
Hosted By Stephan Spencer

When we’re loved, we become better people. Strong relationships are so critical for an optimized life, and intimacy is the key to relationships that last. Learn how to build a strong foundation based on passion, patience, and admiration.

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Intimacy is the key to a happy and long-term relationship. It requires a strong physical and emotional connection. It requires passion, patience, and admiration. When someone is loved, they become better people. Here are some episodes that will surely keep the fire burning.

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  • THE SCIENCE OF SOULMATES Is your partner your soulmate? Dive deep into your own attachment style to understand what you seek in a relationship and how to make your bond with your partner stronger.
  • BUILDING SOULFUL RELATIONSHIPS If you want to embody unconditional love, you have to release limiting beliefs. Discover how uniting with your soulmate can be powerful, uplifting, and magical.
  • NAVIGATING CONFLICTSRelationships aren’t 100% romance — conflicts happen. When you let these disagreements fester, they define your relationship and possibly end it. Explore better ways to handle conflict.
  • BEING YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF WITH YOUR PARTNERIt can be scary to reveal yourself completely to another person, but it’s also exciting. Learn how to express the real you to your partner without fear.
  • FOSTERING ROMANCE THAT LASTS Our society values talking, but listening…not so much. Strong relationships need listeners, though. If you want to last with your partner, you’ll have to master this skill.
  • HAVING DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS It’s tricky asking a loved one to listen to you with an open mind when you have something hard to say. These conversations are almost always worth having, though.



Wisdom from Stephan’s Foster Mom with Marge Cater

Ep. 492 - Wisdom from Stephan’s Foster Mom with Marge Cater

Girl Power With Chelsey Goodan

Ep. 483 - Girl Power With Chelsey Goodan

The Self-Actualized Marriage with Scott Berry

Ep. 480 - The Self-Actualized Marriage with Scott Berry

Empower Kids to Think Critically with Connor Boyack

Ep. 466 - Empower Kids to Think Critically with Connor Boyack

The Science of Soulmates with Dr. Stan Tatkin

Ep. 462 - The Science of Soulmates with Dr. Stan Tatkin

How to Heal Ambiguous Grief with Stephanie Sarazin

Ep. 428 - How to Heal Ambiguous Grief with Stephanie Sarazin

Secrets to a Soulful Relationship with Sheila and Marcus Gillette

Ep. 423 - Secrets to a Soulful Relationship with Sheila and Marcus Gillette

Get Into Alignment with Dr. Pamela Moss

Ep. 413 - Get Into Alignment with Dr. Pamela Moss

How to and How NOT to Educate Your Children with Mary Resenbeck

Ep. 407 - How to and How NOT to Educate Your Children with Mary Resenbeck

Inspiring Kids through Music with Dennis Scott

Ep. 401 - Inspiring Kids through Music with Dennis Scott

Tantric Sex and Intimacy with Justin Gottlieb

Ep. 382 - Tantric Sex and Intimacy with Justin Gottlieb

What the Enneagram Reveals with Leah Elias

Ep. 381 - What the Enneagram Reveals with Leah Elias

Attention Deficit: the Superpower! with Dr. Edward Hallowell

Ep. 370 - Attention Deficit: the Superpower! with Dr. Edward Hallowell

Ask First with Mike Domitrz

Ep. 355 - Ask First with Mike Domitrz

The Past Life Memories of Children with Jim Tucker

Ep. 328 - The Past Life Memories of Children with Jim Tucker

Optimize Your Child’s Brain with Janet Doman

Ep. 303 - Optimize Your Child’s Brain with Janet Doman

Make Your Marriage Work with Drs. John and Julie Gottman

Ep. 299 - Make Your Marriage Work with Drs. John and Julie Gottman

Win Arguments Together as a Couple with Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman

Ep. 284 - Win Arguments Together as a Couple with Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman

Build a Stronger Marriage with Dr. Harriet Lerner

Ep. 259 - Build a Stronger Marriage with Dr. Harriet Lerner

The Narcissists Are Among You with Dr. Ramani Durvasula

Ep. 239 - The Narcissists Are Among You with Dr. Ramani Durvasula

Become Infinite with Sasha Daygame

Ep. 229 - Become Infinite with Sasha Daygame

The 200th Episode! Life Hacks, Reflections, and Highlights with Stephan Spencer

Ep. 200 - The 200th Episode! Life Hacks, Reflections, and Highlights with Stephan Spencer

Your Brain, Unleashed! With Wynford Dore

Ep. 177 - Your Brain, Unleashed! With Wynford Dore

Reboot Your Sex Life through Tantra with Lawrence Lanoff

Ep. 119 - Reboot Your Sex Life through Tantra with Lawrence Lanoff

Finding Your Relationship Style and a Love that Lasts: Dr. Pat Allen

Ep. 111 - Finding Your Relationship Style and a Love that Lasts: Dr. Pat Allen

Demystifying the Process of Seduction with Ross Jeffries

Ep. 109 - Demystifying the Process of Seduction with Ross Jeffries

Maintaining Relationships and Health Through Hormones and Behavior with John Gray

Ep. 72 - Maintaining Relationships and Health Through Hormones and Behavior with John Gray

Communicating and Connecting with Your Partner Through Your Authentic Self with Alison Armstrong

Ep. 61 - Communicating and Connecting with Your Partner Through Your Authentic Self with Alison Armstrong

Manifest Your Dream Relationship to Reinvent Your Life with Renee Piane

Ep. 40 - Manifest Your Dream Relationship to Reinvent Your Life with Renee Piane

Find Romance that Stands the Test of Time with Imago Therapy with Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt

Ep. 22 - Find Romance that Stands the Test of Time with Imago Therapy with Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt

Finding your Sexual Blueprint for a Hot, Healthy Sex Life with Miss Jaiya

Ep. 1 - Finding your Sexual Blueprint for a Hot, Healthy Sex Life with Miss Jaiya
See Full Episode List


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