The Heroic Life with Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson
“We optimize three aspects of our lives: energy, work, and love.”
Brian Johnson

If you want to perform at your best, if you want to make world-changing contributions,  and you want to learn from someone who’s blazed that trail and turned it into a roadmap. then this is THE episode for you for 2022!

My guest today is Brian Johnson. Brian is the creator of Optimize and the Founder and CEO of Heroic. He’s spent half of the last twenty-five years as a Founder/CEO and the other half as a Philosopher. As a Founder/CEO, he’s raised $20 million and built and sold two market-leading social platforms. As a Philosopher, he’s served tens of thousands of people from nearly every country in the world with his Optimize membership and trained over 3,500 people from 90 countries with  Optimize Coach, a 300-day program scientifically proven to help you be the best version of yourself. And, for a limited time, you can get the $1,000 program for just $300 (and bring a friend for free). Check it out and join now: (disclosure: that is an affiliate link)

Brian’s YouTube channel has 200,000 subscribers and 20 million views and his podcast has another 13 million downloads. He was also featured in the documentary Finding Joe on Joseph Campbell and the modern hero’s journey alongside Deepak Chopra, Laird Hamilton, Tony Hawk and the late Sir Ken Robinson.

Most recently, in March 2021, with the support of 2,500 Founding Investors from 75 countries, his business, Heroic Public Benefit Corporation, made history as the first company to close a $5 million Reg CF equity crowdfunding as part of their $11 million seed round.

Ready to make 2022 the greatest year of your life? Well, buckle up, because this episode is going to rocket you upwards!

Healing through Reiki with Torsten Lange

Torsten Lange
“Reiki taught me that the cycle of life is part of a bigger cycle. The connection I feel in Reiki gives me this proof and a connection to awareness. I’m connected to something beyond physicality.”
Torsten Lange

You are powerful! And your energy can affect others. You were born with the ability to heal yourself and all living things. One of the ways you can use your healing energy is by doing Reiki. Reiki is an amazing energy healing modality we’re going to learn about from one of the world-leading experts on the topic.

Torsten Lange is the author of Reiki Made Easy published by Hay House. He is the founder and director of The Reiki Academy in London, an international speaker and workshop facilitator, and the only Hay House author for Reiki. He has researched Reiki’s history and spiritual foundations and taught thousands of students worldwide.

In this episode, Torsten dives deep into Reiki and how it saved him and brought his life back on track. He also shares his spiritual journey beyond Reiki. And now, on with the show!

A Perfect Unfolding with Vasundhra Gupta

Vasundhra Gupta
“The universe is not playing games with you. Instead, it wants you to learn, and it becomes easier and lighter when you learn it. But if you don’t, it becomes very miserable.”
Vasundhra Gupta

I came across today’s guest, Vasundhra Gupta, searching online for information on soul contracts. The article I found on her blog, called My Spiritual Shenanigans, was profound and very helpful to me. I knew immediately I needed to have her on my podcast.

Vasundhra is a spiritual educator, author, and consciousness coach. She’s passionate about simplifying spirituality in a way where everyone can embody a more enlightened way of being. Her website, My Spiritual Shenanigans, is a sacred space dedicated to raising the consciousness of the collective.

In this episode, we speak about soul mates, soul contracts, polarity, free will, awakenings, and so much more. Strap in, because we’re about to go on a wild metaphysical ride!

Awaken Your Power with Lazo Freeman

Lazo Freeman
“Your consciousness is always there, and it’s a part of you. It’s just that you’re not aware of it.”
Lazo Freeman

How do you go from legendary bodybuilder to spiritual mystic? All it takes is a profound experience of awakening, which is exactly what happened to Lazo Freeman.

Lazo has been a world-renowned body transformation coach and a champion bodybuilder. He founded Body Transformation Academy which won best innovation in mindset wellbeing by the UK government in 2017 and Influential Gentlemen a personal development program for men. Lazo experienced a major health setback which thankfully led to a healing that was nothing short of miraculous. He then embarked on a full-blown spiritual quest studying with master yogis, indigenous elders, Dr Joe Dispenza, and other luminaries. Lazo’s healing work has already touched the lives of thousands, and he’s just getting warmed up.

If Lazo’s name sounds familiar to you my diehard listener, it might be because he was one of my first guests, episode #5. A lot has happened in the six years between that interview and now. Trust me, Lazo’s story is worth listening to.

In this episode Lazo and I talk about the wisdom of indigenous tribes, the nature of reality, meditation, soul purpose, hope and liberation. And so much more! Let’s get this party started!

Tuning Your Chakras with Anat Phil-Golan

Anat Phil-Golan
“This made me what I am today because they gave me the opportunity to be me, not to feel strange, not to feel like I’m not like everybody else.”
Anat Phil-Golan

This is going to be a fun episode where we dive into the chakras, Tibetan Buddhism, Reiki, hypnobirthing, hydrotherapy, reflexology and a lot more.

Our guest today is Anat Phil-Golan. Anat is a prenatal Yoga and baby yoga instructor, Birth Doula, certified lactation counselor, childbirth educator, and Reiki healer. She’s an expert practitioner with Tibetan sound bowls, Essential Oils, Hypnobirthing, Baby Yoga, Baby Massage, Baby Development, and Hydrotherapy for pregnant women. She leads retreats for meditation, chakras and Moodras.

It was through my wife Orion that I met Anat. I had the privilege of experiencing a healing session from Anat where she worked on my chakras. It was powerful. She also told me something important that turned out to be prophetic, that my third eye was wide open. This was at least a year prior to my spiritual awakening. Anat is truly gifted, so stay tuned and listen to her insights. Enjoy the show!

Open Communication with Animals with Laura Stinchfield

Laura Stinchfield
“Pet psychics talk to animals using telepathy. First, the animals send messages through their thoughts, images in their minds, and feelings in their bodies, and then pet psychics transfer it into words.”
Laura Stinchfield

Your pets are always communicating with you, whether you’re aware of it or not. What are you communicating back to them? Our guest today provides insight into how to maintain clear and honest communication with your pets and so much more.

Laura Stinchfield is an internationally renowned pet psychic and people medium. For decades she has studied animal behavior and training, animal communication, telepathy, mediumship, death and dying, the afterlife, reincarnation, personal growth, meditation, and consciousness. She’s the author of two books, Voices of the Animals and Stormy’s Words of Wisdom.

In today’s episode, Laura gives practical tips for calming your pet’s fears and making them more comfortable by listening to their needs. We talk about the importance of intuition and how to receive confirmation in this area. Laura also offers advice for disciplining a difficult pet and setting proper boundaries. My favorite part is when Laura leads us in a remote viewing of Curious, a stray cat I rescued in Tel Aviv. This episode will touch your heart and give you more appreciation for the animals in your life and for those waiting for you on the other side.

The Past Life Memories of Children with Jim Tucker

Dr. Jim Tucker
“We are all on our own journey. Some of us are open to things, and others aren’t, and that’s okay.”
Dr. Jim Tucker

If you find yourself skeptical about the concept of reincarnation, I think you’re gonna want to listen to this scientifically validated research on the past life memories of children. Today’s guest offers compelling evidence that some of the research subjects, the children he studies, had come back after death for more trips around the sun.

Dr. Jim Tucker is the Bonner-Lowry Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia. He is the Director of the UVA Division of Perceptual Studies, where he is continuing the work of Ian Stevenson with children who report memories of previous lives. Jim is also the author of Before: Children’s Memories of Previous Lives, a new 2-in-1 edition of his books Life Before Life and Return to Life, which together have been translated into 20 languages.

In today’s episode, Jim presents several case studies of children who have provable past life memories. He admits that he himself used to be a skeptic, but studying this topic has opened his mind up to the idea of reincarnation. Jim talks about the types of research that are ongoing in his department as well as other important psychologists and mediums who have done similar work. We also discuss synchronicities, angels, near-death experiences, and Elon Musk’s simulation theory. This episode may be just what it takes to convince you of the reality of reincarnation.

Spiritual Development Through Equine Therapy with Gina Yarrish

Gina Yarrish
“Your soul is what lives on forever. You’re just here for a short period of time.”
Gina Yarrish

Horses are majestic animals that invite you to have a spiritual connection with them. Working with horses forces you to look within yourself and make positive changes. Today’s guest shares how she guides others to gain confidence and awareness through equine therapy.

Gina Yarrish is the Founder and CEO of Yarcort, an experiential learning center that helps solo entrepreneurs and small business owners overcome fear and self-sabotage by mastering sales from the inside out through interactive sessions with horses. She is also the best-selling author of Harness Your Purpose, Power, and Peace.

In today’s episode, Gina talks about how your energies, spiritual vibrations, and belief systems come to the surface when you interact with horses. She goes into her incredible story of recovering from heart issues through equine therapy. Gina gives insight into how horse personalities can help you understand human personalities and learn to set boundaries. We also discuss the concepts of the higher self, past life regressions, and muscle testing. This episode will open your eyes to a special type of therapy you may have never known about before!

Behind the Scenes of Hustle and Flowchart with Joe Fier & Matt Wolfe

Joe Fier & Matt Wolfe
“Do not focus on the numbers; instead, focus on the message and the brand awareness.”
Joe Fier & Matt Wolfe

Have you ever wondered about the daily routines of podcast hosts? There’s a lot that goes into planning a successful podcast, but it’s not all booking guests and counting subscribers. Our guests today open up about all things Hustle and Flowchart.

Joe Fier and Matt Wolfe are entrepreneurs, marketers, mastermind hosts, speakers, and authors. They co-host the popular podcast Hustle and Flowchart. Joe began his career in business consulting and video sales, while Matt started out by blogging and building WordPress websites.

In today’s episode, Matt and Joe share what they love about hosting their podcast. They go into morning rituals, breathwork, biohacking devices, spiritual experiences, and their own personal strengths and weaknesses. We discuss what it’s like to interview multiple people a week and how to implement their advice without getting overwhelmed. Rather than focusing solely on the numbers, Joe and Matt are simply trying to put their message out there. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to start a podcast, already has a podcast, or identifies as a podcast addict always looking for more!

The Ultimate Health Reset with Serena Poon

Serena Poon
“Having personal, spiritual growth, and elevating level of consciousness will help in realizing that there’s so much divinity and alignment in every moment.”
Serena Poon

Have you been taking your body for granted? During this health crisis, it’s especially important to show gratitude to your physical body for supporting you through the challenges. Today’s guest understands the power of integrating your physical, spiritual, and energetic body.

As a nutritional energy practitioner, Serena Poon fuses her expertise as a celebrity chef, holistic nutritionist and Reiki Master to serve her A-list clientele, from the likes of Jerry Bruckheimer to Kerry Washington. She relies on her unique method of Culinary Alchemy®, which is a combination of education, integrative and functional nutrition, and healing energy. She is also the founder of Just Add Water®, a wellness line of super nutrient foods and supplements.

In today’s episode, Serena talks about the importance of optimizing yourself physically, spiritually, and energetically. She shares about the angelic intervention that saved her life and guided her on an amazing healing journey. We also talk about how to express gratitude in all circumstances, the power of letting your light shine in the darkness, and Serena’s favorite biohacking products and practices. This episode will give you a renewed appreciation for the gift of your body.


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