"We need to slow down to speed up. We’ll never access our ideation state if we’re so busy." Dr. Greg Wells In the 24/7 news cycle era that we’re living in it’s so easy to doomscroll social media late at night, which is a little like wanting to eat that whole, big juicy pizza pie, even though in the back of your mind you know if you do you’re probably going to be sick. My guest today, Dr. Greg Wells is a fascinating guy who has written four best-selling books…

"If you’re running an online business, you need to get your hands dirty and your mind more open." Laura Roeder When your market is small businesses, there will always be customers for you if you’re solving a problem. It’s not a winner take all scenario. These are wise words from today’s guest, Laura Roeder. Laura taught herself how to build websites in junior high, then in her early 20’s, she noticed that entrepreneurs wasted a lot of time doing tasks that can be handled by good software. She went on…

"To say that there’s no money in the arts is quite crass. There’s a lot of artists who aren't starving like Bruce Springsteen, Beyonce, and Paul McCartney." B. Jeffrey Madoff Michelangelo was once asked, “How did you ever carve the statue of David?” He replied, “I chipped away everything that didn’t look like David.” My guest on today’s show, B. Jeffrey Madoff has a lot of inspirational advice to offer about how you can approach your life and your work—whatever that may be—with creativity. Jeff is the founder of Madoff…

"Entrepreneurship is the toolset of change. Entrepreneurs design the future." Jeff Hoffman When Leonard Nimoy edges William Shatner out as the new guy to be the voice of the company… It was one of my favorite spots for the incredibly successful travel site, Priceline, which my guest Jeff Hoffman helped build from the ground up. When the unknown startup managed to land Shatner, it started out as a coup for them, but after the wild success of Priceline, it turned out to be a huge coup for Shatner and it…

"Be more thorough in researching before you make a decision. Not everything that’s out there is true." Lee Weinstein Remember when the Diamond Princess cruise ship was docked with a literal boatload of people getting infected with coronavirus? That gave MIT scientist Lee Weinstein clues as to how this virus, obviously airborne, was getting to people who were closed off in their cabins. Lee is my guest today, a brilliant guy I first encountered when I researched the connection between sleep and TMJ disorders and discovered the biofeedback headband he…

"The fastest way to impact a million people is to have the right mentors in your life and be the right mentor to others." Kevin Harrington & Mark Timm In business and life, too often relationships are transactional, but mentorship is a two-way street — a relationship between humans — and not a transaction, and that’s what makes is such a unique offering.  My guests today, Kevin Harrington and Mark Timm have unlocked that power in their new book, Mentor to Millions, Secrets of Success in Business, Relationships, and Beyond.Kevin…

"You want to be the one investing in your clients first. You don't want to wait for them to invest in you." Jay Abraham Funnel vision, which is the polar opposite of what most people possess—tunnel vision—is the thing that distinguishes incremental growth from exponential, geometric growth. At its core, it is really about expanding your peripheral vision. It’s a way of grabbing ideas that are out there in the universe. Of course, not every idea you have will come to fruition or even should, but the openness of imagining…

"Everything is a gift. There's always an opportunity for you to understand something in a more profound way than you have." Aaron Alexander My guest today, Aaron Alexander, is a bodyworker and trainer who has worked with top athletes and celebrities, and everyone in between. After working with clients and spending years traveling around the world, being immersed in various cultures, he has built a practice focusing on working with his clients to utilize each moment as an opportunity to move their body, strengthen their mind, and live holistically.  In…

"Determination, grit, and perseverance. These are the traits that make a person successful." Aaron Walker My guest today, Aaron Walker, is not only a very successful business owner (having founded more than a dozen companies and authoring the book View From the Top), but also a life-long learner who has thrown himself into the world of masterminds. In fact, the camaraderie, guidance and enrichment he’s been able to get out of the different masterminds he’s been a part of for the last two decades with some really dynamic, interesting people,…

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