The idea that you both write and draw something at the same time creates a matrix of memory. It’s saving little bits of this thinking all over your brain, and so it’s more likely that you can pull back a richer memory."Mike Rohde Mike Rohde believes that the idea of saving all the things we need to remember and need to do solely within our mind is an ineffective way to retain and process different experiences, ideas, and conversations we come across in our lives. Instead, influenced by his background…

"Once you understand that we are all creatures of condition, you have the power to reprogram your subconscious mind by creating a system to recondition your brain."Raul Villacis Like me, Raul Villacis has gone through a radical transformation. He was in a job that was going nowhere, his body was in a constant pain that doctors couldn’t figure out, and he found himself turning to alcohol to escape his reality. It wasn’t until he found the power of a morning ritual that he turned his life around. For such a…

"I wear 20% of my clothes 80% of the time. Literally. So, you just have to get better and better at buying that 20% up front."Luke Storey Celebrity and musician stylist Luke Storey believes in the power of fashion that goes beyond making yourself look good. He believes in its ability to help you present yourself in the best way possible to the world. There’s a certain power that comes with looking good and knowing you look good. Luke’s all about helping you harness that power to boost your career…

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