With so many distractions around us-from social media, to email, and even co-workers-it can be difficult to focus on productivity and concentrate on our work. Cal Newport shares the steps to moving forward in your business and career without being interrupted, so you can accomplish more, while committing to your most important work. We discuss how Deep work will help your business, the best ways to disengage from distractions, and how to find help with admin tasks so you can focus on more important work. "‏‏You do have to embrace…

‏‏Hello, and welcome to Get Yourself Optimized! I’m your host, Stephan Spencer, and it’s my pleasure to invite on to this episode Carmen Simon. Carmen is a PhD, an expert in brain science, and author of the brand new book, Impossible to Ignore. It just came out a week ago, basically, from when we were recording and this is her third book. As a cognitive scientist, Carmen has helped some of the world’s most visible brands craft memorable messages by focusing on how the brain works. I’m super excited about this…

While most entrepreneurs and busy professionals are glued to their email and phone, Tim Feriss mastered the art of delegating. He’s the author of the bestselling book The 4-Hour Workweek and he’s here to share tips on his favorite productivity hack: delegation. The majority of your to-do list can be outsourced, and with a little direction, a virtual assistant can free up your time, allowing you to work less while earning more. We discuss where to find virtual assistants, how to determine what to delegate, hiring the right candidates and…

When you truly believe that you can be successful in your career, relationships, and all areas of your life, that belief can manifest itself into reality. Stever Robbins has been an entrepreneur since he was 14 years old, and shares his insight on everything from changing your mindset, setting a career plan, productivity, and using your creativity to do things that have never been done. We discuss the best time management skills, how to earn your worth, changing your beliefs through Neuro-Linguistic Programming and more. "A lot of people believe…

"What you'll tend to avoid doing is probably the most important thing you need to do, because it'll probably be the most daunting and most potentially successful thing you could be doing, and that's usually out of people's comfort zone."David Allen Time management. Procrastination. As busy human beings, we struggle with both on a daily basis. Mastering the two will increase productivity in your life, and in turn, boost your bottom line. When you learn to work smarter, you get more out of every minute you put in, and are…

"The interesting thing was once you put an idea out there, when you decide that you’re doing something, things start to line themselves up to direct you in that way."Andre and Anita Chaperon Imagine a life where you can live wherever you want-traveling the world, living in Spain, even moving to Gibraltar. That’s the life of today’s guests, Anita and Andre Chaperon. Starting an online business allows one the freedom to live life by your own design, and they are fully taking advantage of that. In this episode they share…

"The reason that people are so afraid of presenting in front of others is very simple: because they may get rejected. We don’t want to get rejected."Michael Port Michael Port is an amazing speaker, trainer, actor, and marketing expert, and he is here to share with us today his top-notch tips on becoming an expert speaker. Whether you want to add public speaking to your resume, learn new tactics for your current speaking gigs, or just want to make a great impression on your fiancé’s parents, today’s episode will leave…

"The big secret about an online business is how much of it is offline. It’s the personal connections that have helped me grow my business. It’s getting on that airplane and going to live events. It’s meeting the team. It’s experiencing and developing new markets."James Schramko What does a person do to stay sane, and productive, when they run multiple successful business ventures? They delegate. Today I am talking to James Schramko, internet marketer and entrepreneur who has mastered the art of building systems that have allowed him to build…

"When it is working effectively and we activate the right brain, we think differently, because we see it differently. It processes differently in a literal way because it is coming from, literally, a different part of our brain. Some think it is connected to our higher consciousness."Bill Donius Bill Donius knows your brain has a secret area that you are not fully utilizing. Ever have that “aha!” moment in the shower, or laying in your bed, or while running– a seemingly magical idea that is captivating and motivating? What if…

"The bad part of your brain, the part that keeps you from doing this stuff, it also gets stronger. It tries to come up with new creative ways to stop you, so you have to consistently have a framework in place that combats that at a broad scale. "Mike Vardy Mike Vardy is known as the Productivityist, a fitting name, because he doesn’t treat productivity like a tactic, he treats it like a belief system. Mike believes in productivity as a way to not just get you doing more, but…

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