According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, the average person now holds ten different jobs before the age of 40. With the rise of AI and rapid technological change, this number is likely to increase in the future. The question is, how can you future-proof yourself in your chosen field while avoiding self-sabotaging behavior that can derail your career or get you laid off? Our guest in this episode is Carter Cast. Carter has reinvented himself several times, starting out as Marketing Manager at PepsiCo, moving on to become CEO…

This is an important episode and it probably affects people you care deeply about including yourself, I bet. After all, we've all been through some childhood trauma and what they say is, “What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger,” and as pervasive as domestic violence is, it's never okay. The victims aren't just those who were directly targeted by the perpetrators. The collateral damage always includes the kids, even if their exposure was as a “witness only.” This is called Childhood Domestic Violence or CDV. Our guest is Brian F.…

If you run a business, you've probably considered switching to a remote workforce. Why not? There are plenty of proven benefits for both you and your employees. That's not to say there aren't some challenges. For one, it can be difficult to keep track of what your team is working on, how many hours they've worked and if they're staying focused. My guest for this episode is Rob Rawson, a serial entrepreneur with employees in over nine different countries. That's not the only reason he's an expert in outsourcing. Rob…

You already know that your body needs regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. What about your brain? Poor diet and lifestyle choices can make your mind flabby, lethargic and prone to disease. In order to keep your mind sharp, you need a workout routine, and maybe even a personal brain trainer. Dr. Andrew Hill’s Peak Performance Institute provides just that. Using quantitative EEG or qEEG, brain mapping, and neurofeedback, Dr. Hill assesses your mental abilities and then devices a unique coaching program to help you reach peak mental performance.…

Tragically, we seem to be facing an epidemic in brain diseases from autism, Alzheimer's, dyslexia and attention deficit disorder. This didn't use to be the case. Is it environmental toxins, vaccines, some epigenetic trigger? One thing we can all agree on is that treating these disorders like ADD, ADHD, autism, Asperger’s and so on with drugs from Big Pharma is not ideal. What if there was another way? According to my guest, Wynford Dore, these and many other learning difficulties like dyslexia can be treated by personalized training that gets…

In talking with various branding experts over the years, I have heard many definitions of the word, brand. My favorite of these definitions is this: A brand is a promise fulfilled. It is so short and so elegant. I have rebranded. The Optimized Geek Podcast is no longer. Welcome to Get Yourself Optimized. The reason for the rebrand is simple. I want to appeal to more than just geeks. My brand promise is to help you get optimized, regardless of whether you identify as a geek or not. This wider…

Do you feel like you have a secret identity? Maybe we all have a Superman or Superwoman inside us waiting for the right moment to leap out and save the day. My guest for this episode, Dr. Chris Zaino, certainly believes that. He's the Creator of the "I Am HERO" Movement, where he helps people shed their complacency and tap their inner superhero to win heroic victories in their lives. He is also a speaker, entrepreneur, author and former Mr. America and Mr. Universe. In his late twenties, he became…

If you own a business or thinking of starting one, then you're going to want to hear what my guest in this episode has to say. John Warrillow is the author of Built To Sell and of The Automatic Customer. He's also the Founder of the Value Builder System, which has helped thousands of business owners drastically increased the value of their companies. John is also the host of Built To Sell Radio, which I've had the pleasure of appearing on as a guest. He's a general expert in all…

It's easy to let others define what success, happiness and value look like for us. When we try to live our lives using a framework that doesn't resonate authentically with who we are, it will only lead to disappointment. My guest for this episode is an expert in personal transformation and communication. She has helped thousands of people from Russia to Ghana move towards success, leadership, mastery and redefine their lives around their own personal vision. Bettie Spruill is a certified Master NLP Practitioner, entrepreneur, coach and consultant, whose clients…

My guest for this episode is a true renaissance man. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller, Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha. He is a biohacker and an expert in hormone optimization, an entrepreneur, an Angel investor, a writing coach, a business mentor and the Founder of Roman Fitness Systems. I'm talking about the one and only, John Romaniello. You might be shocked that one man can achieve all that. On top of it all, Roman pulls it off with an irreverent attitude and a style that’s…

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