Finding Your Ideal Look with Luke Storey

Luke Storey
“I wear 20% of my clothes 80% of the time. Literally. So, you just have to get better and better at buying that 20% up front.”
Luke Storey

Celebrity and musician stylist Luke Storey believes in the power of fashion that goes beyond making yourself look good. He believes in its ability to help you present yourself in the best way possible to the world. There’s a certain power that comes with looking good and knowing you look good. Luke’s all about helping you harness that power to boost your career and social life. Even if you aren’t a celebrity or rockstar, there are simple things you do to transform your style, and boost your confidence. In this episode, Luke gives incredible style advice that you especially can’t afford to miss, and how to identify style goals that will convey the image you want to have for yourself.

Before you go out and start shopping, Luke advises, you’re going to want to know more about your archetype and your body type and how your style should play off of both of those. Want to know more? Listen in for amazing tips on creating the illusion of the ideal body shape, fashion faux pas to avoid, how to find the magic color that makes you look amazing and more.

bioDensity – High Impact Training for a Strong Body with John Jaquish

John Jaquish
“Osteoporotic fractures actually end as many lives as breast cancer does. A lot of people don’t know that.”
John Jaquish

When John Jaquish developed the bioDensity machine, he had no idea of the commotion it would create in the fitness community. bioDensity is the physical training machine that works to build strength and density of muscle, bone, and joints, and it’s far from your regular weight training. John tapped into the power of high-impact training, and ever since he’s been helping others around the country use natural adaptation of the body to achieve unbelievable results. I personally have tried his machine, and was able to run over 1000 pounds through my lower extremities without discomfort.

Naturally, I wanted to glean some insider tips on how health nuts as well as the average citizen can take advantage of this amazing top-of-the-line technology. He was generous enough to share some absolutely fascinating information on how you can build muscle in 20 seconds per week, put 1000 pounds on your lower extremities and dramatically increase your functional strength.

A Glimpse at the Future Lifespan of Humans with Christine Peterson

Christine Peterson
“For people in your generation, my generation, and younger, there’s certainly hope that although cancer doesn’t disappear, it becomes much more a of a treatable thing.”
Christine Peterson

Christine Peterson, future tech expert and board advisor for the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, sees into the future in a way that most cannot. In the constantly advancing world of technology and research, it is her job to look at what is happening and frame it in the larger concept of societal development, how it might affect humanity, and what it might mean for the human body itself. There are a lot of amazing technologies being developed that are under the radar that have the potential to drastically change the quality of life for humanity, within decades.

Christine and I sit down to discuss everything from nanotechnology to cryogenics to finding a soulmate, all in the effort of getting the most out of your body, your health, and your life. Machines are getting smarter, and we are getting more informed on the decisions we are making that affect our body. Because of it, some of the breakthroughs are absolutely amazing. And listening in, you might just hear some speculations that may startle you. For instance, Christine paints a potential picture of what the future might hold that involves DNA repairing nanobots, the end of cancer and a 10,000 year life span.

Fall in Love With Being Fit with Lazo Freeman

Lazo Freeman
“Training helps with masculine energy. It’s proven to increase your natural testosterone, testosterone raises this energy. There’s something very attractive to a woman that wants all this masculine energy.”
Lazo Freeman

One look at Lazo Freeman and you’d never imagine he was anything but the hyper-confident, successful man you see in front of you. However, his love affair with fitness originally happened because of a disconnect he was seeing in his life with the way he wanted it to be. Early on in life he realized he could not control many outside circumstances that were affecting his self-esteem. What he could control and work on was his physical self, and he worked on that, believing it would lead to clarity of mind. Turns out, it was one of the best decisions he ever made. Within the first few weeks of beginning his training, he won a body transformation competition, and found himself hooked. It turned into a part-time job while finishing school, then a full-time job, then an incredibly lucrative career in teaching others how to meet the goals they want in their life by first loving their body and learning to love fitness.

I sat down with Lazo and discussed what he knows best: transforming your life through fitness. A bodybuilder, transformation coach, and successful entrepreneur, he is constantly reinventing his persona and pushing his limits. Some amazing insights that Lazo reveals in our discussion include why your diet needs to work with your lifestyle, how to become confident and more.

Protect and Optimize Your Brainpower with Shaahin Cheyene

Shaahin Cheyene
“Having caffeine in moments when you have high cortisol release in the body, not only builds up immunity but increases the neurodegenerative effects of cortisol on the body.”
Shaahin Cheyene

We’ve done several shows on Get Yourself Optimized about enhancing your body, your career, and your lifestyle, but now we investigate how to get the best brain response and the best work out of our brains. Shaahin Cheyene has worked in nootropics, aka “smart drugs”, since he was 15. He believes that people aren’t paying enough attention to how they are treating their brains. He gives some massive insight into small hacks that we can do in our daily routines to achieve better focus and protect our brain from future degradation and harm. We discuss the optimal time to have caffeine, the benefits of gene testing, preventing Alzheimer’s, and using your routine to get into the flow state.

How Being International Can Protect Your Money and Expand Your Growth with Domingo Silvas

Domingo Silvas
“Take a look at where your citizenship is, your passport, your residency, your banking, your business, and where you play… and make sure they are all in different countries… to protect yourself.”
Domingo Silvas

When Domingo Silvas found that his company was getting a lot of revenue coming from abroad, he was originally resistant to the change. Business mindsets often lead to thinking that is conservative. But when he learned of all of the potential benefits of going offshore, he was intrigued. He soon got a job that required him to do a lot of traveling to different countries. When he got involved in the traveling, he found his eyes opened to a world of immense savings on taxes and opportunities in investment. Entrepreneurs tend to think of their companies just in terms of the country they are in, but in reality, they are companies of the world. It is time to start thinking and acting as that.

This week on Get Yourself Optimized, Domingo gives some sage advice on how to get started in international business and investment. If your company has even a small percentage of revenue coming from abroad, it might be time to think about starting an international business corporation to limit the income to you that is immediately taxable by the US. Once you get started in international business, it becomes easy to see that there is a multitude of opportunities to ensure the money you worked hard to earn is secure from threats. Tune in for some insanely valuable tips.

The JingSlinger’s Biohacks for a Long Healthy Life with Jay and Joy

Jay Denman & Joy Coelho
“Freeze-dried, processed-in-a-vacuum, organic-based superfood powders are your best friend, your new BFF.”
Jay Denman & Joy Coelho

There are easy ways of extending our longevity and maximizing our best life that many aren’t taking advantage of. These are the kind of realities that Jay and Joy, The JingSlingers, want to enlighten us with. They make their living being optimized health counselors to everyday people and some well-known public figures. They understand that living a truly healthy lifestyle is about finding a method that is sustainable and fits with your life.

Jay and Joy and I could talk for hundreds of hours on all of the fascinating secrets they know about optimizing health, but in this session, we mostly focus on food. Specifically, how can one eat well, avoid pesticides, save money, and easily find time for being healthy. Turns out, it isn’t impossible. To find out some amazing health and wellness hacks that Jay and Joy throw down, listen in. You aren’t going to want to miss them discussing how to stave off colds, the best organic food, and more.

Finding your Sexual Blueprint for a Hot, Healthy Sex Life with Miss Jaiya

Miss Jaiya
“What are your partner’s fantasies? Create a safe space to talk freely and be accepting of each other’s fantasies.”
– Miss Jaiya

Today, I’m probing the brain of Jaiya, sexologist extraordinaire. I attended her workshop with my fiancée and was astounded by the deep understanding she has of human sexuality. She knows what people crave, why people crave it, and how to help people create a fully satiating sex life for themselves.

Because I’m sure you’re all dying to dive into this fascinating topic, I asked Jaiya to answer some of the tough questions that we all want to know about having awesome sex. This is a can’t-miss episode if you’ve ever wondered what it is that makes someone an awesome lover—and how you can tap into that power yourself. Whether you have a regular sex partner or not, there’s valuable insight to be gleaned by everyone. She covers how to fulfill your partner’s sexual desires, how to reignite passion into your relationship, the secrets of a 40-day sex challenge, and more.


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