Win Arguments Together as a Couple with Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman

Jocelyn & Aaron Freeman
The aftermath of a couple’s argument, the argument hangover, can linger in the air and eventually become the undoing of a relationship. My guests on today’s episode, Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman wrote the book (literally) on The Argument Hangover, and I’m very happy to have them here to share their wise relationship advice. The Freemans are known as the “couple that coaches couples,” and have worked with celebrities, public figures, and thousands of couples around the world. Coming off of a year where many of us have spent some pretty intensive time on lockdown, there has been a whole lot of togetherness.
In today’s episode, we talk about this hangover concept—how something either significant or possibly kind of insignificant, causes an argument. And then the anger and the hurt snowball until the space between you creates a chasm that, the longer you let it go for, the wider it grows. Jocelyn and Aaron share some powerful strategies you can use to nip this in the bud and make communication and appreciation for each other a priority that you work at every day. Their insight and their energy are really inspiring, so without any further ado, on with the show!
A Miraculous Stroke Recovery with Sean Entin

Sean Entin
“Stroke hacker” isn’t a profession any of us would seek out. Since being choked out in a jiu-jitsu training and consequently suffering a stroke from it, my guest on today’s program, Sean Entin, went on a long road to recovery that taught him a lot about how the body and the brain function. On his path to recovery, he was often told “can’t,” but his mantra was, “I can, I shall, I will.”
In today’s episode, we talk about the emotional and spiritual transformation that only those rare people who have been in a coma are privy to. We talk about the life force that he connected to that kept him positive and hopeful, against all odds. We talk about his new normal and the renewed appreciation he has for all the gifts that he has been given, especially the gift to help veterans and other people struggling with TBIs, traumatic brain injuries.
With his partner, Taylor Smith, he created “Adventures in Health” which broadens the supportive reach and compassion he has for all those who are struggling with debilitating injuries and illnesses. Sean is an inspiration. So without any further ado, let’s get on with an intriguing episode.
Essential Skills for Self Defense with Tim Larkin

Tim Larkin
Your brain has muscle memory—it will look for the most effective information it has when you are under threat. You wouldn’t necessarily think that on a relationship retreat for Tony Robbins Platinum Partners you’d be getting lifesaving self-defense training, but that’s where I learned Target Focus Training or TFT, back in 2012 from today’s guest, Tim Larkin. That training has stuck in my mind and is filed away, just in case, God forbid, I should ever be attacked.
I’m so excited to have Tim with us today—I’ve wanted him to be on the podcast for years because that training was so impactful for me, and I knew he would deliver an amazing show. A former military intelligence officer, he was part of a beta group that redesigned how Special Operations personnel trained for close combat.
In today’s episode, we talk about using your brain as a first defense weapon when you suddenly find yourself in a dangerous situation. We talk about the difference between antisocial and asocial behavior, which is key to recognize in your attacker. No matter your age or what kind of shape you’re in, these tactics that can be found on Tim’s site,, are something anyone can learn, so without any further ado, on with the show!
From Fear to Faith with Dr. Toni Galardi

Dr. Toni Galardi
Dr. Toni Galardi, my guest on today’s episode, once called herself “the poster child for the change impaired” because she was a bit “slow” when it came to preparing for change. This kind of warm and very human confession is what makes Dr. Galardi so relatable, and so compelling. She has parlayed two advanced degrees and a license into several areas of expertise, including speaker, author, clinical psychotherapist, astrologer, and career coach. But no matter what vocational hat she is wearing, what connects all the dots is her passion for helping people move through uncertain change into a life that has greater vitality and joy.
As we recorded this episode at the end of 2020, the year that most of us never saw coming, it’s fascinating to hear Toni’s take, because through her work as a therapist, healer, and thought leader, she actually did see this coming. In 2010, she wrote The LifeQuake Phenomenon: How to Thrive (Not Just Survive) in Times of Personal and Global Upheaval – a book that is incredibly relevant at this moment in time! She’s got such impactful personal experiences and insights to share that have a universal resonance, so without any further ado, on with the show!
From Postpartum Depression to a Perfume Pivot with Tamar Weinberg

Tamar Weinberg
The sense of smell is too often taken for granted, at least until this year, as one of the common symptoms of COVID-19 is a loss of smell. Did you know that scent, emotion, and memory are all intertwined in the chemistry of the brain? One sniff can get in and instantly whisk you back to an old memory deep in the recesses of your mind. My guest today, Tamar Weinberg, had a powerful personal discovery when she was struggling with crippling depression. What began as postpartum depression after giving birth never really let up. And after sinking into a state of despair, Tamar felt she was getting to the lowest point of her life. It was at that point when she put on a scent and noticed the powerful positive effect it had on her mood. She felt convinced that although we have five senses, we don’t take advantage of them in their entirety.
Tamar is author of The New Community Rules and The Adoptee’s Guide to DNA Testing. Coming from the tech world and knowing nothing about the perfume industry, Tamar became curious and passionate to soak up knowledge about how certain senses and combinations of scents work together to elicit a positive mood. In her journey to create TAMAR, the perfume that bears her name, she was convinced that fragrance isn’t all about how you present yourself to the world. Fragrance is an inward journey. She is here to talk about this really surprising and exciting entrepreneurial turn her life has taken, so stay tuned for a really inspiring episode.
Masterful Storytelling with Garry Meier

Garry Meier
The gift of gab is something today’s guest has been famous for since his days on the radio station The LOUP in Chicago starting in 1973. I’m especially excited to have one of my radio and podcast heroes, Garry Meier, with us here because, as a kid, I listened to the Steve & Garry show and just remember him making car rides something to look forward to when I was spending summers visiting relatives in Chicago. Talk show hosts and radio DJ’s have come and gone, but Garry’s authentic brand has endured for over four decades, which is pretty amazing in itself.
Once he got a taste, he developed an audio addiction, hosting half a dozen radio shows. He’s also a former feature reporter for WGN-TV’s morning show and is a member of the National Radio Hall of Fame.
Fascinated with this new “wizardry” called podcasting, Garry made a successful transition with his show, giving him a new platform to share his take on the world which has resonated with so many people over the years. I’m so honored to have Garry here, sharing that gift of gab with us today, so get ready for a special episode!
Get Answers to Life’s Most Pressing Questions with Anne Marie Pizarro

Anne Marie Pizarro
There’s a great Mark Twain quote, history doesn’t repeat itself but sometimes it rhymes. Indeed, my guest today Anne Marie Pizarro, is someone who does some powerful work with what are known as the Akashic Records. Anne is an Akashic Records Reader, and I’ve gotten to experience her amazing work firsthand. What the Akasha is in Anne’s words is this essence field of energy that surrounds every living being. It’s essentially a fabric that creates and connects all forms of life on this plane as well as other planes. She refers to the Akasha as Source, the universal intelligence itself.
And so through the Akashic Records, Source is able to collect this body of information stored in a non-physical plane where we can access it through various means, such as prayer, meditation, and other forms of spiritual experiences. When we access this information, we’re getting it in the form of light. It’s a library of knowledge, what Anne likes to call the universal computer that stores every souls, thoughts, memories, experience, past lives, present circumstances, and future potential. So if you’re curious about how all your soul experiences can be accessed, stay tuned for an incredibly unique and enlightening episode.
Conversing with Angels with Sheila Gillette and THEO

Sheila Gillette
My guest for today’s episode offers a rare window into a psychic phenomenon that is best explained by my guest herself. Sheila Gillette is one of those people who has dialed into a higher spiritual frequency and taps into it every day to assist as many people as she can. Following a near-death experience in 1969, Sheila became the direct voice channel for a collective of 12 archangels known as THEO.
It’s hard to describe how grateful I am to have both Sheila and THEO here today to talk about some of life’s mysteries that trouble us and intrigue us because, of course, there’s so much in life that is hard to process or even fathom.
To try to put people at ease with this unusual concept, Sheila often says that it’s more important to focus on the message than the messenger. Those who have had sessions speak about an empowering experience of being given tools and awareness of past-life information to help process and cope with situations in their lives today. In 1998, she published her first book, The Fifth Dimension: Channels to a New Reality, and also co-authored her second book, The Soul Truth: A Guide to Inner Peace, with her husband Marcus in 2009. Many people recognize her and THEO from the Abraham-Hicks Publications as the mentors to Esther Hicks that opened her up to channeling Abraham in 1984. And I’m a big fan of Abraham and Esther Hicks. So strap in because you’re in for an enlightening and uplifting experience! I also invite you to listen with an open mind and an open heart. Let’s go!
From Twice Bankrupt to 9 Figures with Suzy Batiz

Suzy Batiz
When you’ve had the luxury of losing everything, you can start with a clean slate, assessing where you’ve been and where you want to go, because the only way to go is up. This inspiring and transformative perspective comes from today’s guest on the show, serial entrepreneur Suzy Batiz. Transformation is the common thread that runs throughout Suzy’s life and her nine-figure empire of companies. Whether transforming the bathroom into a pleasant-smelling experience with Poo~Pourri, the household cleaning industry from toxicity to aromatherapy with Supernatural, or people’s lives with her growing portfolio of Alive OS courses, Suzy is a revolutionary explorer of infinite potential in business and personal growth.
In this episode, we take a deep dive into not only the spiritual and wellness practices that have transformed Suzy’s own life, but her philosophy on business and how she was able to overcome extreme hardship and achieve incredible success in her business and personal life. People get on waiting lists for Suzy’s courses to actualize the life, aliveness, finances, and creative flow that she feels is possible for anyone. I’m so excited to have Suzy here today to share these nuggets with you, so without any further ado, on with the show!
The Revolutionary Health Effects of Shockwave Therapy with Dr. Uran Berisha

Dr. Uran Berisha
My guest on today’s show has a mission, and that is to help one million people to reduce pain by 75% by December 31st, 2022. Dr. Uran Berisha is a dynamic personality and a medical pioneer who has devoted his life to understanding pain and changing people’s lives with the cutting-edge technology he has developed. Uran got started in pain therapy because he realized that treating pain without having a holistic picture of where that pain comes from is pointless.
At his clinic, he and his team of practitioners first look for signs of imbalance with the kinetic chain that could be contributing to your injury. They then treat the injury and do their best to prevent its recurrence. He’s had incredible results with patients dealing with all kinds of pain issues, including C-section patients who lost their core abdominal strength, and it shows up as pain in unexpected places, like the wrist and the shoulders. And he’s done pioneering work with everything from carpal tunnel syndrome to Alzheimer’s disease. Since I first met Uran at Genius Network, I was so impressed with his genuine passion for the work he does in eliminating pain from peoples’ lives, so without any further ado, let’s get on with the show!