Karen Hoyos was a victim of domestic violence who overcame incredible adversity to reach where she is today -- and, in fact, sees her past struggles as a blessing, as she explains in this episode. She has become a celebrity coach and speaker with over 25,000 graduates from her seminars. Her impressive list of clients includes Harvard University, the United Nations, the New York Times, and many more. All this came from letting go of control and giving in to faith, and she explains in this conversation how all of…

Today’s guest, Brent Charleton, is a true expert in "chair work". This remarkable experience, which is the culmination of a four-day journey, can be like the equivalent of six months of therapy accomplished in just one morning. He's licensed in psychotherapy as well as marriage and family therapy, but he’s certainly not your typical therapist. We discuss ways to increase your sense of worth, his thoughts on psychotherapy, and how to cope with Trauma. "If we want to be a better human, and have a higher level of consciousness, we…

If you’re ready to become a master of productivity, discipline, and focus, you’re in luck! This episode with John Lee Dumas is for you. We hear some of John’s advice for new speakers who don’t yet have a long or solid track record, his techniques for building and maintaining relationships and his advice on how to make sure your podcast guests share your podcast once it’s live. To learn more about The Mastery Journal, listen to this inspiring episode! "The key to mastery is to wake up every single morning…

We’ve all been there: you’re in a flow state, being ultra productive, and then suddenly you’re distracted by wondering whether you locked the door or what you should have for dinner. Getting into a flow state is tough, but staying in one for a prolonged period can be even tougher. That’s where Will Henshall can help. He’s the founder and CEO of Focus at Will, a music app for increasing productivity. In this conversation, he explains in detail how flow states work in relation to sound, and explains why most…

Today's guest is Dr. John Demartini, who is the founder of the Demartini Institute and the creator of the Demartini Method. He focuses deeply on our individual values, and emphasizes the importance of living in alignment with them. He goes into depth about our innate values and how important it is to live by them, and how understanding others’ values can help our personal relationships. "We can't live an inspired life without service to other people." Dr. John Demartini

In case you’ve never heard of the Quantified Self Movement, let me give you a little introduction before we talk about today’s guest. The quantified self movement is a group of citizen scientists who study their own health through various biomarkers and through tracking behaviors. This allows them to optimize themselves in some inspirational ways. "The great thing about breathwork—and this is one thing that attracts me to it—is that it actually changes the wave patterns going on inside your brain." Justin Dudek This week’s guest, Justin Dudek, is a…

For this episode I had the honor of speaking with award-winning author, serial entrepreneur, growth strategist, and podcaster Jonathan Fields. He is regularly featured in the media on outlets including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, USA Today, and many more. While he’s impressive in everything he does, I particularly admire his success in podcasting; his top-rated podcast, The Good Life Project, gets millions of listens in more than 150 countries. "Something can drop in your life as a source of great suffering and overtime become…

Chris Wise is a lifelong entrepreneur. He started his first business (in chainsaw sharpening) when he was just 12 years old. At 16, he founded Wise Enterprises, which he later left college to pursue full-time. Chris shares an incredible amount about who he is, his perspective on life, and how he used his beliefs and perspective to navigate his way through his time in prison. "I will follow my heart, no matter what, even until death." Chris Wise

This week, we’re joined by the founder of Mehta Labs, Ravé Mehta. Mehta Labs creates technology and immersive experiences that support increasing human potential. Ravé has spent over 15 years researching and hacking fear to better understand how we can overcome these reactions and feelings. Ravé is also pioneer in the virtual reality industry, with nearly two decades of experience in using VR for accelerated learning. We discuss overcoming negative emotions, conquering fear, increasing your flow state and more. "How do you thrive versus just survive when you're hit with…

"Flattery has been shown to make the person you're speaking with or flattering like you more and remember more of what you tell them."Roger Dooley Roger Dooley, the founder of Dooley Direct and cofounder of College Confidential, talks in this interview about how to apply neuromarketing techniques to your own marketing endeavors. If you’re less interested in marketing, though, there are plenty of takeaway tips that you can use to help connect with (and influence) people in other spheres as well.

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