"The greatest journey you'll ever be on is the one within."Edward Haschke The intelligence of the heart is not something you hear a lot about, but it is a powerful force in the career and life of my guest on today’s episode, Edward Haschke. Photographer, filmmaker, and entrepreneur - Edward is a relentless truth seeker and storyteller. His love for all things related to the nature of consciousness has brought him to discover hidden truths that he now shares with those with similar interests regarding forgotten history, suppressed technologies, and…

"Our life is the story we tell ourselves."Carl Taylor The truth of the world we live in, and the power of how we perceive life is within our control. My guest on today’s show is Carl Taylor, who wrote an excellent book called Becoming Bulletproof. Inspired by Superman as a kid, Carl wanted to write about letting those metaphorical bullets bounce off you. The idea is not that you won’t be shot at, but rather you keep moving forward, rolling with the punches, learning and adapting. In today’s episode, we…

"Entrepreneurship is years of tweaking, adjusting, pivoting, improving, failing, learning to get the business to where it is now."John Lee Dumas You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with, according to my guest on today’s show, John Lee Dumas. Inspired by the idea of spending time with high achievers who he admired, John, an army veteran who had struggled with depression and PTSD, decided to embark on an entrepreneurial path to change his life and the lives of all his listeners. On his podcast, Entrepreneurs…

"I didn't have everything figured out. I had failures along the way, but I knew my only options were to figure out another way and not give up."Kara Goldin It doesn’t matter whether you feel confident; it matters what you actually do. Author Kara Goldin turned her unsweetened flavored water into Hint—one of the most successful beverage businesses of our time and has been named one of InStyle’s Badass 50 and EY Entrepreneur of the Year for Northern California. Her secret sauce is be Undaunted, which is the title of…

"Hero leadership is a choice to be more than good, more than great, no matter the circumstances."Jeffrey Hayzlett My guest on the show today has an expression when it comes to having an impact on an audience: it's not about reaching eyeballs and ears, it's about hearts and minds. He definitely has a lot of experience in how you can be credible and relevant for the audience you want to reach. Jeffrey Hayzlett is a big personality who likes to live large, dating from his days as a celebrity judge…

"Living a fulfilled life is all about the why of what you do more than the how."Chester Elton There’s been a lot of focus in the media about how the pandemic has strained relationships with people suddenly on lockdown together at home, but my guest on today’s episode, Chester Elton, brings a different perspective about how this is also a chance for us to be grateful for each other and to work on our relationships. Chester has been called the “apostle of appreciation” by Canada’s Globe and Mail. He is…

"You need to change your environment, mindset, and the people in your life if you want to change your life."Steve Sims We all feel like we don’t fit in, until we realize, we were not meant to. My guest on today’s show, Steve Sims, is a creative disruptor who fashioned a unique career for himself. His secret is that you have to ask for what you dream of, not simply what you think you can get. This is coming from a guy who was a bricklayer with no high school…

"If you shout out your dreams and do not keep them a secret, they will definitely happen."Yuval Abramovitz At the age of 16, my guest today, Yuval Abramovitz found himself paralyzed, bound to a wheelchair. Ignoring his medical condition, every time he had an idea of something he wanted to accomplish, he wrote it down in an old notebook and focused on dreaming. The result of that list was a physical recovery and a chance to inspire an incredible number of people to speak out loud their dreams, write their…

"Without your brain and body correctly trained, you're not as effective as you think you are."Tim Larkin Your brain has muscle memory—it will look for the most effective information it has when you are under threat. You wouldn’t necessarily think that on a relationship retreat for Tony Robbins Platinum Partners you’d be getting lifesaving self-defense training, but that’s where I learned Target Focus Training or TFT, back in 2012 from today’s guest, Tim Larkin. That training has stuck in my mind and is filed away, just in case, God forbid,…

"When we pay more attention to what keeps our energy up, what fascinates us, and what motivates us to wake up every day, we begin to connect the dots."Dr. Toni Galardi Dr. Toni Galardi, my guest on today’s episode, once called herself “the poster child for the change impaired” because she was a bit  “slow” when it came to preparing for change. This kind of warm and very human confession is what makes Dr. Galardi so relatable, and so compelling. She has parlayed two advanced degrees and a license into…

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