The Great Game of Business with Steve Baker

Steve Baker
You’re probably familiar with the saying, a rising tide lifts all boats, which was part of a very moving speech by President Kennedy.
My guest today, Steve Baker, is someone who has made a career out of ingraining this concept to people in business. Steve is vice president of The Great Game of Business, Inc., and co-author, with Rich Armstrong, of Get In The Game: How To Create Rapid Financial Results And Lasting Cultural Change. This book is the how-to application of Jack Stack’s 1992 bestseller, The Great Game of Business, and it includes some really valuable tools, templates, and exercises. Steve is a top-rated speaker and coach, and he has a wealth of information to impart on business management and corporate culture.
In today’s episode we get into cracking open the financials to your employees in open-book management, and really engaging them around the numbers. We talk about demystifying business so that it’s approachable, and the ownership mindset that makes all the difference for people on the frontlines to really be invested in the success of the business. So, if you want to get in on some really high-level business strategy innovation, you’re not going to want to miss today’s show!
How to Be Productive in These Strange Times with Mike Vardy

Mike Vardy
Today, as I’m recording this, it’s World Productivity Day. And no, I didn’t make that up. As a productivity enthusiast, I took massive action yesterday and convinced Mike “The Productivityist” Vardy to join me for a livestream which we just finished broadcasting on Facebook. We covered topics as diverse as fear versus will, feeding the soil versus feeding the plants, modeling instead of teaching, habit stacking, the power of combining intention with attention, what to do when you break the chain of a new daily habit, and much more.
Mike Vardy is a renowned productivity strategist, speaker, and author of The Front Nine and the upcoming book, TimeCrafting. He’s also my productivity coach and my friend. Let’s dive in!
The Blueprint to Sustainable Growth with David Finkel

David Finkel
If you have the idea in your mind that success in business automatically comes at great personal sacrifice, you haven’t gotten into the Maui mindset yet!
My guest today, David Finkel is the founder and CEO of Maui Mastermind, one of the world’s premier business coaching companies helping businesses in the $1-50 million range build their companies and get their lives back. David’s the author of 12 books, including his latest, The Freedom Formula, which will help you operationalize working smarter. No, you don’t have to kill yourself working nights, weekends, and family vacations to be successful. When you scale your business the right way, you get growth AND you get increased freedom. How?
Well, in this episode David and I talk about effective ways to hire and manage teams without micromanaging. We talk about delegating outcomes versus delegating tasks. We get into the distinction between grow players and role players, and why they are both indispensable for different reasons. We discuss Big Rock Reports, and so much more. Is your curiosity piqued? Well, if you want to find out ways to work smarter and you want tools for living a successful, balanced life, then you’re in the right place! Now, on with the show!
Revealing Your Unconscious Motivators and Triggers with Debra Levine

Debra Levine
You may be familiar with assessments such as Kolbe, Myers-Briggs, DISC and StrengthsFinder – and may have even taken them or encouraged friends, family, or staff to take them. There’s one assessment I was completely unaware of until recently, and I’m guessing you hadn’t heard of it either, and it’s called PRINT. And I have to say, it rocked my world. This is nothing like your typical personality test, it truly is next level. I got exposed to PRINT through Strategic Coach, a mastermind I’m a part of.
After taking the assessment, I attended a webinar about PRINT taught by Debra Levine, the co-creator of PRINT. After hearing Debra speak, I knew I had to have her on my show.
Debra and her PRINT co-creator, Paul Hertz, realized there was an indisputable connection between motivation and performance. They actually proved scientifically that many of the “blockers” to improving individual and organizational performance were rooted in people’s underlying motivational traits.
PRINT is not an acronym, it’s short for Motivational Imprint. Once you know your motivational imprint, you know what unconsciously motivates you to be in your best self, and just as importantly, what triggers drive you in your shadow self. This is valuable to know about yourself and about others. Think of the power to elevate the relationship you have with your significant other, or your boss, or your colleagues, or your direct reports. This could be the game changer you’ve been looking for! Debra very generously offered a discount code for $100 off, which I will share at the end of this episode. Now, without any further ado, let’s get right into it with Debra.
Unlock Vitality through Craniosacral Fascial Therapy with Dr. Barry Gillespie

Dr. Barry Gillespie
The things that trigger pain and discomfort in our bodies are sometimes quite clear, and other times vague and terribly frustrating, because traumas can go as far back as childbirth and even in utero. My guest today, Dr. Barry Gillespie is the creator of Craniosacral Fascial Therapy, or CFT. CFT is a merging of both craniosacral therapy and fascial release work, and it works on the Craniosacral Fascial System, which can become tight or restricted due to past injuries and trauma.
This is an emerging field, and a really fascinating one. When we are tense or experiencing discomfort, we might go and get a massage, but that may only provide temporary relief because it isn’t addressing the root cause in the fascial web.
Dr. Gillespie is truly a pioneer, and his life’s work has made a profound impact on many people’s quality of life, including a lot of infants, mine included. So without any further ado, let’s get on with the show!
Reinvent Yourself with UGG Founder Brian Smith

Brian Smith
Doing a show that involves the retail industry and recording in the middle of coronavirus, we have to examine the obvious issue: just how this pandemic is affecting commerce – big business and small business alike, is still playing out. My guest today, Brian Smith may not be a household name, but his product is. All I have to say is – Ugg! Brian created the Ugg brand by-(not to make a bad pun)-bootstrapping it all the way.
In this episode, we talk about disruptions and how –though they may seem like insurmountable challenges at the outset, positive things can also come of monumental change.
Brian has had to reinvent himself several times and sees change as something expected. Having that mindset has been so important because when faced with big changes he is prepared for it and rather than resisting, he rolls with it.
We talk about the importance of an idea going through changes and evolving into what it’s supposed to be—which isn’t always obvious at first, but with patience and perseverance that seed of an idea grows into (in Brian’s case) a multi-million-dollar industry. This really is a great opportunity to learn from someone who has so much to offer about business, and defining success on your own terms, so without any further ado, let’s get on with the show!
The Practical Kind of Productive with Darius Foroux

Darius Foroux
We live in a world of distractions—social media, phone calls, emails, and constant news updates on the new normal we’ve all been living with the last three or four months. The subject we’re delving into today is so relatable—whether you’re working at home for the first time, or you have an idea or a project you really want to start but you’re a little intimidated even knowing where to begin, time management and productivity are two things we all have to master.
And my guest today, Darius Foroux is a master, as well as a teacher of productivity, habits, decision making, and personal finance. Over half a million people read his articles every month.
His ideas have been featured in TIME, NBC, Fast Company, Inc., Observer, and other publications. We all have daily habits that center us—if you’re sporadic with habits you really will get a lot of benefit from this episode.
We talk about strategies to make working from home (or anywhere) productive and smooth. And what I really like is that the things he suggests aren’t set in stone in any way. They are suggestions which you can tweak to make work for you. I love his positivity and I think he has so much to add to this conversation that is so relevant to all of us right now, so without any further ado, let’s get on with the show!
The Food That’s Making You Sick with Dr. William Davis

Dr. William Davis
Sadly, we don’t have a healthcare system, we have a sick care system. Health issues have gone off the charts in the western world and much of it is preventable. Diseases like IBS, celiac disease, hypertension, diabetes, and more have underlying causes that are rampant in our society. And you’re about to learn all about it, and it may just save your life or the life of someone you love.
My guest today is Dr. William Davis. Dr. Davis is a cardiologist and author of the New York Times #1 bestseller, Wheat Belly: Lose the
Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find Your
Path Back to Health, which has recently been revised and expanded. His books have sold over 3 million copies in over 40 countries.
Wheat Belly is more than a book, it’s a phenomenon, indeed a movement of health-conscious people eager for food solutions that are healthy, delicious, and empowering.
Dr. Davis is one of the doctors who is speaking out against the Standard American Diet, and making a real difference–not only by calling out the problem, but by his actionable advice and the recipes he provides for people to take their health into their own hands. This is really an amazing, eye opening discussion you’re not going to want to miss, so without any further ado let’s get on with the show!
Exponential Medicine in a COVID-19 World with Dr. Daniel Kraft

Daniel Kraft
Healthcare, disease prevention and coping with viral outbreaks are concerns on everyone’s mind as we approach almost half a year of this global COVID-19 pandemic. Daniel Kraft is a Stanford & Harvard trained physician-scientist and innovator. He is the Chair of Medicine for Singularity University, and Founder and Chair of Exponential
Medicine, a program that explores the convergence of technology and its potential to reshape healthcare.
This is the second time Dr. Kraft been on this show. This time, we’re going to go deep into everything related to the pandemic, future tech, and what we might expect in the coming months. We talk about smarter, virtualized medicine as well as medical ethics and civil rights as it pertains to an immunity passport showing that you have already had coronavirus and you are now cleared. We talk about how this virus has shined a light on the vast inequalities that exist in this country, calling out undeniable systemic issues.
This really is a must-listen episode for all of us – looking toward the scientists, doctors and innovators who are the key to us getting back to any kind of normalcy in our lives. So, without any further ado, let’s get right into it.
Essential Traits of the Entrepreneur with Gino Wickman

Gino Wickman
Entrepreneurs face many external and internal hurdles along the road to success. Whether it’s finding customers, building a successful team, cash flow, criticism or self-doubt—it’s hard to get through without coping tools and a roadmap of how to get from where you are to where you hope to go. My guest today, Gino Wickman, is someone who knows all about those struggles firsthand, as he has been an entrepreneur since age 21. He is the creator of the Entrepreneurial Operating System, more commonly known as EOS, author of the wildly popular book, Traction, his newest book, Entrepreneurial Leap, and several other best-selling titles.
In this episode, we talk about unexpected hurdles that come up for entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs, as we are now dealing with an unprecedented worldwide pandemic that is impacting small businesses particularly hard. Gino talks about getting back to basics, meaning when you pare down the core tenets of EOS you can see your company through this COVID-19 crisis. The reverse accountability chart, changing hats, having a level-10 meeting with your team are all an essential part of getting through this challenging time. It really is an invaluable discussion to dive into at this particular moment in time, so without any further ado, on with the show!