"Resilience isn't about bouncing back. It is the ability to move forward, choose to have a life of joy, and thrive even when things don't go as planned."Amberly Lago Gratitude is alchemy. It changes what you can’t do into what you can do, and what you don’t have into what you do have. Everything we are doing — our thoughts, habits, and choices — is either moving us closer or further away from our goal. These are wise words from my guest today, who has lived through incredible, seemingly insurmountable…

"Being on masterminds is not about networking. It is investing in yourself to grow in different aspects of life."Irené Turtle There's a pervasive obsession in society with bolstering one’s weaknesses rather than focusing on one’s strengths. But if you adopt that mentality, how long do you think you can go on without feeling like a failure? My wise guest on today’s show believes you should take a deep dive into understanding what makes you tick so you can lean into your strengths and live a life of fulfillment. Irené Turtle…

"Money is energy. It amplifies who you already are."Leisa Peterson Money is an emotional subject, and all too often, that emotion is fear. I’ve always believed that money is energy and just a tool that amplifies who we already are. Through a lifetime of exploration and successes and failures, my guest today came to realize that when you come from a mindset of scarcity, you can’t embrace and accept abundance. Leisa Peterson is The Mindful Millionaire Maker. As a coach, author, business growth strategist, and founder of WealthClinic, she helps…

"Once you recognize that you are an essential element in the universe, you become a conduit of goodness and a child of God."Barry Shore It’s no surprise that stress leads to illness and struggle in one's life. While going through stress is inevitable, Barry Shore says one good way to fight it is to SMILE, which is an acronym for "See Miracles In Life Everyday." While you may not feel like doing so while in the thick of things, it is doable and it leads to powerful outcomes. Barry Shore's…

"I do believe that all of us have that creative spark in us for something. For me, it was writing and storytelling. "Lisa Papademetriou Like art, writing aims to express, inspire, and educate. It holds power to touch and even save people's lives. However, pouring your heart out through your writing can prove quite challenging. As a prolific writer myself with three books published by O’Reilly and hundreds of articles published over a variety of media sites, I've had my fair share of the dreaded writer's block. With a new…

"The interplay between spiritual intuitive insight and science and engineering is going to be one of the more interesting things during the next couple of decades as we advance toward singularity."Dr. Ben Goertzel Artificial Intelligence is evolving quickly; some argue faster than humanity can cope with. What can’t be argued is how sweeping the impact of AI will be on the world. As all this continues to unfold, what’s the impact for us now and in the future? And how will it affect the next generation? In this episode, Dr.…

"Being on masterminds is not about networking. It is investing in yourself to grow in different aspects of life."Stephan Spencer How do you invest in yourself? In my case, one of the ways I invest in myself is through masterminds. I’m a connoisseur of high-level masterminds. At any given moment I’m in 5 or 6 masterminds at the same time. Many people believe that masterminds are about networking - meeting people to grow and market your business. Like it’s a BNI, Business Networking International, group. It’s so much more than…

"Isn't life all about the sandwiches? That's the best way to deal with life. Have a good sandwich and think about the best and worst moments you've witnessed. But no matter how much you've endured, you still get to have a good sandwich."Garry Meier The gift of gab is something today’s guest has been famous for since his days on the radio station The LOUP in Chicago starting in 1973. I’m especially excited to have one of my radio and podcast heroes, Garry Meier, with us here because, as a…

"Determination, grit, and perseverance. These are the traits that make a person successful." Aaron Walker My guest today, Aaron Walker, is not only a very successful business owner (having founded more than a dozen companies and authoring the book View From the Top), but also a life-long learner who has thrown himself into the world of masterminds. In fact, the camaraderie, guidance and enrichment he’s been able to get out of the different masterminds he’s been a part of for the last two decades with some really dynamic, interesting people,…

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