Hacking Your DNA with Kashif Khan

Kashif Khan
Your DNA is the key to unlocking your risk of chronic disease and a host of other issues that affect sleep, nutrition, immunity, and more. Today’s guest goes beyond focusing on genetic tendencies to explain what you can actually do about your genetic profile.
Kashif Khan is the CEO of the world’s leading functional genomics researcher, The DNA Company. They give patients genetic insights to help them reverse and prevent chronic disease by understanding the impact of their environment, nutrition, and lifestyle choices on their genetic predispositions.
In today’s episode, Kashif dives into the various areas of your life that are impacted by genetics. Your genes influence whether you can handle a vegan diet, whether you can sleep through the night, whether you have a hormonal tendency to gain weight easily, whether you have autism, and so much more. Once you uncover your genetic makeup, you can take relevant action steps to improve your overall health. This episode will inspire you to develop simple habits to hack your DNA and transform your life.
One more thing, Kashif will be a speaker at the Biohacking Congress here in Miami on October 16th and 17th. I will be there too. And if you’re going to be there, you can use promo code HACK50 to get 50% off your ticket at biohackingcongress.com. Also, Kashif is offering $50 off your personal DNA report which you can redeem by going to thednacompany.com/optimized
The Power to Read Minds with Peter Antoniou

Peter Antoniou
How would you live if you knew your mind could be read by others? You might clean up your thoughts and be more mindful with your intentions. Or at least that’s the way it is with me. Though it may sound hard to believe, today’s guest proves that mind-reading is very real indeed.
Peter Antoniou is a highly sought-after variety artist, whose theater shows are interactive experiences where audiences have their minds read as Peter tells jokes and fortunes live on stage. You might recognize Peter from his recent appearance in the show America’s Got Talent.
n today’s episode, Peter shares intriguing personal stories about connecting with people by reading their minds. He explains the difference between intuition and your subconscious mind. Peter also gives practical tips for starting your own psychic journey, including how to work with tarot cards, coins, and pendulums. If you’ve never believed in the reality of mind-reading, this episode will surely blow your mind.
How to Stop Judging People with Aaron Scotti

Aaron Scotti
Why is it so important to stop judging others? Being judgmental impinges upon their freewill, and that’s not fair to them or to your future self. And when you judge others, you’re inviting others to judge you. That’s karma. Today’s guest shares how he overcomes his tendency to judge and envy others.
Aaron Scotti is a Hollywood actor and producer. His most recent movie is The Peanut Butter Falcon, a fantastic film with a powerful lesson. He is also the co-host of The Awakened Soul, an enlightening podcast he combines with a spiritual coaching and leadership program.
In today’s episode, Aaron talks about having compassion for our fellow man or woman. Some souls are young and don’t have the experience of a much older soul. We also discuss how to learn from the spiritual depth of our children, how to see the hand of God in everything, and how to reveal light wherever you go. This episode will transform the way you think and help you cultivate a posture of compassion. And now on with the show.
Cultivating Intentionality in Business with Allison Maslan

Allison Maslan
If your business wouldn’t be able to survive without you, it’s time to build a self-managing and self-multiplying business. Our guest today gives practical tips for doing just that.
Allison Maslan is the WSJ Best Selling Author of Scale or Fail, endorsed by Daymond John and Barbara Corcoran. Allison has built 10 companies since age 19. She’s the founder of Pinnacle Global Network, where she and her team of mentors guide CEOs to scale their companies, fast-track their success, and create a more meaningful life.
In today’s episode, we discuss the power of intentionality and practicing gratitude in every aspect of business. Allison shares a miraculous story about how she inspired her clients to succeed in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. She also provides a glimpse into her meditation habits and how they have transformed her. This episode will empower you to make necessary changes in your business and in your life. And now, on with the show!
Messages from Angels and Deceased Loved Ones with Karen Noé

Karen Noé
Karen Noé is a renowned psychic medium, spiritual counselor, and alternative healer with a two-year waiting list. She is the author of Your Life After Their Death, Through the Eyes of Another, The Rainbow Follows the Storm, and We Consciousness. She is also the founder of the Angel Quest Center in Waldwick, New Jersey, where she gives readings, teaches classes, and practices alternative healing.
In today’s episode, Karen lets us in on how she communicates with those who have passed on. We all have God within us. When we learn how to raise our vibration to the energy of angels and our deceased loved ones, we experience the oneness that envelops all of us in peace and pure love.
Karen shares numerous powerful stories about helping people reconnect with their deceased loved ones. She explains how the karmic law governs all of our incarnations, including our current lives. She gives practical advice on how to meditate, clear your chakras, and use a pendulum to contact your spiritual guides. If you’re looking to develop your ability to hear from the other side, you won’t want to miss this episode.
Modern Medicine Meets the Sacred with Dr. Donese Worden

Dr. Donese Worden
Donese Worden, NMD, is a physician, researcher, and global health educator who bridges science and spirituality. She is renowned for identifying and helping bring unique modalities and therapies from abroad to the United States, putting her on the vanguard of integrated medicine.
In today’s episode, Dr. Worden focuses on how she encourages her patients to feel a spiritual connection. This has been crucial for cancer patients, those with anxiety attacks, people with chronic pain, and more. When you tap into the spiritual energy that surrounds you, you experience the infinite healing your body is capable of.
Dr. Worden explains the various ways she hears from the Divine, including her lucid dreams. We discuss the importance of having the willingness to be used by God on a daily basis. She even leads us in a special meditation exercise you won’t want to miss. This episode will ground you in the very real connection between science and spirituality.
Practical Wisdom from a Renowned Gardener with Fran Sorin

Fran Sorin
Fran Sorin is the author of the bestseller Digging Deep. Besides being a gardening evangelist, Fran is also an open-hearted coach, futurist, and social entrepreneur. She is passionate about helping individuals experience healthier, more joyful, and creative lives. She believes deeply that we all possess the innate ability to use our imaginations to dream big and live out our dreams.
In today’s episode, Fran reminds us that we are all part of nature. Our culture, however, has disconnected us from this essential truth, and we suffer because of it. Growing a garden allows us to become co-creators with nature and reconnect with our inner self.
Fran shares practical tips for growing a healthy garden as well as creative ways to become one with nature. We discuss various types of meditation that can help you raise your vibration, leaving behind the negative voices. We even dive into Fran’s futuristic predictions about AI, education, hydroponics, and more. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who feels the need to reconnect with Mother Nature. And now, on with the show!
Make “Someday” Happen Today with Kristin Swanson

Kristin Swanson
Kristin Swanson has a gift of helping thought leaders execute their “someday when” procrastinated projects with ease. As a breast cancer survivor & Coaches Institute trained Coach, Kristin has learned the importance of getting out of one’s own way to stop waiting until “someday” to make a unique impact.
In today’s episode, Kristin talks about dealing with cancer. We talk about how facing her own mortality has created fear, but also opportunity for deep growth for her both personally and professionally. We explore modalities for healing wounds in relationships, and the power of visualization to get yourself through trauma. We talk about clearing blockages that lead to procrastination.
And we discuss the revelation that once you say it out loud, you basically follow the breadcrumbs. Things will come to you once you speak them into existence. When you celebrate all of the tiniest little wins that you see along the way towards this soul-led goal that you’re stepping into, you build momentum. So, if you’re looking for inspiration and actual tools to move those projects closest to your heart forward, you’re going to love this wonderful episode.
Increase Your Influence, Decrease Your Influenceability with Dr. Robert Cialdini

Dr. Robert Cialdini
We live in an age of influence. We are all either the persuaders or the persuaded, intentionally or unintentionally — whether it’s in the business world or the consumer world, whether it’s IRL or online especially on social media where very little can or should be taken at face value. I’m very excited to say that my guest today, Dr. Robert Cialdini, is often referred to as the Godfather of Influence. He is known around the world for his scientific work on what leads people to say yes to requests big and small. His books, including The New York Times bestsellers Influence and Pre-Suasion, have sold over 7,000,000 copies in 44 different countries.
In today’s episode, we discuss strategies for presenting case studies that people can relate to and we talk about book launches and how you can establish credibility before the book is even launched. We get into some of Dr. Cialdini’s principles which are authentic, ethical practices that are universally applied. No tricks, no schemes. Just real, proven, science-based strategies designed to help you increase your influence and consistently hear the answer you want: “Yes!” So, without any further ado, on with an excellent episode of Get Yourself Optimized.
Connecting to Angels with Corin Grillo

Corin Grillo
Weird is the new black! This is how my guest on today’s show, Corin Grillo, accounts for the openness she is observing in more and more people who want to explore concepts that have for a long time been considered new-agey and woo. Corin is a #1 best-selling author of the book, The Angel Experiment. She is also a licensed psychotherapist, transformational retreat leader, business mentor, and spiritual instigator. Her message and training deliver powerful anecdotes to help businesses and lives grow through the power of intuition, ritual, and cultivating a deep and palpable relationship with Spirit.
In today’s episode, we discuss that trend of more and more people, including even high-powered CEOs, reaching out to Corin to work with her, exploring things they find they can’t talk about at work or with their families. We talk about kids and the natural connection they have with the unseen world and how we can cultivate, rather than crush, this ability. Since Corin’s first session with a channeler, she discovered that angels were not wimpy harp-playing creatures but powerful warriors ready and waiting, 24/7, to hear from us. This is a must-listen episode for anyone interested in connecting with the spirit realm, so without any further ado, on with the show!