Achieving Weight Loss Through Thermogenesis with Dr. Wayne Hayes
Significant calorie burn may be as easy as wearing a cold vest. Dr. Wayne Hayes is here to explain what thermogenesis is, and how it has been scientifically proven to aid in weight loss. Wayne is a professor and a scientist at University of California-Irvine who used crowdfunding for his startup, which is a vest that helps with weight loss. To reach your weight loss goals, maintaining a healthy lifestyle comes first and foremost, and Wayne explains how to begin the journey to a healthier, slimmer you. We discuss the science behind the vest and cold exposure, fad diets to avoid, and what to eat to live a healthy life.
Living With Intention to Improve Your Creativity and Relationships with Ephraim Olschewski
Are you living intentionally, completely, and on purpose? Ephraim Olschewski lives every part of his life with intention, from working with clients, going on vacation, or even going to the store. Finding what works for you and your life becomes easier when you are open, and on today’s episode we are going to learn how to become more committed, more complete, and more successful through living life intentionally. We discuss how to live an intentional life, living judgment free and happy, using affirmations to find positivity and more.
Manage Your Time and Boost Productivity with GTD Methodology with David Allen
Time management. Procrastination. As busy human beings, we struggle with both on a daily basis. Mastering the two will increase productivity in your life, and in turn, boost your bottom line. When you learn to work smarter, you get more out of every minute you put in, and are still left with the energy to pursue the projects you are passionate about. David Allen has perfected a system, Getting Things Done, that is incredibly effective at managing your time and increasing your productivity. We discuss eliminating time-stealing distractions, the importance of emptying your email inbox, the usefulness of virtual assistants and more.
Travel the World With a Nomadic Online Business with Andre and Anita Chaperon
Imagine a life where you can live wherever you want-traveling the world, living in Spain, even moving to Gibraltar. That’s the life of today’s guests, Anita and Andre Chaperon. Starting an online business allows one the freedom to live life by your own design, and they are fully taking advantage of that. In this episode they share their business tips for living abroad, including banking and taxes-and even some inside tips on how hormones affect our health, and why we should get them tested. We discuss banking overseas, the importance of coaches, and hormone therapy.
Becoming a Confident and Notable Public Speaker with Michael Port
Michael Port is an amazing speaker, trainer, actor, and marketing expert, and he is here to share with us today his top-notch tips on becoming an expert speaker. Whether you want to add public speaking to your resume, learn new tactics for your current speaking gigs, or just want to make a great impression on your fiancé’s parents, today’s episode will leave you feeling confident and ready to connect with your audience, not matter how big or small. We discuss top speaking tips, keeping audiences engaged, and how improving your public speaking can affect all aspects of your life.
Make Millions with Value Investing with Phil Town
Phil Town believes that investing in the stock market doesn’t need to be risky to be profitable, and that you can make money in absolutely any time and state of the market, especially in recessions. What we know of with mutual funds and the majority of hedge fund managers isn’t what Phil considers investing-instead, they are simply speculating on how the market will perform, which is incredibly risky. Instead, here’s how you can find the true, measurable value of companies, and how to buy them on a sale price that is virtually guaranteed to make you a lot of money. We discuss how to find a company with a durable competitive advantage, why diversification isn’t the golden rule you thought it was, and how to tell if a company is on sale.
Find Romance that Stands the Test of Time with Imago Therapy with Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt
Helen and Harville want us to understand that the perfectly happily married couple is ultimately incompatible. The difference between the married couples that fail and those that succeed is not in their compatibility, but in the way they choose to understand their incompatibility.
After both Helen and Harville experienced a divorce of their own, they approached the beginning of their relationship asking the question “What makes some couples stay together and some fall apart?” The result of their deep theorizing and research is Imago, a relationship methodology they teach that strives to dig deep into our true motivations on how we become attracted to and choose partner, and fulfill our desires in a relationship. We discuss the steps of listening, the role our parents have in deciding what we want in a relationship and more.
Delegating and Automating Your Business to do More of What You Love with James Schramko
What does a person do to stay sane, and productive, when they run multiple successful business ventures? They delegate. Today I am talking to James Schramko, internet marketer and entrepreneur who has mastered the art of building systems that have allowed him to build his empire, stress-free. James is a jack of all trades-he founded SuperFast Business, runs live events and multiple podcasts, and we are about to learn his secrets to success. We discuss creating a business without working around the clock, managing overseas employees, and living like you’re retired before retirement.
Avoiding and Reversing Disease Through Alternative Health Therapies with John Bergman
When John Bergman got into a serious car wreck, he got the feeling that the medicine he was being prescribed may have been making him worse instead of better. He decided to research further and go to chiropractic school and has become a champion of alternative medicine. He wants people to truly start thinking about what modern medicine is doing to their bodies, and why their bodies are failing them. The answer, he believes, is that we might be misdiagnosing simple adaptive responses that our body is having to other problems-simple problems like stress, little exercise, too much time sitting, or taking in too many toxins from medications and processed foods.
Traditional medicine might be over-complicating things and overlooking our simple need to get our immune system in order. We discuss the dark side of vaccinations, how stress can cause problems, and the dangers of processed, homogenized milk.
Harnessing Creativity and Problem Solving Through Your Right Brain with Bill Donius
Bill Donius knows your brain has a secret area that you are not fully utilizing. Ever have that “aha!” moment in the shower, or laying in your bed, or while running– a seemingly magical idea that is captivating and motivating? What if you could trigger those ideas on demand? Bill says you can-in less than 60 seconds. It’s all due to the specific roles of the hemispheres of the brain. Many of us know the idea of left brain/right brain-that the separate hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different types of thought. The left brain for analytical and logical thinking, the right brain for creativity and problem solving. Bill has been interested in accessing the right brain for problem solving for years, and now does seminars for Fortune 500 companies to teach CEOs and managers how to use this elusive part of the brain for high-level problem solving and strategy creation. However, he thinks that everyone can benefit from introducing right brain use into their lives. We discuss just how to do this, plus how to get into flow, ask yourself the right questions, and relax to boost creativity.