"We don't take advantage of all our five senses. If I asked you what you ate or listened to yesterday, you would be able to answer them pretty quickly. But how about asking what you smelled yesterday? You might look at me like I have three heads."Tamar Weinberg The sense of smell is too often taken for granted, at least until this year, as one of the common symptoms of COVID-19 is a loss of smell. Did you know that scent, emotion, and memory are all intertwined in the chemistry…

"Isn't life all about the sandwiches? That's the best way to deal with life. Have a good sandwich and think about the best and worst moments you've witnessed. But no matter how much you've endured, you still get to have a good sandwich."Garry Meier The gift of gab is something today’s guest has been famous for since his days on the radio station The LOUP in Chicago starting in 1973. I’m especially excited to have one of my radio and podcast heroes, Garry Meier, with us here because, as a…

"The only time you fail is not when you lose everything. It’s when you realize you didn’t like who you were and you didn’t have a good time doing it."Suzy Batiz When you’ve had the luxury of losing everything, you can start with a clean slate, assessing where you’ve been and where you want to go, because the only way to go is up. This inspiring and transformative perspective comes from today’s guest on the show, serial entrepreneur Suzy Batiz. Transformation is the common thread that runs throughout Suzy’s life…

"Habits determine everything in your life whether you're rich or poor, happy or unhappy, or at peace or in shape. It all boils down to the habits you cultivate." David Henzel Some people talk about changing their lives, but they lack the tools to get them unstuck. Then there are people who manage to change their sleep habits, diet, and move to a different country for an optimized lifestyle.  My guest for this episode, David Henzel, is that guy. He is an inspiring serial entrepreneur. He has started, as well…

"A tough conversation is any conversation that we’re avoiding and we don’t want to have. In fact, the brain doesn’t tell us we’re not having it. The brain doesn’t even consider that we can have it." David Wood There’s a funny scene in Jerry Maguire where Jerry is having a confrontation with his very high-strung, intense fiancée Avery. She says, What was our deal when we first got together? Brutal truth, remember? To which Jerry responds… I think you added the ‘brutal’. In everybody’s life there are the tough conversations…

"PRINT® enables us to anticipate behavior and/or remediate if something goes awry in a much better way." Debra Levine You may be familiar with assessments such as Kolbe, Myers-Briggs, DISC and StrengthsFinder – and may have even taken them or encouraged friends, family, or staff to take them. There’s one assessment I was completely unaware of until recently, and I’m guessing you hadn’t heard of it either, and it’s called PRINT. And I have to say, it rocked my world. This is nothing like your typical personality test, it truly…

As we experience this global pandemic—we’re not only trying to navigate a very real health threat but we and the entire world are trying to process something very big and very scary. We find ourselves wading into waters we’ve definitely never imagined ourselves going into before. Today, you’re going to learn about a tool called the Wise Advocate that’s going to be invaluable in processing all this.  My guests are Dr. Jeff Schwartz and Josie Thomson, co-authors of the book The Wise Advocate. Jeff and Josie are both leading authorities…

The new salutation seems to be ‘hope you're staying safe during these crazy times.’ It's trite and it's meaningless. Do not just throw around platitudes like this when so many of us are scared and lost. Instead, be a beacon of light for people. In other words, help them be smart, safe, and proactive. When connecting with someone, ask them if they have a thermometer and a pulse oximeter on hand. Make sure they know how to use it, that they're checking to see if their blood oxygen level doesn't…

I’ve titled this episode, “The Narcissists are Among You” for a reason. If it sounds scary, like the zombies or the vampires are coming—well, it’s kind of scary. The kind of vampires we’re talking about are emotional vampires. It seems the term narcissism is so much in the lexicon these days, not because narcissism is something new, but because of the increased awareness and knowledge sharing. And it’s sad to say, but narcissism is rampant throughout our society. "If you don't understand narcissism, you don't know mental health." Ramani Durvasula…

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