doubling of knee arthritis, periods of iron deficiency, and anemia." Dr. William Davis Sadly, we don’t have a healthcare system, we have a sick care system. Health issues have gone off the charts in the western world and much of it is preventable. Diseases like IBS, celiac disease, hypertension, diabetes, and more have underlying causes that are rampant in our society. And you’re about to…

Healthcare, disease prevention and coping with viral outbreaks are concerns on everyone’s mind as we approach almost half a year of this global COVID-19 pandemic. Daniel Kraft is a Stanford & Harvard trained physician-scientist and innovator. He is the Chair of Medicine for Singularity University, and Founder and Chair of Exponential Medicine, a program that explores the convergence of technology and its potential to reshape healthcare. This is the second time Dr. Kraft been on this show. This time, we're going to go deep into everything related to the pandemic,…

Humans have come a long way over the last 200,000 years. But, with all the genetic and environmental factors impacting our health, including the coronavirus that’s engulfed the planet, it can feel like no matter how well we eat and how regularly we exercise, we still have relatively little control over our life expectancy. My guest today, the incredibly smart Dr. David Karow, is trying to change all that. Dr. Karow is President and Chief Innovation Officer at Human Longevity Inc. and an expert in advanced genomic analytics and magnetic…

The new salutation seems to be ‘hope you're staying safe during these crazy times.’ It's trite and it's meaningless. Do not just throw around platitudes like this when so many of us are scared and lost. Instead, be a beacon of light for people. In other words, help them be smart, safe, and proactive. When connecting with someone, ask them if they have a thermometer and a pulse oximeter on hand. Make sure they know how to use it, that they're checking to see if their blood oxygen level doesn't…

The inspiration for me starting this podcast was really my fascination with biohacking and personal optimization - merging the world of science with the spiritual and cognitive experience. When you hear about the tech that today's guest Scott Donnell is going to speak with us about, you're going to feel like you've stepped into a Star Trek episode.  I met Scott during a dinner at the Genius Network annual event back in November, and I was so impressed with some of the projects he was working on. I knew I…

It has become commonplace to talk about being "triggered." While becoming part of the lexicon, this concept is more than just a buzzword. Acknowledging these emotional triggers provides a greater awareness of how our past can continue to affect us. PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, doesn’t just affect war heroes and first responders. We’ve all suffered trauma in our childhood, especially if you use the definition of trauma being anything less than nurturing, which I learned from previous guest, Brent Charleton. Traumatic experiences can alter our emotional responses and create problematic…

Something I learned in my Kabbalah class is when you focus on darkness, you attract more darkness. When you focus on the light, you get more light. Our brains work similarly, in that they have an incredible amount of neuroplasticity that we can literally mold through our daily habits, whether it's our sleeping, eating or consumption habits. We have the power to optimize them for better health and inner peace in our lives.  But we don't always make the best lifestyle choices for our future, especially in this day and…

Living in the information age comes with a price. That price is overwhelm. We are drowning in data, and we desperately want to know who and what we can trust online. Especially when it comes to high stakes issues, such as our health and longevity. It’s important to be discerning, to not simply accept conventional wisdom, and to assess the incentives that may influence a health expert’s position on a topic. One of the biggest factors in our health is the food we eat. Honestly, how much of what you…

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