Synchronize to Synchronicity with Guy Sohm

Guy Sohm
“The best skill to learn is training your mind. When you master this, it will become your best asset in all facets of your life.”
Guy Sohm

At the age of five my guest, Guy Sohm’s mother said to him “You can help people heal by channeling energy. Ask first that it is for the person’s highest good, then bring energy in from the universe through your crown chakra and out your hand to where you wish that energy to flow.” Guy started doing hands on healing, then candle meditations and learning about chakras.

Guy is an unusual bloke to use the Aussie term—he lives in a treehouse made from local and recycled materials which have six levels, and every level represents a chakra. He is a tantric teacher, artist, DJ, blogger, and former festival promoter focused now on personal growth and awakening. As I got to know him through my good friend James Schramko, I was so impressed with his teachings, I knew I had to have him on the podcast. 

In today’s episode, we cover a lot of terrain, including training your mind with meditation, and the synchronicity that opens up in your life when you’re in a flow state. Stay tuned and gain a lesson or two from a super enlightening episode of Get Yourself Optimized. 

Optimize Your Child’s Brain with Janet Doman

Janet Doman
“One of the most important things that parents do when they raise their babies is they’re creating their grandchildren’s parents.”
Janet Doman

The human brain is a structure so amazing that a famous scientist once called it, “the most complex thing we have yet discovered in our universe.” My guest today, Janet Doman, has been a pioneer in unlocking what is possible for babies and children with the work she has done as Director of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential since 1980. I’m grateful to be sitting down with Janet today, as I had the privilege of attending her workshop back in April where I learned techniques for significantly increasing my toddler’s intelligence. 

I have a couple quick examples for you. First example: I quickly flip through a bunch of big cards with randomly-placed dots on them while announcing how many dots on each card. This teaches my son the fact of a number like 18 or 26, rather than merely the symbol of it. Next step in this process will be to teach him equations using these cards. Second quick example: I flip through big cards with pictures of various insects, flowers, dinosaurs, and so forth. One category at a time. Very quickly. Always randomized, never in the same order. His brain is like a sponge, taking up all the new information. I have many, many dozens of these cards. Imagine a little toddler being able to name all the trees, flowers, and insects on a walk through the forest. I can’t even come close to doing that. But that’s what’s possible for children. 

In this episode, Janet explains how babies and children learn, that their brains need a combination of stimulation and opportunity, the incredible adaptability of the brain, even in kids with brain injuries. The brain is actually the most fixable organ of the human body, and it grows by use. This is fascinating and immensely practical, especially if you’re a parent or if you at all interact with children. So without any further ado, on with the show! 

Expand Your Consciousness with Monica Berg

Monica Berg
“If you live a fear-based life, you don’t fully love yourself. Because to live a life that is fear-averse is joy-averse.”
Monica Berg

If change is the one constant in life, it’s inspiring to know that embracing change can really open you up to living life to its fullest. My guest on today’s show is Monica Berg, a self-professed change junkie, who is here to share her wisdom and her impressive life experience working as Chief Communications Officer for Kabbalah Centre International. Monica is the author of Fear Is Not an Option and Rethink Love, and she co-hosts the Spiritually Hungry podcast with her husband, Michael Berg.

In today’s episode, we get in a deep discussion about shedding aspects of your character that are not serving you so that you can live a more useful and realized life. We talk about how you can be more open to receiving messages by quieting outside influences and learning to tune into your own intuition. It’s pretty amazing what a freeing and amazing experience it is to realize that you can actually be your own guide once fear is not in the driver’s seat. This is a must listen for anyone interested in creating a life that feels connected and fulfilling, so without any further ado, on with the show!

Essential Steps to Awakening with Divya Darling

Divya Darling
“The tone of voice is evident and distinct when it’s guidance speaking. It’s like a matriarch that’s gentle yet firm.”
Divya Darling

Befriending your brain is the business of my guest on today’s show, and she has actually created a thriving business around it. A great storyteller with a profound message, Divya Darling is devoted to illuminating the wisdom within. Having researched the mysteries of the mind for decades, obtaining degrees in neuroscience, psychology, and cognitive sciences and being an avid yogi and philosopher, Divya serves as a Transformational Brain Trainer.

In today’s episode, we dive into topics of triggers, obstacles, and essence vs. ego. We discuss how, for anyone on the path of expansion, there is the cycle of awakening, a shakeup, a wake up, an ego death, followed by cleaning up, growing up, and showing up. We talk about learning to tune into the feedback of the body, and how, once we become more in tune with ourselves, we can also be more aware of recognizing other people’s triggers and needs.

Divya has a way of distilling complicated concepts in an incredibly relatable way. She illuminates how we all have vast resources we can tap into if we work at it with intention. It’s powerful stuff, so without any further ado, on with the show!

A Glimpse of The Matrix with Stephan Spencer and Orion Talmay

Stephan Spencer & Orion Talmay
“When you treat each day as a gift, you develop a new set of eyes that look at the universe differently. You become more grateful and insightful.”
Stephan Spencer & Orion Talmay

I feel so grateful and proud because today we are celebrating the 300th episode of Get Yourself Optimized! That is nearly 6 years, and I’ve never missed a week. I’m grateful for you my listener for taking this journey with me and growing with me over these years and I feel fulfilled gathering and sharing with the world amazing wisdom from the most inspiring teachers, masters, and experts.

The last 14 months have brought tectonic shifts to all of our lives. Most of us felt fear and uncertainty during this global shifts. And yet there is always a silver lining. Some of the most powerful epiphanies and transformations have come through these challenging times. That’s the case for me, and I’m guessing for you too.

For this episode, I’m being interviewed by my beloved wife Orion. I dig deep into my personal journey of finding light within the darkness and thriving in times of chaos. I share the intense experience of moving abroad to one of the most strict locked down countries in the world during Covid times, which turned out to be an incredible time of awakening and spiritual transformation. In today’s episode, you will discover the spiritual practices that are helping me tune into a higher vibration and manifest miracles.

Make Your Marriage Work with Drs. John and Julie Gottman

Drs. John and Julie Gottman
“Every marriage has an emotional bank account. Pile up the positivity so that there’s still enough in the bank to keep things going when conflict comes.”
Drs. John and Julie Gottman

A relationship is like a bank account—you are either making deposits or withdrawals every day depending on your behavior toward one another. My guests today are Dr. John Gottman and his partner in work and life, Dr. Julie Gottman. They are co-founders of the Gottman Institute, where they have been committed to an ongoing program of research and interventions to foster stronger relationships. It has been their mission to make their services accessible to the broadest reach of people across race, religion, class, culture, sexual orientation, and ethnicity.

In today’s episode, we talk about how to bank enough positive currency in your account so that when a withdrawal is made, it doesn’t break the foundation of the relationship. We discuss genetics, histocompatibility, learned helplessness in relationships, and how couples can get into (and also break) unhealthy patterns. We delve into domestic violence, and the Gottman’s discuss their work in that area which rather than handling conflict management goes deeper to teach skills for building intimacy and connection. If you’re wondering how to take your relationship from meh to marvelous and you’re looking for actionable insights and tools, you’re not going to want to miss this episode. So without any further ado, on with the show!

From Universal Laws to Self-Awareness with Dr. Frances Yahia

Dr. Frances Yahia
“The language of the Universe is symbol, metaphor, and myth.”
Dr. Frances Yahia

From conception to death, we are all held to universal laws, so it makes sense that we should work to understand what those laws are. I was so impressed with my guest on today’s show, Dr. Frances Yahia after she did an interview on my wife Orion’s podcast, I knew I needed to have her on the show. 

Dr. Yahia is a mental health counselor, akashic records reader, archetypal astrologer, podcast host and college professor. She uses universal laws, metaphysics, mythology and astrology to create theories and therapeutic tools to help clients heal subconscious wounds.

Dr. Yahia weaves universal truths and ancient stories together to help clients understand the story they’re living in their own life. Her book, The Seven Gates: Seven Steps Beyond Self-Awareness, is a 7-step model that teaches you how to take your power back. 

In today’s episode, Dr. Yahia goes over these steps. She provides an understanding of why you attract patterns in your life and discusses explicit steps on how to shift so you stop repeating unhealthy subconscious patterns you probably aren’t even aware of. So without any further ado, on with a fascinating episode of Get Yourself Optimized. 

Harness the Heart Brain Connection with Edward Haschke

Edward Haschke
“The greatest journey you’ll ever be on is the one within.”
Edward Haschke

The intelligence of the heart is not something you hear a lot about, but it is a powerful force in the career and life of my guest on today’s episode, Edward Haschke. Photographer, filmmaker, and entrepreneur – Edward is a relentless truth seeker and storyteller. His love for all things related to the nature of consciousness has brought him to discover hidden truths that he now shares with those with similar interests regarding forgotten history, suppressed technologies, and the art of Ascension.

In today’s episode, we talk about the heart/brain connection, and how the heart is actually 5000x more electromagnetically charged than the brain. We discuss the importance of listening to your intuition because the more you do, the more magic and synchronicity starts to show up in your life. We talk about the journey of the empath, scalar frequencies and scalar waves in our DNA, which is fascinating stuff. We get into the power of words, and even why you should not talk smack to Alexa! So if you’re curious about tuning your inner frequency to a higher vibration, take a deep dive with us right now on this exciting episode of Get Yourself Optimized.

The Stories We Tell Ourselves with Carl Taylor

Carl Taylor
“Our life is the story we tell ourselves.”
Carl Taylor

The truth of the world we live in, and the power of how we perceive life is within our control. My guest on today’s show is Carl Taylor, who wrote an excellent book called Becoming Bulletproof. Inspired by Superman as a kid, Carl wanted to write about letting those metaphorical bullets bounce off you. The idea is not that you won’t be shot at, but rather you keep moving forward, rolling with the punches, learning and adapting.

In today’s episode, we talked about the powerful work of Byron Katie, which Carl and I share a deep appreciation of. In fact, I had interviewed Katie on this podcast and it is one of my favorites. In this interview today, Carl and I talk about how life is a story: whether the narrative is told by you or by someone else—what you choose to say or believe is simply a way of framing experiences. We talk about how it’s those dark places and challenging times that offer tremendous growth and transformation. Or as Joseph Campbell so beautifully put it, “the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” So, without any further ado, let’s get on with an episode that’s incredibly deep and insightful, and dare I say, spiritually enlightening!

Following the Intuitive Breadcrumbs with Anthony Capobianco

Anthony Capobianco
“When things feel uncertain, instead of seeking answers, start asking the right questions.”
Anthony Capobianco

Einstein taught us that everything is energy, or at least interchangeable to energy. So, because everything is made up of energy, every person, place, and thing vibrates at a different frequency. My guest today, Anthony Capobianco has learned that rather than focus on things he wants, he focuses on raising his vibration. He does not believe in luck, but he does believe that when you are in alignment you feel lucky, because things start to show up. 

Anthony entered the corporate world in his early 20’s working long hours as an executive mortgage banker. He gravitated toward tea as a way to ground himself and slow down. His coworkers took notice that in the midst of what resembled the stock room trading floor, there he was “zenned” out drinking tea at his desk. 

In today’s episode, Anthony talks about tea, which he enjoyed with his grandmother growing up, and how he built a business around that positive experience. This is an episode about asking the right questions rather than simply seeking answers. It’s about learning to sit with yourself in stillness to manifest the things you find you need in life, so without any further ado, on with the show! 


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