Become a Lifestyle Investor with Justin Donald

Justin Donald
“My goal is not to make the biggest return. My goal is not to make the most money. My goal is to make a good return and not lose money in a worst-case or bad scenario.”
Justin Donald

Everyone wants more money, more freedom, less work, and a higher quality of life. My guest, Justin Donald, leads this kind of life and teaches others how to have this kind of life too. Through what he calls “lifestyle investing”, he was able to achieve the freedom he desired.

Justin is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling book The Lifestyle Investor: The 10 Commandments of Cash Flow for Passive Income and Financial Freedom. Entrepreneur Magazine calls Justin the “Warren Buffett of Lifestyle Investing.” He’s a master of low-risk cash flow investing, specializing in simplifying complex financial strategies, structuring deals, and disciplined investment systems that consistently produce profitable results. His ethos is to “create wealth without creating a job.”

In the span of 21 months and before his 37th birthday, Justin’s investments drove enough passive income for both he and his wife Jennifer to leave their jobs. Following his simple investment system and 10 Commandments of Lifestyle Investing, Justin negotiated deals with over 100 companies, multiplied his net worth to over eight figures, and maintained a family-centric lifestyle in less than two years. Then, just two years later, he doubled his net worth again. Justin now consults and advises entrepreneurs, executives, and successful media personalities on lifestyle investing.

In this episode, Justin shares the journey that led him to cash flow investing and how he diversified his investments. He also talks about hedging, buying assets with OPM (other people’s money), cryptocurrency, investing strategies, negotiation tactics, and much more.

Rising from the Ashes with Charell Star

Charell Star
“Kids don’t end up in foster care because they have done something bad. They end up in care because something bad has happened to them or around them.”
Charell Star

What do Eddie Murphy, Cher, Willie Nelson, Ice T, Wayne Dyer, Steve Jobs, Marilyn Monroe, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Babe Ruth, John Lennon, and I all have in common? We were all foster kids! The month of May is National Foster Care Month, and there are over 407,000 children and youth in foster care. In today’s show, I have Charell Star, a former foster care youth, as a guest because we want to bring more awareness about foster care.

Charell is a Brand + Partner Media Manager in the FinTech Field, an online journalist, and contributor + featured lifestyle, tech, and fashion expert for on-air segments. As a former foster care youth, she now advocates as an appointed Board Member of CASA NYC and City Living NY. Charell is well versed in storytelling, marketing and fashion/tech innovations. She speaks to empower other women to advocate for themselves in negotiations, businesses to tell their unique stories, and audiences to embrace their past to propel their future.

From Adversity to Awakening with Stephan Spencer

Stephan Spencer GYO

It was such a treat to be a guest on New York Times bestselling author Anna David’s podcast, Launch Your Book.

In this episode, I talked about my journey from poverty and foster care to success and love. I shared some unbelievable life experiences that made me not just resilient, but antifragile. I also talked about my spiritual awakening, and how that tied in with me meeting my amazing wife, Orion.

I hope that this episode will inspire you to face your circumstances or struggles head on without fear so that you can achieve the success you want.

The Stuff of Miracles with Lisa Campion

Lisa Campion
“One of the things I love about my work is the ripple effect on the world. So my goal is to train an army of healers to go out there and save the planet.”
Lisa Campion

More and more people are waking up to their energetic nature, doing practices like Reiki, yoga, and meditation that can unlock their psychic abilities.

Today’s guest, Lisa Campion, had a fondness for horror movies as a child, which led her to pursue an education in the paranormal realm.

With over twenty-five years of experience, Lisa is a psychic coun­selor and Reiki master teacher. She has been teaching Reiki for over 20 years. She has trained more than one thousand people in Reiki and has conducted more than fifteen thousand individual sessions. Lisa is the author of the #1 best-selling book, The Art of Psychic Reiki, and her newest book, Energy Healing for Empaths.

In today’s episode, Lisa talks about intuition and psychic ability as excellent assets to life and work. She also shares her learnings and experiences of being a visual psychic and stories of people she’s helped. Furthermore, she explains the difference between someone’s own bad decisions and a curse and the distinction between intuition and psychic phenomena.

Get ready to take your spirituality to a deeper level. And now on with the show!

Become Superconscious with Monika Reimann and Stephen Renton

Monika Reimann and Stephen Renton
“Breathing is an automated function in our body, and it is the only vital function that we can also consciously alter. This gives us access to co-creation, from automated re-actions to creative responses.”
Monika Reimann and Stephen Renton

One of the most important biological processes is breathing. According to experts, an average resting adult breathes about 12-20 times per minute – up to 28,800 breaths per day! However, these breaths are done unconsciously by many. But it’s possible to harness your breath to become more aware of your body, your state of mind, and the present moment.

For over three decades, Monika Reimann has trained in Conscious Breathing, from being a singer of the Children’s Radio Choir Berlin, to a practitioner of Yoga and Pranayama and as part of an Indonesian martial art called Satria Nusantara. In addition, she worked as a professional Bodyworker in various countries and is now combining these skills as Breathwork Facilitator in the highest-ranked wellness retreat in Bali catering to the world’s financial elite.

Stephen Renton is an acclaimed business and technology consultant, author and speaker who has helped international organizations, NGOs, and private clients accomplish their mission. Past clients across multiple industries include the United Nations, the World Health Organization, blue chips such as Price Waterhouse and Hewlett Packard, investment banks such as Barclays Capital and Sarasin Chiswell, and government organizations such as The Scottish Executive and the National Health Service.

Monika and Stephen are the co-founders of The Peak Flow Academy, which teaches high-performance business leaders and entrepreneurs how to use non-ordinary states of consciousness and take their business, health and personal life to new levels quickly and effectively, with guaranteed results.

In today’s episode, Monika and Stephen join me as they talk about conscious breathing, breathwork, Pranayama yoga, and Kundalini. They also share their experiences during their spiritual awakening journeys.

Unlock the Door to Your Destiny with Crystal and Mark Victor Hansen

Crystal and Mark Victor Hansen
“Relationships start to fail because you’re not taking the time to ask the right questions to yourself, others, and God.”
Crystal and Mark Victor Hansen

Ask! It is such a simple word but has so much meaning and impact in everyone’s lives. Most of us have beautiful dreams – an abundant and healthy life, wonderful relationships, successful careers, etc. However, all of these are buried inside us because of fear, unworthiness, and lack of awareness. According to my guests, asking is the only language to which God can deliver a solution, understanding, illumination, or plan.

Mark Victor Hansen is widely known as an American inspirational and motivational speaker, trainer, author, serial entrepreneur, and member of multiple board of directors. He is best known as the founder and co-creator of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series, with more than 500 million books sold.

Crystal Dwyer Hansen is an international speaker, researcher, corporate consultant, author, and entrepreneur. Her expertise is in the field of human potential. Through her years spent as a Transformational Life Coach and Wellness/Nutrition Expert, she has seen people experience profound and lasting transformation in relationships, career, health & wellness by tapping into their inner resources.

In today’s episode, Mark and Crystal talk about the art and science of asking to discover your destiny and start to move toward it so that you can manifest innumerable blessings for yourself and others. They share their story of how they met each other and became life partners. They also explain why you need to ask God instead of the Universe. And so much more! This might just be a life-changing episode for you!

And now, on with the show!

The Lies We Tell Ourselves with Marisa Peer

Marisa Peer
“Your words shape your reality. If you change your words, you change your reality.”
Marisa Peer

The way you talk to yourself creates your reality. According to my guest, your greatest life problems stem from the lies you are telling yourself. For example, if you tell yourself that you ‘can’t’ do something, you won’t. Because if you don’t believe something is achievable before you even start, you are not going to work half as hard on it.

My guest today is Marisa Peer, who was a guest here previously (episode 164), where she delved deep into her hypnotherapy modality RTT, or Rapid Transformational Therapy. In this episode, she talks about her new book, Tell Yourself a Better Lie. She shares the importance of positive self-talk to build your life into what you want. She also talks about how to stop destructive criticisms in your life, the importance of self-praise and self-worth, how to step out of your comfort zone, and how to rewrite your life’s story.

When the Universe Speaks with Kimberly Klein

Kimberly Klein
“There are two ways to break through to become a believer or spiritual, either through a lot of intense work — learning, meditating, trying — or instantaneous shattering.”
Kimberly Klein

Facing the terrible news that your husband and daughter met a tragic end is traumatizing and terrible. Today’s guest, the author Kimberly Klein, faced this horrific experience that shattered her heart and entire belief system. Still, something happened that gave her instantaneous healing – a palpable squeeze on her wrist from her daughter, Talia. From that moment, she learned that life continues beyond death. And this started her lifelong journey of healing, learning, and spiritual awakening.

In this episode, Kimberly shares how she became a true believer in the afterlife, spirit communication, and the spirit world. She talks about the steps you have to take to fully immerse yourself in the spirit world without being deceived by other spirits that do not have good intentions. We also discuss how to tap into your psychic abilities, how to ask for without a doubt signs, what are soul contracts, and some core Kabbalistic concepts.

And now, on with the show!

Ancient Wisdom Meets Quantum Weirdness with Dr. Kim Redman

Dr. Kim Redman
“Abilities come before control. Until we have control, our assets are perceived as liabilities.”
Dr. Kim Redman

Life is a journey, and there are many paths from where you are to where you want to be. There will be many lessons that you need to learn because you were chosen to come to this particular life school known as Earth. My guest for this episode, Dr. Kim Redman, explains life’s never-ending journey through ancient teachings and hard-core science.

Dr. Kim is the founder of Creatrix Go Quantum, a revolutionary system where “East Meets West for Quantum Success™.” Dr. Kim has one foot in science and one foot in spirit, and she acts as a living bridge between these two worlds. She works with conscious entrepreneurs who want to create legacy and mission.

In this episode, Dr. Kim shares what led her down the rabbit hole of quantum physics and how it intersects with neural linguistic programming (NLP), hypnosis, and ancient wisdom. We also discuss astral projection and how to safely travel out of one’s body, how to tap into the supernatural abilities we are born with, what is karma and how it shows up in life, self-care and why it is important, how to rewrite your soul contracts, and much more. And now, on with the show!

Supercharge Your Consciousness with Dr. Dain Heer

Dr. Dain Heer
“Consciousness is where everything exists, and nothing is judged.”
Dr. Dain Heer

I learned from Kabbalah classes that when you’re judging, you’re not loving. Conversely, when you’re loving, you’re not judging. In other words, it’s binary, one or the other. Hopefully you’re choosing love, not judgment. I know that’s easier said than done. I work on that diligently myself.

According to our guest today, Dr. Dain Heer, judgment is the biggest killer on the planet, especially the judgment of ourselves. Dain is a bestselling author, entrepreneur and internationally renowned speaker. His book ‘Being You, Changing the World’ is a number one bestseller and has been translated into nearly 20 languages.

Twenty-one years ago, Dain was on the verge of killing himself because he felt that nothing was working in his life. Then he was introduced to something called Access Consciousness and everything shifted for him.

In this episode you’re going to learn a whole new way of navigating reality and creating a different future for yourself. I’m excited for you! Let’s get on with the show!


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