Unlocking the Power of Masterminds with Stephan Spencer

Stephan Spencer
“Being on masterminds is not about networking. It is investing in yourself to grow in different aspects of life.”
Stephan Spencer

How do you invest in yourself? In my case, one of the ways I invest in myself is through masterminds. I’m a connoisseur of high-level masterminds. At any given moment I’m in 5 or 6 masterminds at the same time.

Many people believe that masterminds are about networking – meeting people to grow and market your business. Like it’s a BNI, Business Networking International, group. It’s so much more than that. You invest serious amounts of your money, time, energy and focus into growing various aspects of your life – business, mindset, health, career, relationship, spirituality, and more.

In this Strategy Sprints episode with host Simon Severino, I share the kinds of breakthroughs, insights, and overall value that I’ve received through masterminds. I also talk about how these masterminds have contributed to my personal and spiritual transformation, to the birthing of my book The Art of SEO, to my consciousness, to the many synchronicities I experience, to my perspective of the universe as friendly, and much more.

If this episode doesn’t sell you on the value of masterminds, I don’t know what will. Enjoy!

Millionaire Marketer Finds His Purpose with Yanik Silver

Yanik Silver
“We know we are on the right track when the universe continuously gives feedback through synchronicities & magical moments.”
Yanik Silver

Do you believe in the power of intuition? Do you make all your important decisions in life based at least in part on intuition? My answers to both those questions sadly used to be no, but thankfully that has changed. Regardless of where you are in regards to these two questions, this episode is just the thing your soul has been waiting for.

My guest, Yanik Silver, is one of the best people to shed light on what it takes to completely pivot in one’s lifetime. He went from a big-time internet marketer to a world-changing innovator who fully embraced his spiritual side- and yes, for those who are avid listeners of the show, that includes the woo-woo.

Yanik redefines business in the 21st century at the intersection of evolutionary growth, impact and fun. He is the creator of the Cosmic Journal, author of Evolved Enterprise, and the founder of the Maverick mastermind, a global collective of visionary entrepreneurs making a great difference in the world without taking themselves too seriously.

In today’s episode, Yanik shares his journey from being part of his father’s business at a young age to throwing aside convention in pursuit of making an impact on the world. He talks about the importance of cosmic alarm clocks, journaling, intuition, oracles, and bibliomancy in choosing your path. In addition, Yanik shares all about his incredible Maverick1000 trips for entrepreneurs that combine growth, impact, and fun.

This episode originally aired on my other podcast, Marketing Speak, episode 314.

And now, on with the show!

Putting Your DNA Test Results to Practical Use with Kashif Khan

Kashif Khan
“We never think about our brain as something that needs maintenance or service. We always see it as just there and take it for granted.”
Kashif Khan

There are over 22,000 genes that make up our genetic code and every cellular process in our body relies on these genes to function. For optimal health and longevity, we must take into account all the genetic variants in our DNA when making decisions on our diet, lifestyle, and environment.

I’m excited to have Kashif Khan back on the show. He was previously on in episode 314. This time around Kashif is going to go over some actual DNA test results and what those results necessitate in terms of lifestyle changes. The DNA that he’s going to decode and assess is my own.

Kashif is the CEO of The DNA Company. Having conducted the world’s largest study of its kind, Kashif’s team clinically reviewed 6000 patients through a genomic lens to understand why we get chronic diseases. This took genetic insights from probability to certainty allowing patients to reverse and prevent chronic disease by understanding the impact of their environment, nutrition and lifestyle choices on suboptimal genetic pathways.

In today’s episode, Kashif unpacks the various insights that you could expect to get in the DNA test results from The DNA Company. He explains the significance of the various findings in my DNA report. Furthermore, we discuss what spiritual practices can do to the physical body, why heart disease is so rampant in society, how the right way of breathing can boost the immune system, why some people need to reduce gluten intake, and much more. This episode will surely compel you to get a DNA test to learn how your body works at the genomic level so that you can transform and function optimally.

And now, on with the show!

Trade Crypto Consciously with Wendy O

Wendy O
“Investment is risky no matter what form it is. It’s vital to be smart about every decision not only mentally, but also emotionally and spiritually.”
Wendy O

Every overnight success, whether in investing or entrepreneurship, is years in the making. Sometimes even decades. As an outsider, we can mistakenly think everything was achieved easily. We don’t recognize the person’s sacrifices, rejections, and hard work.

Today’s guest is cryptocurrency investor Wendy O, known online by her social media handle CryptoWendyO. Wendy’s accomplishments as a person and an entrepreneur are a testimony to not only her brilliance but also her grit and tenacity. She became interested in cryptocurrency and blockchain in 2017. Before that, she worked in healthcare.

Since the summer of 2018, she has been involved in the cryptocurrency space full-time while finishing a degree in business and marketing. In addition, she hosts The O Show, which documents her journey in crypto.

In just a few short years, Wendy became the largest female voice in the space, with millions of monthly views across her social channels. Her focus is transparent marketing and media solutions for crypto companies, as well as hosting face-to-face meetups and educating legislators and the people on the benefits of this new industry.

In this episode, Wendy talks about the life journey that led her to start to trade and invest. In addition, she shares her struggles in an industry dominated by men and how she emerged as a recognized expert. She also talks about the difference between trading and investing, how to mitigate and reduce risk when trading and investing, tools to secure cryptocurrency investments, and much more.

And now, on with the show!

Let Go and Let God with Stephan Spencer and Orion Talmay

Stephan Spencer

Fear is the number one blocker that can keep you from living at your full potential. Once you remove fear from the equation, your life transforms. Imagine what your life would look like if you were fearless, courageous, and confident; what would you do? Who would you become?

I had the most amazing conversation with my wife and soulmate, Orion, on her podcast, Stellar Life. I shared my incredible transformation – and when I say incredible, I also mean hard to believe – where I let go of fear and awakened my spiritual side. I talked about the event that awakened me, how I went from geek to chic, and my advice on how you can start your own transformation journey.

I hope this episode inspires you. If you want to make dramatic changes in your life, I think this episode will resonate. Here it is, without any further ado!

The Art of Human Connection with Brian Miller

Brian Miller
“So much of the magic in this world is in conversations with people you’re not willing to talk to.”
Brian Miller

Today’s guest believes everyone deserves to feel heard, understood and valued. He loves having awesome conversations that build connections – a connection that is meaningful and forms understanding to both parties.

Brian Miller is a magician turned author and speaker on human connection. He helps thought leaders get “TED-Ready” in his high-level speaking program Conquer the Red Dot. His TEDx talk, “How to Magically Connect with Anyone,” has been viewed 3.5 million times, making him the go-to expert in this field overnight.

In this episode, Brian talks about his YouTube and podcast strategies that make his audience part of his tribe, his advice on how to have a TED-style talk worth spreading, and how to have a successful podcast or Youtube channel. He shares the bibliomancy moment that recently happened to him that connected him to his purpose. He also explains why there’s magic in having conversations with strangers and people you’re not close with and how these create connections and a deep understanding of the uniqueness of each human being.

And now, on with the show!

Messages from the Other Side with Joe McQuillen

Joe McQuillen
“I live to please my God and make my son proud.”
Joe McQuillen

It’s hard when someone close to you suddenly passes away – one minute, they’re happy and healthy, and with a blink of an eye, they’re gone. Acceptance is a tough pill to swallow.

My guest, Joe McQuillen, experienced a devastating loss when his son, Christopher, died in a drowning accident. Unwilling to accept a world devoid of his beloved son, Joe began to research the metaphysical and seek the answer to the question, “What happens next?” He wrote his first book, My Search for Christopher on the Other Side, which tells the story of the journey of discovery over the first two years. Then, his second book, We’re Not Done Yet Pop: My Lessons from the Other Side, takes his audience to the next level of discovery and awakening.

In this episode, Joe shares his story of how losing his son in a tragic accident led him to believe in the afterlife and how Joe started to connect with his son on the other side. Joe talks about his relationship with God before, during and after the tragedy, how his spiritual journey started to unfold, and how he turned the heartbreak into something positive that’s bringing comfort and hope to many.

Ask First with Mike Domitrz

Mike Domitrz
“Consent is not the standard of excellence. It’s the bare minimum requirement. The standard of excellence is mutually amazing consensual sexual intimacy.”
Mike Domitrz

Respect! Consent! These two words are very important but they don’t get enough attention in the media or on stages. My guest’s mission in life is to end sexual violence. So, he’s been spreading awareness for decades on how we individually can proactively take action regarding this important issue.

Mike Domitrz is an internationally renowned speaker and critically acclaimed author. He is one of the world’s leading influencers and thought leaders on respect and consent. Decades before sexual assault cases were on the cover of every major media publication, Mike was being brought in by leading educational institutions, organizations of all sizes, and the U.S. military to help them pursue a new standard of consent and respect.

In this episode, Mike talks about he ended up founding The Center for Respect and focusing on the issue of sexual violence. He shares some important data points on sexual assault and some advice for parents on how to teach their children not to be a victim or perpetrators of sexual violence. He also talks about the concept of respect, asking, boundaries, and consent in a relationship so that both partners will feel safe, secure and protected. Aside from sharing his knowledge and understanding of respect and consent, Mike also talks about public speaking and how to be confident and prepared on stage.

Awaken the Brain with Anat Baniel

Anat Baniel
“True intelligence is a brain that can figure things out, has the freedom to create, and be out of the box.”
Anat Baniel

How amazing is the human brain! It soaks up information like a sponge, especially when it’s healthy and not traumatized. But what happens with children who have special needs or people who suffer from brain injury, trauma, or chronic pain? How can they have the breakthrough to do the “impossible”?

Anat Baniel is back! She was my guest on this show three years ago (episode 198) , and she’s here again to share more miraculous stories of people under her care. Anat is a trained clinical psychologist, dancer, and close professional associate of Dr. Feldenkrais for over a decade. She is the founder of NeuroMovement®, a scientifically based methodology with practical tools for waking up the brain. She’s the author of the bestselling books Move Into Life and Kids Beyond Limits.

Over the past 30 years, Anat has helped thousands, from children with special needs to stroke survivors to high-performing athletes, overcome pain and limitation, and reach new heights of performance, making the seemingly impossible possible. Anat’s work is at the forefront of the emerging brain plasticity field.

In this episode, Anat shares how she was introduced to the study of the brain that allowed her to develop Anat Baniel Method® and NeuroMovement®. She talks about some amazing case studies of her clients that showed how miracles can happen every day. She also shares her insights on why humans develop much slower than any animals on this planet and why slowing down helps babies have optimal development.

This Was My Wakeup Call with Stephan Spencer

Stephan Spencer

For the first 42 years of my life, I was agnostic, almost an atheist. Until something happened, a life-changing experience that started my spiritual journey.

In my interview on My Wakeup Call with Dr. Mark Goulston, I shared how my spiritual awakening journey started and opened up a lot of blessings in my life. I also talked about how the Creator guides the course of my life and how He protected me in amazing ways so that I can do my destiny in this world to bring light to others.

Stay tuned for a fun inspiring conversation filled with my life’s spiritual testimony. I hope that this will also help you find your own!


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