Disruption: Your Key to Success with Jay Samit
A lot of people in business can talk a good game about disruption, but how many can say they actually personify it? If there’s one person who can lay a rightful claim to the title of serial disruptor, it’s my guest for this episode number 211, Jay Samit. Jay advances the gospel of disruption everywhere he goes and his radical approach to business has transformed entire industries. As a consultant has spurred innovation in major brands like American Express, AT&T, Coca-Cola, Disney, and LinkedIn to name a few.
In his best selling book, Disrupt You!, Jay lays out a blueprint for becoming a disruptor in your own life with lessons from major innovators like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. According to Jay, anyone can become a disruptor. The key is learning to see that there are unmet needs everywhere in society. All you have to do is just simply solve one of these problems and you might just become a billionaire. Whether you’re a successful entrepreneur or a dreamer in the 9-to-5 grind, this inspirational episode we’ll get you up off the couch and get you motivated to change the world.
Easy-to-Form Habits That Will Transform Your Life with BJ Fogg
What makes us behave the way we do? Why do our brains keep defaulting back to the same old bad habits? And why is it so hard to scrap those bad habits and replace them with new ones? Why can’t we just stick with these new habits that we tell ourselves we want to form? Installing and uninstalling habits sounds easy, but boy, is it a challenge. Whether you want to hit the gym, wake up earlier, quit smoking, or simply be more productive at work, behavior change can feel like pushing against a brick wall. Or worse, pushing a boulder up a mountain.
For entrepreneurs, the stakes are even higher. Your habits determine your behaviors, which determine your outcomes, which determines your business, which ultimately determines your destiny. The secret to your destiny, the destiny of your wildest dreams is to start small, specifically with tiny habits. Today’s guest on this episode number 210 is BJ Fogg, PhD. BJ is the top expert in the world when it comes to habits. He’s the author of the upcoming book, Tiny Habits, due out later this year. He is a behavior scientist, a professor at Stanford and founder of the Stanford Behavior Design Lab. For decades, he’s been digging into the science of behavior change and has developed an important body of scientific research on how you can rewire your brain.
His work on persuasive technology has also been highly influential in Silicon Valley, making him one of the most sought after academics in the world. Outside of his work at Stanford, BJ spends a good chunk of his time working with innovative businesses to apply his research to real world situations. As you may have guessed, BJ’s research has so many applications and everything from health to productivity to sales. In this episode, you’re not only going to learn about reprogramming your brain with awesome new habits, but you also get a crash course in the fundamentals of human behavior. You’re even going to learn about an important emotion that was up until recently unnamed until BJ named it. Truly, this is invaluable knowledge that could change the way you think about business and even life itself. Oh, and by the way, BJ and I are teaching a workshop together at Stanford on October 1 called The Optimized Entrepreneur. You won’t want to miss that more details at bitly.com/getoptimizedworkshop. And now, on with the show.
The Biohacker’s Guide to Optimized Sleep with Claus Pummer
You might have a business coach, you might have a life coach. But do you have a sleep coach? You might say, “Why would I need a sleep coach?” Well, here’s one reason. If you live to 75, and I do hope you live a lot longer than that, you will have spent about 25 years of your life sleeping. 25 years. Not only that, but the quality of your sleep will have a huge impact on the quality of your life. Lack of sleep can lead to poor mental performance, low sex drive, and even serious health problems like strokes and heart disease. An investment in your sleep is an investment in your health and your wellbeing.
Sleep is something that my guest for this episode number 209, Claus Pummer, takes very seriously. Claus is president of SAMINA North America, which in my words, is a biohacker’s dream bed. It was through the original biohacker Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof and past guest on this show, episode 38, that I learned of SAMINA and Claus. In fact, Claus taught a sleep workshop hosted by Bulletproof and Upgrade Labs that I attended, and it was excellent, which is why I invited him onto the show. Claus’ involvement with the business of sleep began many years ago with a woodworking business he founded that designed and built beds. From there, his interest in sleep grew, he studied the science of sleep and he became an accredited sleep expert through the Austrian Institute for Sleep Psychology.
Achieving the perfect night’s sleep can take a lot of work. It’s all about creating the right routine and paying attention to details in your environment, including light sources, background noise, and temperature. If you’ve had trouble sleeping in the past or just want to improve your overall quality of life, Claus will be revealing some powerful hacks that will revolutionize the way you think about sleep and ensure you are well-rested and ready for anything. And now, on with the show.
Achieve Healing and Balance through the Practice of Jin Shin with Alexis Brink
I’m sure you’ve heard of acupuncture. You may have even heard of Reiki. But have you heard of Jin Shin? I hadn’t. Jin Shin is an ancient Japanese healing art that uses gentle touch and minimal pressure to unblock energy flows throughout the body. It’s most commonly used to treat ailments like anxiety, digestive issues, immune disorders, migraines, and more. The best part about Jin Shin is that you can easily practice it on yourself and develop a daily routine that can help you achieve inner harmony and a deep sense of wellbeing and calm. Using just a couple of Jin Shin techniques every day could have a profound impact on your sense of wellbeing.
My guest for this episode number 208 is Alexis Brink, master Jin Shin practitioner, author of The Art of Jin Shin published by Simon and Schuster, and president of the Jin Shin Institute in New York City. Alexis has been practicing Jin Shin since 1991 and teaches Jin Shin techniques to nurses in hospitals and teachers in the public school system. If you’d like more mindfulness in your life, Jin Shin offers a simple, effective daily routine that is not only relaxing but effective at treating many of the common maladies that can put a dark cloud over your day. Stay tuned as Alexis reveals how the Jin Shin philosophy has improved your life, how to use your hands as jumper cables, and how to deal with energy blockages in your body.
How to Have a High-Performing Assistant with Tim Francis
If you run a business, you know it’s tough to get out of the weeds and find time to work on the stuff that really matters, especially if you’re a solo entrepreneur who can’t delegate to staff. These days, you can easily hire a virtual assistant off the internet. However, it can be difficult to find someone reliable and trustworthy enough to take care of personal tasks, like managing your inbox or booking travel on a credit card. My guest for this episode number 207 is Tim Francis.
Tim is someone who has thought a lot about assistance, delegating, and the most efficient way to run a business. After achieving success at a young age, Tim was hit with a rare illness which left him crippled for three months. The illness forced him to start again from scratch and rethink his entire approach to business. The result was two innovative new businesses, Great Assistant and Profit Factory. Tim is a master when it comes to hiring, managing, and delegating tasks to assistance.
So if you employ one or you’re thinking of employing one, the knowledge he shares today will have a real impact on your business’s bottom line. We’ll also be discussing plenty of handy tools you can use to streamline the management of your team and your business. And Tim will reveal some powerful insights like why you should only hire assistance in your own time zone. There’s plenty to dive into. So let’s get started. Shall we?
The Cribsheet to Health with Jay Foster
If you’re like me, you have a cupboard full of vitamins and supplements. But what’s your overall health maintenance strategy? Buying supplements on a whim, in other words, without the necessary due diligence, won’t address the underlying health issues in your body. Dr. Jay Foster is the expert that many turns to for this kind of nutritional guidance. He’s a nutritional biochemist and the president of Body Chemistry Associates. Jay has deep expertise in the interpretation of blood chemistry and mineral analysis. He also designs nutritional and dietary recommendations tailored to his clients’ chemical profile and symptoms for maximum impact.
Your health is your most valuable asset. And today, Jay and I will be discussing how to maintain it well into your retirement age and beyond. We’ll be busting common health myths, revealing how to reduce your Alzheimer’s risk by 70+%, and why you should increase your intake of vitamin C. If you’re looking to live a long and prosperous life, you’re going to want to listen on all the way through to the end on this one. And when you’re done, don’t forget to check out my interview with Dr. Matea, Hollywood’s wellness doctor, on episode number 171, which is also a great resource on this very topic. Enjoy.
The Future of Work and Money with Don Tapscott
Over the past few decades, technology has radically reshaped the way we do business. Compare life today to that of someone living in the early 90s. It’s like comparing a VHS tape to Netflix. Organizations are becoming more collaborative and less hierarchical. We’re crowdsourcing powerful data and insights at the touch of a button. The blockchain is decentralizing and disrupting across all sectors- government, business, nonprofit. One man who’s studied the impact of some of the biggest technological innovations of recent times is Don Tapscott.
Don is the bestselling author of 16 books including Wikinomics, and Blockchain Revolution. He’s executive chairman of the Blockchain Research Institute, and a member of the Order of Canada. Don regularly consults for prime ministers and presidents who want to understand what our current era of rapid technological change means for their citizens. And now, Don will help you prepare for the decades ahead too.
Read People Like a Book with Vanessa Van Edwards
What makes someone captivating? Is it an innate quality they’re born with or is charisma something you can learn? That was the question that fascinated Vanessa Van Edwards, behavioral investigator and author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People, when she began her research into the science of charisma and persuasion. As it turns out, there are plenty of science-based hacks you can learn to help you master social situations, read other people’s emotions, and develop stronger relationships. Many successful people have already mastered these skills and use them every day in their business dealings.
In this episode 204, Vanessa will be revealing some amazing insights, including the primary ingredients of charisma, how to read the tone of voice, facial expressions, hand gestures and understanding micro-expressions. Vanessa has shared her research with trillion-dollar companies, and she’s been featured in CNN, BBC, CBS, Fast Company, INC, Entrepreneur magazine, USA Today, and The Today Show to name a few.
By the end of this episode, you will have a laundry list of techniques that you can use to win at networking and inspire respect in social situations and even leverage to achieve massive success in your life and business. For anyone seeking to improve their relationship or communication skills, this episode is packed with useful and practical advice. Without further ado, let’s get started.
Your Hidden Network with David Burkus
Is it possible that the conventional wisdom about networking is wrong? There’s a lot of advice out there on the best ways to network, but how much of it really was based on scientific research? According to my guest for this episode number 203, David Burkus, investing time and energy into networking events and flashy business cards likely won’t bring you the results you’re looking for. Instead, he argues that the most valuable relationships are the ones you already have with the people you already know.
David’s book, Friend of a Friend, digs into cutting-edge science on human behavior to reveal some profound and counterintuitive insights into the most effective networking strategies. It’s a great read, and it might just revolutionize the way you go about networking. David is a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review, has delivered keynotes to leaders of Fortune 500 companies, and his TED talk has been viewed almost two million times. He’s also a guest on my Marketing Speak podcast episode number 135.
If you’re not a subscriber to Marketing Speak, by the way, you, my friend, are missing out. Please subscribe—and to this show, too, if you haven’t already. If you have frustrations with networking in the past, stick around as David introduces a whole new approach that I predict will have massive benefits for your career or business.
Light Is Life with Dr. Jacob Liberman
How often do you think about the light you’re absorbing every day? Probably not as much as the food you eat or the liquids you consume, I bet. In the 21st century, our bodies are bombarded by unnatural light from screens and artificial light sources. We spend most of our time indoors and once finally outside, we use lotions and sunglasses to block out the natural light. As we become more and more removed from the light of our natural environment, how does this affect our physical, mental, and even spiritual well-being?
Dr. Jacob Liberman is someone who’s taken a deep interest in our relationship with light. This is the second time I’ve interviewed Dr. Liberman. The first was episode number 130, where we discussed the healing properties of light. It was a powerful episode, and I recommend listening to it if you haven’t already. On this episode number 202. I’m excited to welcome Dr. Liberman back to the show to delve deeper into the topic of light. Dr. Liberman is the author of four books and an international speaker who’s changed the way many of us think about light. He’s also explored our spiritual connection to light and has been praised by such luminaries as Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Eckhart Tolle, and Ram Dass. If you want to know about the different types of light, how light effects jet lag, the benefits of sun exposure, and more, Dr. Liberman will be revealing some of the myriad ways light can make your life better. It was an illuminating episode. And now on to the interview.