I'm really excited about this episode of Get Yourself Optimized because I was in full immersion into using the device we are going to talk about and I think it's going to be pretty interesting and potentially transformational for you, listeners. My two guests for this episode are Ratna Singh and Ulrich Dempfle. Ratna is the founder and CEO of CAR.O.L. She is a microbiologist, a McKinsey consultant, and an advertising guru with two kids. She never had the time to exercise until she invented CAR.O.L. Jogging was an option…

Many diseases today are caused by hormonal imbalances and the common denominator, the chemicals found in our food and personal care products. These nasty chemicals can cause diseases like cancer, obesity and Alzheimer's. Some have even been linked to depression. Before you place a product in your shopping cart, you need to know what it's made of and whether the manufacturer can be trusted. Furthermore, your genetics can play a pivotal role in whether that product is good for you or bad for you. So it really pays to have…

Of all the organs in the human body, the brain is arguably the most important, yet we still don't understand exactly how it works. When it comes to diseases of the brain, like Alzheimer’s and other types of Dementia, there are no cures and oftentimes, treatments focus on managing symptoms rather than stopping or slowing the disease. Dr. Joe DiDuro has treated many patients with neurodegenerative diseases and has seen firsthand just how devastating they can be to every aspect of a person's life. As a chiropractic neurologist and founder…

There's an Indian proverb that goes something like, "A healthy person has many wishes, but the sick person has only one." Statistically speaking, we in the Western world are most likely to die from cancer. Yes, cancer recently surpassed heart disease as the biggest killer. It really is no longer viable to stand idly by without taking some proactive actions to prevent cancer and to innovatively treated if you have it. We all have cancer cells in our bodies circulating in our bloodstream. It's just that our immune system is…

You might have a business coach, you might have a life coach. But do you have a sleep coach? You might say, "Why would I need a sleep coach?" Well, here's one reason. If you live to 75, and I do hope you live a lot longer than that, you will have spent about 25 years of your life sleeping. 25 years. Not only that, but the quality of your sleep will have a huge impact on the quality of your life. Lack of sleep can lead to poor mental…

I'm sure you've heard of acupuncture. You may have even heard of Reiki. But have you heard of Jin Shin? I hadn't. Jin Shin is an ancient Japanese healing art that uses gentle touch and minimal pressure to unblock energy flows throughout the body. It's most commonly used to treat ailments like anxiety, digestive issues, immune disorders, migraines, and more. The best part about Jin Shin is that you can easily practice it on yourself and develop a daily routine that can help you achieve inner harmony and a deep…

If you're like me, you have a cupboard full of vitamins and supplements. But what's your overall health maintenance strategy? Buying supplements on a whim, in other words, without the necessary due diligence, won't address the underlying health issues in your body. Dr. Jay Foster is the expert that many turns to for this kind of nutritional guidance. He's a nutritional biochemist and the president of Body Chemistry Associates. Jay has deep expertise in the interpretation of blood chemistry and mineral analysis. He also designs nutritional and dietary recommendations tailored…

We all know that as we get older, our risk for certain diseases increases, our bodies wear out, and our mental faculties often fade. Aging is something that most of us just accept as a fact of life, but does it have to be? Scientific research is starting to reveal the underlying causes of aging and how diet, genetics, and environment can all contribute to the deterioration of our bodies. In fact, scientists can now recommend specific foods, therapies, and supplements that can reduce the risk of disease and combat…

I’ve been podcasting for four years and it feels like just yesterday that the first episode was published. As we wrap up Get Yourself Optimized’s 200th episode, I can’t help but look back and reflect on the last 100 guests who have graciously agreed to be on the show. It was such an honor interviewing some of the best experts, influencers, and trailblazers in the world of biohacking, business, and self-development. So many lessons learned and tips and tricks gained to live a highly optimized life. This special episode is…

Stem cells are quietly bringing about a revolution in health and longevity, and doctors are now looking at stem cells as a viable treatment for a number of ailments including spinal cord injuries and neurological conditions. Stem cells also appear to have a lot of potential when it comes to aging. On this episode number 199, I'm joined by Dr. Amy Killen, an expert in anti-aging, regenerative, and aesthetic medicine. Amy works out at the Docere Clinics at Utah where she practices cutting edge treatments that reduce the effects of…

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