Curing Light Sensitivity, ADD, Migraines, and More Through Color with Dr. Helen Irlen
This week’s guest is Dr. Helen Irlen, who is an expert in — and the discoverer of — Irlen Syndrome. This syndrome is a visual processing problem that can cause symptoms including headaches, difficulty reading, sleepiness while reading, a shortened attention span, and more. She, Irlen Syndrome, and the Irlen Method have been featured on 60 Minutes, The Doctors, Good Morning America, BBC, 60 Minutes Australia, and more.
Living Life by Your Own Values with Dr. John Demartini
Today’s guest is Dr. John Demartini, who is the founder of the Demartini Institute and the creator of the Demartini Method. He focuses deeply on our individual values, and emphasizes the importance of living in alignment with them. He goes into depth about our innate values and how important it is to live by them, and how understanding others’ values can help our personal relationships.
Reaching Self-Optimization Through Self-Awareness with Justin Dudek
In case you’ve never heard of the Quantified Self Movement, let me give you a little introduction before we talk about today’s guest. The quantified self movement is a group of citizen scientists who study their own health through various biomarkers and through tracking behaviors. This allows them to optimize themselves in some inspirational ways.
This week’s guest, Justin Dudek, is a behavior hacker who’s part of the quantified self movement. He got involved in behavior hacking a few years ago, and in that time, he has tracked everything from heart rate variability to sleep to bad (and good) habits. In doing this, he has experimented with neurofeedback, Pavlok (electroshock), holotropic breathing, ice pads, and much more.
Changing Your Footwear for Improved Health and Comfort with Gordon Hay
In this episode, we talk with Gordon Hay, who is the co-founder, inventor, and creative visionary for ALINE. ALINE is a foot services provider that has evaluated the lower body mechanics of over 100,000 diverse athletes including Olympic medalists, NFL players and PGA players. Gordon offers some guidelines on when to worry about what you’re wearing on your feet, how footwear choices can change the appearance of your body, and how to get your feet and legs working in harmony.
Balancing Financial and Service Opportunities by Giving Back with Dan Sutera
I met Dan Sutera through the not-so-secret organization The Society, founded by Neil Strauss. If you haven’t heard of him, Dan is the co-founder and President of, the founder of ShareFile (later acquired by Citrix), and Vice-President of Product at Yext. In fact, he’s a six-time entrepreneur who has taken two tech startups from inception to Inc 500.
In this conversation, we focus primarily on his new nonprofit, Impact Network, which runs 10 e-learning based schools in rural Zambia. It’s clear that Dan is deeply passionate about this field, and he shares both that passion and his technical knowledge about running nonprofits in this podcast. For him, it’s clear that there’s a bigger mission than just making a bunch of money, and the real question is what do you do with that money once you’ve made it.
Filling Up Your Good Life Buckets with Jonathan Fields
For this episode I had the honor of speaking with award-winning author, serial entrepreneur, growth strategist, and podcaster Jonathan Fields. He is regularly featured in the media on outlets including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, USA Today, and many more. While he’s impressive in everything he does, I particularly admire his success in podcasting; his top-rated podcast, The Good Life Project, gets millions of listens in more than 150 countries.
His newest book, How to Live a Good Life, explores his concept of “good life buckets,” which we discuss in this podcast. It also includes 30 days of inspiring, actionable explorations to get you started on a path to possibility.
Knocking Down the Three Pillars of Fear with Ravé Mehta
This week, we’re joined by the founder of Mehta Labs, Ravé Mehta. Mehta Labs creates technology and immersive experiences that support increasing human potential. Ravé has spent over 15 years researching and hacking fear to better understand how we can overcome these reactions and feelings. Ravé is also pioneer in the virtual reality industry, with nearly two decades of experience in using VR for accelerated learning. We discuss overcoming negative emotions, conquering fear, increasing your flow state and more.
Maintaining Relationships and Health Through Hormones and Behavior with John Gray
My guest on today’s show firmly believes that your grief is the gateway to your greatest good.
This week, we talk to John Gray – the author of Men Are From Mars, Women AreFrom Venus. This book is John’s most famous by far, and has been translated into 45 languages in over 100 countries. In this episode, he offers a lot of detailed information and advice (particularly for men) about how to best address relationship dynamics, hormone levels, and health.
Forging Connections and Influencing People with Neuromarketing Techniques with Roger Dooley
Roger Dooley, the founder of Dooley Direct and cofounder of College Confidential, talks in this interview about how to apply neuromarketing techniques to your own marketing endeavors. If you’re less interested in marketing, though, there are plenty of takeaway tips that you can use to help connect with (and influence) people in other spheres as well.
The Complex World of Vitamins, Methylation, and Your Health with Gregory Kunin
Gregory Kunin, the guest in this week’s episode, is the CEO and founder of Ola Loa Products. He’s Vice President of the National Health Federation and a serial entrepreneur. As a child, Greg suffered lead poisoning. And as a consequence, he’s on this life long quest to really help people with their health through, in particular, the use of vitamins. He’s here to share his insights on blood coagulation factors, genetic mutations, toxin-free diets and more.