"One of the things I love about my work is the ripple effect on the world. So my goal is to train an army of healers to go out there and save the planet."Lisa Campion More and more people are waking up to their energetic nature, doing practices like Reiki, yoga, and meditation that can unlock their psychic abilities. Today's guest, Lisa Campion, had a fondness for horror movies as a child, which led her to pursue an education in the paranormal realm. With over twenty-five years of experience, Lisa…

"Breathing is an automated function in our body, and it is the only vital function that we can also consciously alter. This gives us access to co-creation, from automated re-actions to creative responses."Monika Reimann and Stephen Renton One of the most important biological processes is breathing. According to experts, an average resting adult breathes about 12-20 times per minute - up to 28,800 breaths per day! However, these breaths are done unconsciously by many. But it's possible to harness your breath to become more aware of your body, your state…

"Relationships start to fail because you're not taking the time to ask the right questions to yourself, others, and God."Crystal and Mark Victor Hansen Ask! It is such a simple word but has so much meaning and impact in everyone's lives. Most of us have beautiful dreams - an abundant and healthy life, wonderful relationships, successful careers, etc. However, all of these are buried inside us because of fear, unworthiness, and lack of awareness. According to my guests, asking is the only language to which God can deliver a solution,…

"Your words shape your reality. If you change your words, you change your reality."Marisa Peer The way you talk to yourself creates your reality. According to my guest, your greatest life problems stem from the lies you are telling yourself. For example, if you tell yourself that you 'can't' do something, you won't. Because if you don't believe something is achievable before you even start, you are not going to work half as hard on it. My guest today is Marisa Peer, who was a guest here previously (episode 164),…

"There are two ways to break through to become a believer or spiritual, either through a lot of intense work — learning, meditating, trying — or instantaneous shattering."Kimberly Klein Facing the terrible news that your husband and daughter met a tragic end is traumatizing and terrible. Today's guest, the author Kimberly Klein, faced this horrific experience that shattered her heart and entire belief system. Still, something happened that gave her instantaneous healing - a palpable squeeze on her wrist from her daughter, Talia. From that moment, she learned that life…

"Abilities come before control. Until we have control, our assets are perceived as liabilities."Dr. Kim Redman Life is a journey, and there are many paths from where you are to where you want to be. There will be many lessons that you need to learn because you were chosen to come to this particular life school known as Earth. My guest for this episode, Dr. Kim Redman, explains life's never-ending journey through ancient teachings and hard-core science. Dr. Kim is the founder of Creatrix Go Quantum, a revolutionary system where…

"Consciousness is where everything exists, and nothing is judged."Dr. Dain Heer I learned from Kabbalah classes that when you're judging, you're not loving. Conversely, when you're loving, you're not judging. In other words, it's binary, one or the other. Hopefully you're choosing love, not judgment. I know that's easier said than done. I work on that diligently myself. According to our guest today, Dr. Dain Heer, judgment is the biggest killer on the planet, especially the judgment of ourselves. Dain is a bestselling author, entrepreneur and internationally renowned speaker. His…

"There's no end to how well you can improve alignment, decisions, and accountability."Lee Benson Business is a game, and any game you want to win needs a scoreboard. But what are you keeping score of? That, dear listener, is a really important question. Once you’ve identified your company’s most critical metric, that most important number, you can align everyone to it and everyone will be on the same page. This will then guide future decision making and bring about accountability. Joining me on today’s show is Lee Benson, the founder…

"To help as many people as possible connect to their intuition, find unconditional love and self-acceptance. I have learned that health, happiness, and even miracles are possible with these things."Katie Beecher A medical intuitive is a psychic who can receive information about what's going on inside the body of their client.  Or their own, for that matter. This is an area of paranormal ability that I have a keen interest in. Turns out you can learn this discipline and help yourself and others. I've been receiving ongoing private mentoring from…

"The time has come when every human being on the planet has the right and the chance to wake up and stop suffering forever. The truth is so simple!"Kai Schliebusch Crisis is the gateway to liberation. And our guest today, Kai Schliebusch, embodies that statement. He went through his own dark night of the soul, where he was depressed and suicidal, which led to a spiritual awakening and an understanding of his true self - his essence. Now, Kai is a spiritual teacher, speaker, author and life coach of modern…

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