Hello, and welcome to Get Yourself Optimized! I’m your host, Orion Talmay. Wait… that doesn’t sound quite right, does it? Well, that’s because this week, I’m stepping in to interview my husband (and the usual host of this show), Stephan Spencer. In case you haven’t figured out yet what the big occasion is, it’s that this is episode #100 of this amazing podcast! "Knowledge is power. Always be learning, optimizing and up-leveling in every aspect of your life." Stephan Spencer with Orion Talmay In our conversation today, Stephan pulls together…

Happiness is something that we all want to achieve. Finding a way to create a life that is fun and successful is possible through a culmination of study, searching, and personal transformation. Today’s guest, Valerie Sheppard shares a four step process to finding happiness that she has distilled from her own personal journey and search for happiness. Valerie spent many years studying and searching for information about finding and achieving happiness. Her four step process consists of the commonalities she discovered in many different teachings. "Living Happy to Be ME…

Are you confused about what kind of diet to follow? Harvard educated psychologist Melanie Joy helps shed light on this controversial issue and how to choose a path that creates better health and aligns more with our basic human values. She even has tips for meat eaters to support a more sustainable lifestyle in a non-judgemental way. Dr. Joy explains how carnism, an invisible belief system or ideology that conditions us to eat certain animals affects all of our lives. Listen to this episode as we discuss taking back your…

Did you know there’s technology that can detect pancreatic, ovarian, and lung cancer for just three cents in only five minutes?  Or that we’re increasingly able to modify our DNA? There have been incredible advances in diagnostic technologies, nanorobots, and the function of genes, all working towards saving lives. Today our conversation is with Jack Andraka about his love of science, how persistence paid off for him, and about the future of medicine. Prepare to be charmed by the 20-year-old wunderkind, who was only 15 years old when he invented…

If you’re concerned about aging, turn your attention to your telomeres. These protective caps of our chromosomes play a key role in aging, and can even indicate how your body might react when faced with the common cold. While we don’t yet fully understand every aspect of telomeres, it’s clear that our everyday choices can affect their length, and that making good choices can help you keep them as long as possible. Elissa Epel, today’s guest, is an expert in the field. She co-wrote the The Telomere Effect with Dr.…

We’re constantly bombarded by pathogens and toxins, and fortunately the immune system offers a defense against them. However, most of us are compromising our own immune systems through poor lifestyle choices, often without even realizing we’re doing it. Dr. Susan Blum, who wrote The Immune System Recovery Plan, knows the ins and outs of the immune system, and is intimately familiar with the types of lifestyle choices and behaviors that negatively impact it. In this conversation, she discusses several important topics at length, including inflammation, food sensitivities, lipoprotein particles and…

If you know much about pain management, body alignment, and chronic pain relief, chances are you’ve already heard of the Egoscue Method. This exercise therapy program, which was developed by Pete Egoscue, is globally acclaimed for treating chronic musculoskeletal pain and offering safe, effective, permanent relief from chronic pain. As the creator and developer of the method, Pete -- who I have the pleasure of introducing as today’s guest -- knows it intimately and understands exactly how it works. I first learned about the method from Tony Robbins, and am…

The role of genetics in health is absolutely fascinating, but can also seem overwhelmingly complex. On the show today we have Kurt Johnsen, the vision keeper and co-founder of Simplified Genetics, to break down some of those barriers of complexity and explain how our individual genes affect how our bodies react to things like diet, exercise, and even concussions. "Knowledge without action has no power." Kurt Johnsen Kurt is passionate about positively impacting the lives of people around the world. In fact, as you’ll hear in this episode, one of…

Sylvia Tara is the author of The Secret Life of Fat: The Science Behind the Body's Least Understood Organ and What It Means for You. In other words, she’s an expert in the topics of fat, digestion, weight management and more. She discusses all of these topics in this episode, diving into how a certain amount of fat is a good thing and offering some tips on understanding (and losing) weight. "You should respect your fat. It's not just sitting there as some unsightly body part that we have to…

We're talking to Dr. Harry Adelson who is an expert at stem cell therapy and the founder of Docere Clinics in Park City, Utah. Dr. Adelson is one of the most experienced practitioners in the world with use of autologous stem cells for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain conditions. He’s deeply knowledgeable about various aspects of stem cell therapy and we discuss various uses for stem cells, whether and how to bank them for the future, and the strengths and limitations of stem cell therapy. "The four pillars to health…

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