"Certain things have more power than others, and that is just part of the journey." Kate Beeders Every single one of us has at least one story that we tell ourselves about money. These stories are often ingrained in us at a young age. We may not even realize what they are or recognize how they impact us today. Money stories can have a significant influence on how we handle money throughout our lives and can even hold us back from achieving financial success. Kate Beeders knows all about negative…

Are you reading these show notes while checking your email, chatting on the phone, or thinking about other things you need to accomplish today? This is a perfect example of the kind of multitasking that most of us do every day. Multitasking can make us feel like we’re being extra productive. Unfortunately, it does the exact opposite. Multitasking actually involves rapidly switching between two or more tasks, resulting in a lack of focus and attention. "Work life integration involves understanding your natural states and compartmentalizing what you do." Ari Meisel…

Inbox zero. It’s something we all strive for: that satisfying “(0)” beside your inbox, indicating that you have no new emails or emails that need your attention and minimizing the amount of time you need to spend on your email every day. For those of us who are bombarded by dozens or hundreds of daily emails, though, maintaining inbox zero can require rigorous commitment and attention in and of itself. That’s why the key isn’t just email management, but also getting to email zero. "We focus on work life integration…

If you’ve listened to this show, you’re probably aware that I’m a huge fan of NLP. I’ve already discussed how it’s a powerful tool for sales in an episode of my other podcast, Marketing Speak. NLP isn’t just about influencing other people. It involves introspection and gives you the opportunity to better yourself. My friend Nick Cownie, a renowned expert in NLP, is here today to focus on self-improvement through NLP techniques. NLP allows you to bypass the critical faculty and go straight to the unconscious mind. By doing so,…

Hello, and welcome to Get Yourself Optimized! I’m your host, Orion Talmay. Wait… that doesn’t sound quite right, does it? Well, that’s because this week, I’m stepping in to interview my husband (and the usual host of this show), Stephan Spencer. In case you haven’t figured out yet what the big occasion is, it’s that this is episode #100 of this amazing podcast! "Knowledge is power. Always be learning, optimizing and up-leveling in every aspect of your life." Stephan Spencer with Orion Talmay In our conversation today, Stephan pulls together…

Happiness is something that we all want to achieve. Finding a way to create a life that is fun and successful is possible through a culmination of study, searching, and personal transformation. Today’s guest, Valerie Sheppard shares a four step process to finding happiness that she has distilled from her own personal journey and search for happiness. Valerie spent many years studying and searching for information about finding and achieving happiness. Her four step process consists of the commonalities she discovered in many different teachings. "Living Happy to Be ME…

Imagine a world in which just about everything about you (from your location to what you do online to everything on your TV) is tracked by various machines and companies and is then sold -- after you willingly give away your rights to this information. A world in which there’s a second version of the internet, full of people selling nefarious services. A world including innumerable people ready to steal your entire online identity and then ransom it back to you. "Nothing is free in this world. If you're asking…

If you’re ready to become a master of productivity, discipline, and focus, you’re in luck! This episode with John Lee Dumas is for you. We hear some of John’s advice for new speakers who don’t yet have a long or solid track record, his techniques for building and maintaining relationships and his advice on how to make sure your podcast guests share your podcast once it’s live. To learn more about The Mastery Journal, listen to this inspiring episode! "The key to mastery is to wake up every single morning…

We’ve all been there: you’re in a flow state, being ultra productive, and then suddenly you’re distracted by wondering whether you locked the door or what you should have for dinner. Getting into a flow state is tough, but staying in one for a prolonged period can be even tougher. That’s where Will Henshall can help. He’s the founder and CEO of Focus at Will, a music app for increasing productivity. In this conversation, he explains in detail how flow states work in relation to sound, and explains why most…

Christopher Rugh is an entrepreneur with an irrepressible passion for business and life. He recently exited CustomTollFree.com, the nation’s leading vanity telephone number search firm, catering to thousands of companies and well-recognized brands. In this episode, Chris joins Stephan to talk about leveraging and delegating, creating offshore teams and managing them without painful oversight, minimizing distractions, and more. "‏‏The employees that we hire are the people that build our businesses for us. They’re the ones as entrepreneurs that allow us to go travel and do the things that we do,…

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