"We tell the stories that inform our realities. Life may not unfold as planned, but sometimes deviation is our true path."Zack Arnold How can we optimize our lives and achieve our highest potential while somehow finding peace in the process? In today's show, my guest, Zack Arnold, will guide us through this intricate balance, highlighting his journey and how he has pivoted to helping other people on the path of optimization. As an award-winning Hollywood editor and producer, Zack achieved career success, but the byproduct of that success was exhaustion…

"You can shut down in tough times, or you can use them to open your heart and to become present."HeatherAsh Amara Facing our own darkness takes courage, but within the shadows lie gems of insight, if we have the resolve to look. My guest on today's show, HeatherAsh Amara, has walked this difficult path, emerging with hard-won wisdom about the illusions that limit us. She became an apprentice to renowned author Don Miguel Ruiz, studying his Toltec teachings, which shaped her philosophy of embracing all aspects of yourself with radical…

"Grief, even ambiguous grief, can serve as a path to your higher self and a deeper understanding of life's purpose."Stephanie Sarazin My guest on today's show firmly believes that your grief is the gateway to your greatest good. When trauma strikes, the grief that follows can be profoundly disorienting and elusive—often described as ambiguous in nature. My guest, Stephanie Sarazin, knows this all too well. She experienced this complex form of grief firsthand and has since dedicated her life to researching, understanding, and healing it. Stephanie's journey began with a…

"All of life is a one-man play. Our collective roles are influenced by the Divine—the infinite consciousness."Kute Blackson In a world saturated with digital immersion, the quest for true inward and outward connection often feels untenable. Enter my guest on today's show, Kute Blackson, a man whose life, stretched across four continents, has birthed the transformative philosophy of "Liberated Living." Born in Ghana, West Africa, Kute's multicultural upbringing as the child of a Japanese mother and Ghanaian father defies all conventions. He is a next-generation world leader out to awaken…

"Tap back into the energy that can unlock the powerful artist within you."Garrain Jones When my guest on today's show was at a crossroads, he made himself vulnerable, posting a letter he wrote to his child self from his adult self, followed by a letter his child self wrote to his adult self. At that moment, he discovered his purpose: to give a voice to the voiceless, or more precisely, to the parts of us we often keep hidden and unheard.

"For a harmonious, balanced life, you need to understand where you invest your energy. Strive to distribute it evenly across the mind, body, and spirit to achieve fulfillment."Michael Roviello What if we hold the power to heal ourselves by simply accessing Earth's living intelligence? My guest on today's show is Michael Roviello. After years of pain and declining health following his deployment in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan in 2001 and Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003, the Navy veteran declined a second neck surgery and followed his intuition's call into…

"We need to learn how to avoid denying the divine. "Paul Selig What do higher dimensional beings have to say about our time right now? Hearing from the world beyond is not something everyone gets to experience in their lifetime. Still, my guest on this episode gives us a peek into his fascinating experience as one of the foremost spiritual channels working today. I'm incredibly honored to have Paul Selig returning to the show. Paul was born in New York City and received his master's degree from Yale. A spiritual…

"We should marry the old world of personal computer storage to the current world of cloud storage. There’s still room for both."Brad Templeton At this point, it's hard to imagine our lives without technology. In today's episode, we'll uncover the fascinating journey of an individual who has surfed the swelling wave of tech and the internet from its inception, bearing witness to its evolution at every stage. Brad Templeton is founding faculty for Computing & Networks at Singularity University and Chairman Emeritus and futurist of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF),…

"Reflect on the world outside you and then the universe within to discover far greater insights than you can perceive with your senses."Rafael Andrade You know, if you've been a listener of mine for any length of time, that I'm a geek when it comes to optimizing health and performance. So anytime I can chat with an inspiring expert in the field of biohacking, I jump at the chance! Today's guest, Rafael Andrade, left behind a 24-year engineering career to start a venture aimed at helping others improve their lives.…

"Sleep is based on performance, much like running or any other sport. To excel at it, you need the right equipment—a comfortable mattress, pillows, and a conducive sleep environment." Dr. Michael Breus Sleep: it's essential to every process in the body, affecting our metabolism, physical and mental functioning, and our ability to fight disease as well as develop immunity. My guest, Dr. Michael Breus, is an incredible pioneer in the field of sleep. We are in a mastermind together called M.E.T.A.L. that you might have heard me talk about before.…

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