"Investment is risky no matter what form it is. It’s vital to be smart about every decision not only mentally, but also emotionally and spiritually."Wendy O Every overnight success, whether in investing or entrepreneurship, is years in the making. Sometimes even decades. As an outsider, we can mistakenly think everything was achieved easily. We don’t recognize the person’s sacrifices, rejections, and hard work. Today’s guest is cryptocurrency investor Wendy O, known online by her social media handle CryptoWendyO. Wendy’s accomplishments as a person and an entrepreneur are a testimony to…

Fear is the number one blocker that can keep you from living at your full potential. Once you remove fear from the equation, your life transforms. Imagine what your life would look like if you were fearless, courageous, and confident; what would you do? Who would you become? I had the most amazing conversation with my wife and soulmate, Orion, on her podcast, Stellar Life. I shared my incredible transformation – and when I say incredible, I also mean hard to believe – where I let go of fear and…

"So much of the magic in this world is in conversations with people you’re not willing to talk to."Brian Miller Today’s guest believes everyone deserves to feel heard, understood and valued. He loves having awesome conversations that build connections - a connection that is meaningful and forms understanding to both parties. Brian Miller is a magician turned author and speaker on human connection. He helps thought leaders get "TED-Ready" in his high-level speaking program Conquer the Red Dot. His TEDx talk, "How to Magically Connect with Anyone," has been viewed…

"I live to please my God and make my son proud."Joe McQuillen It's hard when someone close to you suddenly passes away - one minute, they're happy and healthy, and with a blink of an eye, they're gone. Acceptance is a tough pill to swallow. My guest, Joe McQuillen, experienced a devastating loss when his son, Christopher, died in a drowning accident. Unwilling to accept a world devoid of his beloved son, Joe began to research the metaphysical and seek the answer to the question, "What happens next?" He wrote…

"Consent is not the standard of excellence. It's the bare minimum requirement. The standard of excellence is mutually amazing consensual sexual intimacy."Mike Domitrz Respect! Consent! These two words are very important but they don't get enough attention in the media or on stages. My guest's mission in life is to end sexual violence. So, he’s been spreading awareness for decades on how we individually can proactively take action regarding this important issue. Mike Domitrz is an internationally renowned speaker and critically acclaimed author. He is one of the world's leading…

"True intelligence is a brain that can figure things out, has the freedom to create, and be out of the box."Anat Baniel How amazing is the human brain! It soaks up information like a sponge, especially when it’s healthy and not traumatized. But what happens with children who have special needs or people who suffer from brain injury, trauma, or chronic pain? How can they have the breakthrough to do the "impossible"? Anat Baniel is back! She was my guest on this show three years ago (episode 198) , and…

For the first 42 years of my life, I was agnostic, almost an atheist. Until something happened, a life-changing experience that started my spiritual journey. In my interview on My Wakeup Call with Dr. Mark Goulston, I shared how my spiritual awakening journey started and opened up a lot of blessings in my life. I also talked about how the Creator guides the course of my life and how He protected me in amazing ways so that I can do my destiny in this world to bring light to others.…

"My goal is not to make the biggest return. My goal is not to make the most money. My goal is to make a good return and not lose money in a worst-case or bad scenario."Justin Donald Everyone wants more money, more freedom, less work, and a higher quality of life. My guest, Justin Donald, leads this kind of life and teaches others how to have this kind of life too. Through what he calls “lifestyle investing”, he was able to achieve the freedom he desired. Justin is the author…

"Kids don't end up in foster care because they have done something bad. They end up in care because something bad has happened to them or around them."Charell Star What do Eddie Murphy, Cher, Willie Nelson, Ice T, Wayne Dyer, Steve Jobs, Marilyn Monroe, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Babe Ruth, John Lennon, and I all have in common? We were all foster kids! The month of May is National Foster Care Month, and there are over 407,000 children and youth in foster care. In today's show, I have Charell Star, a…

It was such a treat to be a guest on New York Times bestselling author Anna David's podcast, Launch Your Book. In this episode, I talked about my journey from poverty and foster care to success and love. I shared some unbelievable life experiences that made me not just resilient, but antifragile. I also talked about my spiritual awakening, and how that tied in with me meeting my amazing wife, Orion. I hope that this episode will inspire you to face your circumstances or struggles head on without fear so…

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