Personal transformation can come when you’re open--willing to go on a lifelong journey of learning, experimentation, and spiritual exploration. My guest today is a fascinating learner and teacher, Don Miguel Ruiz Jr., who grew up in Mexico steeped in the traditions and learnings of his grandmother, his mother, and his father, Don Miguel Ruiz Sr., who wrote The Four Agreements.  In today’s episode, Don Miguel Jr. and I discuss enlightenment, self-acceptance, and the dark and light sides of the human experience. One of the lessons Don Miguel Jr. learned from…

I’m sure everyone has probably had the frustrating experience of not being able to remember important things--whether they’re facts, names, or just information that feels like it’s at the tip of your tongue, but somehow it’s inaccessible. My guest today, Ron White, is a two-time national memory champion. He held the record for the fastest to memorize a deck of shuffled cards in only 1 minute and 27 seconds. As a memory expert, Ron has given talks all over the world from Zimbabwe to Milan. He has appeared on Good…

We live in a world where technology, obsession with devices causes us to have shorter and shorter attention spans. And though in school, we teach our kids how to read and write, we don't teach them how to speak and to listen. These are such critical skills to learn because whether it's in your personal life or your professional world, the ability to communicate is at the heart of any relationship. My guest today is author and speaker Julian Treasure. Julian is a communication visionary who has given multiple TED…

I'm committed to revealing light in the world in everything I do, including this podcast. I believe revealing light is in large part the reason why I'm here on this earth. But as my guest today, Jeff Goins so aptly puts it, every light casts a shadow. Jeff and I discussed how often we end up chasing the shadows rather than chasing the light. It's easy to focus on your social media persona or keeping up with the neighbors, especially when that new Tesla shows up in their driveway. But…

I've always considered myself a pragmatic thinker. Breaking down how things work is fun and it makes sense. But on my journey of personal growth, I've had experiences that have challenged my mind to see a greater, more empowering view of life. I traveled to India and had a spiritual awakening. I met my soulmate. I've created a life I truly enjoy. Part of my love for biohacking and personal optimization, is it merges the scientific with the spiritual.  My guest, Ariel Garten, has done just that. She's a neuroscientist,…

It has become commonplace to talk about being "triggered." While becoming part of the lexicon, this concept is more than just a buzzword. Acknowledging these emotional triggers provides a greater awareness of how our past can continue to affect us. PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, doesn’t just affect war heroes and first responders. We’ve all suffered trauma in our childhood, especially if you use the definition of trauma being anything less than nurturing, which I learned from previous guest, Brent Charleton. Traumatic experiences can alter our emotional responses and create problematic…

Elite performers aren’t overnight successes. Achieving and sustaining peak performance is not for the faint of heart. Or put another way, if you want the glory, you gotta have the guts to earn it. Whether you’re a prodigy, entrepreneur, athlete, author, celebrity, or C suite executive, you can’t reach your full potential without great mentors and without a reliable, high-performing team of people surrounding you who have your back. And if you’re gearing up for an influential, significant, and meaningful kind of life, you should be equipped with the right…

We are all imperfect humans, so we can't expect to have had perfect parents or caregivers. Most parents do the best they can. It's just an unfortunate reality that we as their children experienced trauma at their hands. Anything less than nurturing is trauma so the bar is pretty low. We have all experienced trauma in our childhoods. These traumas can still affect us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. They can show up in our work, our relationships, our parenting and even our sense of self-worth.   "Most of our belief systems…

A lot of people in business can talk a good game about disruption, but how many can say they actually personify it? If there's one person who can lay a rightful claim to the title of serial disruptor, it's my guest for this episode number 211, Jay Samit. Jay advances the gospel of disruption everywhere he goes and his radical approach to business has transformed entire industries. As a consultant has spurred innovation in major brands like American Express, AT&T, Coca-Cola, Disney, and LinkedIn to name a few.  "Solve a…

What makes us behave the way we do? Why do our brains keep defaulting back to the same old bad habits? And why is it so hard to scrap those bad habits and replace them with new ones? Why can't we just stick with these new habits that we tell ourselves we want to form? Installing and uninstalling habits sounds easy, but boy, is it a challenge. Whether you want to hit the gym, wake up earlier, quit smoking, or simply be more productive at work, behavior change can feel…

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