"It's easy to identify who we are and separate ourselves from others. However, outside our body, we’re pure consciousness. We're not just all connected; we're actually all one"Jeffrey Allen Imagine you have two minds: a material, analytical mind and a spirit mind or higher mind, where you feel and know things intuitively at a deeper level. When you are tuned into both minds, they work together to open up incredible possibilities in your life. Jeffrey Allen, my guest on today’s show, lives by the philosophy that just beneath the surface…

"Being on masterminds is not about networking. It is investing in yourself to grow in different aspects of life."Irené Turtle There's a pervasive obsession in society with bolstering one’s weaknesses rather than focusing on one’s strengths. But if you adopt that mentality, how long do you think you can go on without feeling like a failure? My wise guest on today’s show believes you should take a deep dive into understanding what makes you tick so you can lean into your strengths and live a life of fulfillment. Irené Turtle…

"There are infinite universes and versions of ourselves in which we experience different realities. Your reality depends upon your energy, frequency and the types of choices you make."Sam The Illusionist Our bodies are mere costumes we wear, but our subconscious is directly connected with the unified field and the Source consciousness (God). It is a vast wonder, as well as an enormous database. Sam The Illusionist is a psychic and popular YouTuber who channels archangels, the Galactic Federation, benevolent extraterrestrial groups, higher dimensional beings, and more. He is here today…

"We live in an abundant universe where everything we need is right here, right now. All we have to do is access the abundance."John Assaraf Why do some people experience scarcity when there is an abundance of wealth, resources, and innovation available on this planet? And why do some people fight and run away from their fears while others run towards them? My guest on today’s show has made it his mission to help people break through what holds them back from achieving and living their best lives.

"Spirituality is the sense of feeling that you're a part of something bigger. When your spirit is awakened, you begin to discover the meaning and purpose of life."Dr. Deanna Minich Some people think creativity is limited to the artistic realm, but when you’re creative about expanding into areas that interest you, the possibilities are endless. My guest on today’s show created an approach to bring together body, mind, emotions, foods, and lifestyle habits to help you with your health and wellness. It’s called the 7 Systems of Health. Dr. Deanna…

"The body is a vessel for truths to come through. There are lots of powerful truths that got deleted, ignored and hidden off this earth, but there's an opportunity for us to bring these truths down through writing."Keira Poulsen All the things that happen to us in this life–the good and the bad–comprise our disposition, our perspective, and our purpose. My guest on today’s episode was able to recover from–and transcend–extreme trauma to become a resilient seeker of light. You have a book to write, was the subject line of…

"Tantra teaches us that we can create anything we want. We are the masters of manifestation. We are the god and the goddess. We create our own reality in every moment."Justin Gottlieb Many of us have been taught that you have to go to a place of worship to speak to God, but my guest today suggests that you can speak to God in the bedroom, or anywhere for that matter. When you think about it, sacred sexual energy is the energy from which we, as humanity, were conceived. When…

"Enneagram is about one's motivations; it's not necessarily about one’s behavior."Leah Elias It’s hard for a recovering perfectionist to appreciate the world as it is without continually idealizing the way it should be–all things being, well, perfect! But the world is not a perfect place, especially not today. So how can we find the mental switches to flip in order to live our best lives and serve a higher purpose, given those challenges? My guest today, Leah Elias, is someone who personally experienced dramatic difficulties communicating and relating to loved…

"Money is energy. It amplifies who you already are."Leisa Peterson Money is an emotional subject, and all too often, that emotion is fear. I’ve always believed that money is energy and just a tool that amplifies who we already are. Through a lifetime of exploration and successes and failures, my guest today came to realize that when you come from a mindset of scarcity, you can’t embrace and accept abundance. Leisa Peterson is The Mindful Millionaire Maker. As a coach, author, business growth strategist, and founder of WealthClinic, she helps…

"Deuterium-depleted water is the biohacker’s new standard for water, which is too important to be overlooked."Victor Sagalovsky Have you ever heard of deuterium? It’s a non-radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Scientists studying causes of aging discovered that naturally occurring water contains trace amounts of this isotope and it interferes with biological processes and damages the mitochondria. Remove the deuterium from water and consume that instead of the regular water and the purported benefits abound. In this episode, my guest, Victor Sagalovsky expounds on these health benefits. Indeed, he thinks deuterium depleted…

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